Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

Today is the day we pay tribute to all the wonderful mothers in the world, but especially our own.

Happy Mother's Day

A great big Happy Mother's Day to ALL!!!

Daisy is having a contest to celebrate her birthday.

This is how it works. We all have lots of blog friends, and often make new friends by looking at each other's blogs. But sometimes there are so many, it's hard to pick. So to enter Daisy's contest, we want to put a post on our blog about one of our friends or group of friends, and why they are special. We are encouraged to pick someone who is not as well known, so we can meet some new friends.

We have decided to introduce you to The Thundering Herd. Many of you already know this great pack of pups and read about all their interesting adventures. If you haven't met them yet, you really need to visit their blog. There are SIX of them, all beautiful Siberian Huskies. Each of them is special but be sure to take a look at Qannik, a perfect lookalike of Dakota. And we are sure you will get a lot of laughs out of the antics of Rusty. But don't let Natasha fool you, she really isn't as evil as her humans make her out to be. The Thundering Herd share all their wonderful hiking and camping trips along with some gorgeous scenic photos and very interesting videos. We are sure you will enjoy meeting ALL of the herd.

You might also want to visit Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris who nominated us in their contest entry. They have a great blog too.

Woos, the OP Pack


  1. Happy Mother's Day to your special mom!

    Grrrrreat selekhtions fur other blog furiends to visit too!


  2. Happy Mother's Day to your mom!

    We think the Herd is special too.

    Princess Eva

  3. Happy Mother's Day to your Mom, too. We love the adventures of the Thundering Herd too, great pups!

    Woos & a-roos,
    Star & Jack a-roo

  4. Happy Mother's day to your human--we can't imagine a better tribute than yours!

  5. we are wishing a happy mothers day to your special mom. she is lucky and happy to have you wonderful kiddos.

    we will go to check out your friends.


  6. Happy Mom's Day to your mom!!! We love that picture of the three of you!!
    Tail wags!

  7. That's a beautiful Mother's Day card!

    Have a great Sunday!

    Your Friends,
    Tommy and The Girls

  8. Happy Mothers day to your mum.

    I am going to visit your friends now. Another look alike Dakota. LOVELY.

    Hugs GJ x

  9. Happy Mother's Day!!! The contest is a furry great idea!! Someone's thinking outside the litter box!!! Haroooooo!!!!

    Mya Boo boo

  10. Happy Mother's day to your very special Mom!

  11. Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!!!

  12. Happy mother's day to your wonderful mum!

    Huffle Mawson

  13. Happy Mothers Day to your mom! We know she's a good one.


  14. Wow, we are so honored. So nice of you to think of us. Qannik, of course, is really honored to be mentioned and thinks often of his older twin Dakota (and continues to root for the best of health). Rusty would send his comments, but he is busy with a really large hole in the yard that is his current work of art. But Natasha wants to be clear that she is evil. She chased Kodiak into the front seat of the jeep today despite the fact that he was in his seat belt. We still can't figure out how that happened.

  15. Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!
    I am sure you all had a pawesome day!
    Kisses and hugs

  16. Happy Mother's Day to your mom! That's a great pic! :)

    We love to read about The Thundering Herd's adventures too! :)


  17. Happy Mom's Day to your mom! Thanks for sharing your new friends!

    love & wags,

  18. Happy Mothers Day to your mom!
    Your words that you say in your blog are so tender to the heart.
    You are all so wonderful.
    We love reading your stories and sharring your life

  19. Happy Mother's Day to your mom! Wow - six doggies! That's a lot of love!

    See ya!

  20. Happy Mother's Day to your mom!!
    That's one lovely card...

  21. Happy mother's day to your mom.
    And thanks for introducing new friends to us. :)
    ~ Bae

  22. Happy Mothers Day to your Mummy!
    Big licks to you

  23. Happy Mother's day. Love the pic of the 3 of you!


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!