Friday, July 18, 2008

We are honored!!!

Here is the cool award the AO4 gave us the other day. It is our first ever. Isn't it just so neat? We love the pink color!!! Even IF it IS feline-ish:)

Since we are new to blogging and we still don't have a lot of blogger friends, we hope you don't mind if we share this wonderful award with some of you who may have already received it from others. As Mom always says, more is sometimes better. So we want to share The Cool Cat Award with Khyra, Steve and Kat, Star and Jack-A-Roo, Maverick the Pirate, Dakota of the East, and then back to the AO4.

Woo, the OP Pack


  1. WOO WOO Congrats to all of you.

    Our Mom was bad, she forgot to pass on the award we got. She feels terrible - maybe when we get home from the big dog show in Omaha, where we will see the pups and Lisa the mean, we can help her pass our award on.

    Thor and Marco Polo

  2. Don't feel bad, I wasn't sure if I was supposed to do that or not, and it was tough finding "new" recipients.

    Have you seen the D'Azul pups there?

    Woo, the OP Pack

  3. OMD!

    Or should I say OMK?

    Tank woo!!

    Woo might want to chekhk bakhk to my blog - I've turned PINK!!!

    It is so nice to have you all here!!!!


  4. WOOO! You three deserve an award! Congrats!

  5. How exciting! Your first award. Awards are fun.

  6. It looks good on you! Ha rooo! and thank you - since Zim is really the only one of us to have gotten it the first time, we are honored you chose us!
    Tail wags,

  7. You really deserve this award. We tink you're really cool.... or would that be Khool?

    Princess Eva

  8. Congratulations on your award! this is the first of many more to come!
    I hope you all have a great weekend
    Kisses and hugs

  9. What a great award and you totally deserve it.

    Errr, mum says she meant it to be royal purple like my collar but accidentally make it CMYK instead of RGB. I don't know what she means either. It's hard to get good help these days.

    Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

  10. Awards are fun, especially from your pals! Woo guys are great.


  11. Thanks so much puppers! We feel so honored. We haven't received the award yet, just Wilbur. So now we can brag to him!

    Steve and Kat

  12. Oh, I am so honored! Thank you OP Pack!
    I'm a cool cat!!!


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!