Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thoughts on Thursday

So today we are reaching out to our friends for any thoughts or ideas or suggestions on what to do to help Timber.

To some, it may sound silly, but since the loss of Lightning, this poor boy has totally changed.  He has lost his zip, mojo, spirit, or something like that. He has become very anxious and unsure of things in general.  He used to love to be outside, especially at night just before dusk.  He would sit on the deck until he was made to come in.  He didn't care if he was out there alone or if Lightning or Misty joined him.  Now he doesn't want to be outside alone at all.  He begrudgingly goes out to take care of business, but then cries at the door to come right back inside.  

The loss of his buddy Lightning, the onset of our seasonal stormy weather, and then the fireworks all seem to have overwhelmed him.  When he is inside, he usually has himself sheltered somewhere, like here behind the sofa in a tight spot up against the wall, or under an end table with his head stuck under the sofa, or in the small back hallway tucked in a corner.  

The look on his face is so sad.  And then eventually he gets stressed enough that his stomach rebels and we have to deal with not eating and all the gastrointestinal distress that goes along with it.  We may have a decent day here or there, but not as often as one would expect from our once upon a time happy go lucky boy.

We have tried engaging him in more play time.  We have worked on teaching him new "tricks".  He gets to go for long walks every day.  But he just isn't himself.  He likes Misty, but she is not Lightning:(

Any thoughts?

With deepest thanks,

Timber's Concerned Mom

We give you all our thanks in advance for any ideas you may have, and so let's join Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Awww Monday


In so many different ways, Timber has been channeling Angel Lightning.  It is almost as if he has assumed Lightning's habits as his own.  Sometimes it gets a little spooky to Mom.  But today it brought a smile to her face.

Timber, Lightning must be so happy to see you enjoying his favorite cooling spot on top of the a/c vent.  It was always his place of choice in our summer heat.

We miss you, Big Guy!

Woos - Timber (Misty and Mom too)

Let's join the Awww Mondays Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Saturday Wishes


Such a very special day today is!!!

First of all, it is our Dad's birthday.  He is 77 years young!!!!  Happy Birthday, Dad!!!

But wait, a lot of other famous peeps and pups are celebrating today too.

Happy birthday to our human brother-in-law Justin, our furry cousin Duncan the Shih-tzu, Sweet Rosy from the LLB Gang, and Wilson from Tails around the Ranch.  We hope all have a wonderful day and an awesome year ahead.

Now let's get the party started!!!

Mom, what's for dinner?  Got some steaks ready to go?

Fresh corn and tomatoes - that's good too.

Oh, we see you saved the best for last!!!

Ice cream cake for ALL!!!!!!!!


Woos - Misty and Timber

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Wordless Wednesday


Wonderful 80s!!!  SOOOO much nicer today!!!

Woos - Misty and Timber

Time for the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Happy "Tune" Tuesday

 Won't you play us a tune, Mom?

It hasn't been that long since you played.

Sheesh, where is the Piano Man when you need him?  Just when we are all set to sing him a song!!!

Woos - Misty and Timber

With or without a song, let's hop on board the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Sunday Ussie

 Happy Sunday, friends!!!

Mom asked us to help her do a post today, so we decided an Ussie was the best way to go.  We hope you like it.

We also want to do a day late Caturday Art image.

Mom used Lunapic's floating effect with a pretty blue border.  The colors make her think "cool" which it definitely is NOT here.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Time to join both the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop sponsored by The Cat on My Head and the Caturday Art Blog Hop sponsored by Athena Cat Goddess.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Wordless Wednesday

We forgot our shades:)

Woos - Misty and Timber

We think the few words we used will still let us hop along with the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.