Monday, September 22, 2008

Watching and Waiting

Phantom has moved from the window to the front door.

Here's another look - he is very intent on something, isn't he?

Let ME take a look too, maybe I can figure it out.

Hey, be patient, give me a second here, I need time to look and concentrate.

OK, I got it, Phantom just wooed to me what he is watching for, but it's not a "what", it's a "who".

Phantom told me that our good friend, the Honorary Husky Huffle, is going on a world tour, and he doesn't want to miss Huffle if he stops in Overland Park.

So, dear Huffle, if woo read this, please remember to add the OP Pack to your itinerary.

Now for some other exciting business to tend to, we got another award, this time from our furiend Echo in Pennsylvania. It is a very pretty award - look at it!!!

Echo, woo are so nice. Thank woo furry much.

Here's the rules:

The rules of the award are:
1. The winner can put the logo on his or her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you have nominated.

We have decided to share our new award with some furry special furiends:

Holly and Khady Lynn
Jack and Star
Thor and Marco Polo and the kitty kats

We hope you all love this award as much as we do.

Woos, Thunder


  1. Keep watching Phantom, I am coming! You are on my list of friends to visit! I'll be at your place just as soon as I've visited my pal Zimmie.

    And thanks for the award, that's very very nice of you!

    Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

  2. Huffle is going to be ONE tired khat after she's done with her tour!

    I think she's going to have more fun that her pawrents!!


  3. Maybe you guys should work in shifts. Phantom looks like his eyes might be getting a bit droopy from all that watching.


  4. You are doing a great job watching, Phantom! I hope Huffle gets there soon, I know he must be a nice friend if you are waiting so hard for him!

    Thanks for the award! I love ti and it is very nice of you to give it to me. I love your blog too.


  5. Hehe Phantom,

    I totally thought you were staring down a squirrelie. :X


  6. Congrats on the cool award, you guys!
    And WOWZERS, I can't WAIT to see Huffle!!! She's my best friend!
    Play bows,

  7. That's a great look-out point. Mom blocked our favorite window with a stupid table. It's too little for me to stand on even! I don't know what she's thinking.

  8. That is a beautiful award! I love your blog, too. Thanks for giving it to me! My mom says she loves rainbows.

    love & wags,

  9. I bet Huffle will for sure come visit you! I wonder if she will like going on walks with you?


  10. WOO WOO Phantom, Dakota and Thunder

    We got so excited with the award from you guys that we forgot to thank you!!! We are so excited !!! We are looking for Huffle too! We can't wait to see her!!!!

    Happy Monday !

    Thor and Marco Polo

  11. Oh, I sure hope you all get a visit from Huffle!!!

    And, thank you SOOOO much for the award!!! We love YOUR blog too!

    and KhL

  12. Hi, friends!
    I am sure Huffle will come to visit you!
    Congratulations on your award!
    Kisses and hugs

  13. Staring or doing the Siberian Mind Meld? Congratulations on the award.

  14. You're a very good watch dog Phantom. I'm not.

    Congrats on the award too guys.

    Lotsa Love

  15. Awww, thank woo furry furry much for giving us this cool award. And congratulations - we love your blog, too!

    Woos & a-rooos,
    Star & Jack a-roo

  16. Thank you so very much for your kind words. You are right it is really fortunate that we were able to have Gizmo for so long. We were blessed he came into our lives and I hope he lives on in everyones lives as he did in ours. He was special...they ALL are as we as dog lovers know. I am sad, but at peace hurt worse to watch him suffer as he did this past week. Still, it will take time. Things around the house are not the same. But, with time we will be okay. Deetzy needs my love and I will not love him any less..Thank you again for being there for us. IT really does help so much
    Deetz and family

  17. Oh dear we have missed lots of your posts.

    Misery will be instructed to sit down tomorrow so we can catch up.

    Good door duties there.


  18. Phantom, you are an excellent lookout. we hope your friend shows up soon so you don't miss any meals or anything.

    congrats on your award. it's great.



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