Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Tuesday Talk

Why can't she sleep on her own bed?  We DO have two beds, a crate, AND a coolaroo bed!!!

BUT it is so much nicer to share this one with you, Lightning:)

Woos - Lightning and Misty


  1. Misty I agree with you... who wants to sleep alone? I mean apart from my staff who think my bed is their bed...

  2. Sharing is so much fun, if there is room!


  3. As long as no one snores why not.
    I sleep in the closet with the door open.
    This way no one steps on me in the middle of the night.
    xo Astro
    ps are you going to the derby at Oreos's ?
    we just signed up.

  4. Sharing is so much better, though!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  5. It's always nice to have a snuggle buddy...but you may not truly appreciate until wintertime ;-)

    Jakey & Arty

  6. MOLMOLMOL Lightning my handsome friend...I'm not laughing at you good buddy. That is a good question but evidently there is no one answer.
    Either Marvelous Misty thinks you are a living breathing pillow or back rest or perhaps she just totally loves you to bits and pieces.
    Mom has often asked that question of me. So many places to sit etc but I sit right where she or dad need to sit.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  7. The doggies who sleep together, keep together....BOL!

  8. She does like to cuddle with you Lightning. And you are a good bro to let her do that. You all have a wonderful day.

  9. She just loves the cuddle time with her big brother.

    Abby Lab

  10. So very sweet. Hunter snuggles with both Lily and Cooper and sometimes even Petrol.
    Have a great afternoon.
    Noreen and Hunter

  11. Lightning, I so understand. We have beds all over the house but my little sisfur wants to lay by me sometimes too. They just don't respect our space!

    Hope your noisy strangers aren't too, uh, noisy!


  12. You two are so snuggly and cute together. You are a good big brother to let her share your bed.

  13. It is just so sweet - how much Misty loves you Lightning!
    Hazel & Mabel

  14. She clearly adores you, Lightning♥

  15. You are a very cute snuggle bunny Misty!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  16. It's lovely to have someone to snuggle with and I know that even though Lightning complains just a bit - he LOVES having his little (getting bigger!) sister with him......

    Hugs, Teddy

  17. Poor Lightning, it must be hot having that extra furry body on you all the time. We hope you get lots of extra treats for being so patient.

  18. You two look so sweet together, it kinda makes Mommy sad that Fenris & Tuiren never cuddle with each other.

  19. hello woos its dennis the vizsla dog hay it is verry troo the most comfiest bed is the wun wot has got yore brother or sister in it!!! i do reemember that!!! ok bye


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