Friday, August 16, 2024

Silly Sibes

 Right now in OP it is 93 degrees with a "feels like" of 98 degrees.

And what are Misty and Timber doing?

Did you hear something, Misty?

Yeah, Timber. Look up on the deck!  
It is the Momster wondering why we are lying in the hot sun.

Well, she doesn't have any cookies in her hand, just that flashy beast.  
Let's get back to sun snoozing.

It looks like today is a special day - St. Roch Day.  St. Roch is the patron saint of dogs and dog lovers.  This is a great home for dogs because we know the peeps who live here ARE dog lovers.

Woos - Misty and Timber


  1. Hari Om
    Well, I never heard of St Roch. Thanks for the introduction! As for sunning yourselves, make the most of it, I say. It'll be gone before long... Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. Yikes - it's too hot to be outside sunbathing, guys! Go back inside and hydrate! Happy St Roch Day!

  3. You two are a couple of silly pups, but Millie would be right there with you and she is a black dog!

  4. Enjoy your sunning time and hold out for those treats. Happy St. Roch's Day sweet Woos!

  5. Get inside where it is cool. :)

  6. I was in the driveway doing the same thing today - watching Mom pulled the stems/sticks from the lilies - she said something about me channeling NAK - as she liked to do that too -

    PeeEssWoo: It was only 87 or 88 :-)

  7. Fiona, Silver and Zappa were known for their sun bathing no matter how high the temps or humidity. lol It's a crazy Husky thing, I guess.

  8. Silly Sibes indeed. Who lies in the sun in "feels like" 98 degrees? Anyone would think air conditioning hadn't been invented!

  9. I can't understand how you can wear a fur coat and lay in that son in that heat.. but you look happy and comfy and curious too... Beau doesn't have as much fur but he hates the heat.. he has not laid in the sun since we hit the 90's. I don't think you have our humidity though, that might be the difference. when we walk before the sun comes up both of us come home with our tongues hanging out in thirst. he drinks half the bowl of water as soon as we hit the door

  10. Misty and Woos are so funny. I guess being white and have lots of Wooderful thick furs you are comfy
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. They are absorbing vitamin D! The collies do this sometimes too.

  12. Java Bean: "Ayyy, sometimes humans just don't understand the joy of getting roasted, sí?"

  13. Snicker, snicker...why IS it that dogs lay in the hot sun? Wilson does the same thing. Is this a Missouri thing since that's where's he from? :)

  14. We don't do it, but Mom had a few huskies that did! They were older dogs and she thought the sun made their old bones feel better! Face it, huskies are all a little bit nutty!

    Rosie and Redford

  15. Sometimes a sun nap is just the ticket.


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