Sunday, July 10, 2011

Sizzling Sunday

What's a pup to do . . . .

. . . when the temperature outside is triple digits?

I sure hope no one is expecting this sibe to be a "working dog" today.

Hmmmmm, what's this?

Are you Barney's cousin?

You sure don't sit up very well.
Is the heat bothering you too, Pinkie?

Thanks for the new squeaker, Mom.

Pinkie and I are going to see what's on the tube today, since it is too hot to work in my garden.

Thanks for getting that new toy, Mom, even if it is PINK. At least it gives me a break from the Pest.

Hope you are all staying cool and having a nice Sunday.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara


  1. We are nice and khool here!

    Of khourse, outside in not nearly as warm as OP KS!

    It was around 90 fur a time - with the dreaded HUMIDITY!

    Mom said something about walking later SO I'm napping fur now!

    Hope woo get some relief SOON!


  2. Oh my it sure is HOT there! I am complaining bout the weather here but it is only 94! So come on over and enjoy the cool. But for me I sure like the AC in the house!

    I certainly agree that you are ALL doing the perfect thing to stay cool. Me, I am going to nap!

    woos, Tessa

  3. We hope you are having fun with Pinkie today! We love to hang out inside and eat ice when it gets that hot. Hope tomorrow is a cooler day!

    - Starbuck, Nari and Alpha

  4. WOWSA! That is steamy! I think your plan to stay inside and relax is the best idea!!


  5. That is over-the-top HOT!!!
    It's only 88 degrees here.
    Thank goodness for the AC!

  6. Woo are all sooo bootiful! Ciara, you always look like you have some mishief up your paw!! Stay cool. Bart and Ruby got to go swimming this morning - of course Mom didn't have her camera! I'm waiting for it to cool off and then I get to go hike at the creek! As long as there's water for us and a breeze for Mom we're OK.


  7. Stay close to that a/c vent. Hitting the century mark isn't funny.

    XXXOOO daisy, kendra & Bella

    Maybe you can put ice blocks in the Pinkie--just an idea.

  8. Oh ick! Our hu-sis just texted #1 that it was 104 with a 111 heat index there in kc,mo-- woos were the first ones we thought about, sending cooling vibes from all of us!

    RA & Isis

  9. You should all come visit me! It's only 8C here today.

  10. Good advice, stay inside and play
    Benny & Lily

  11. Inside is the place to be! No work today - I think it may even be too hot to play. Stay cool!

    Your pal, Pip

  12. Thanks for the nice words of comfort for me! I sure hope your human sister doesn't have friend had that last summer on her face and ended up in the hospital for days. Painful for sure. It looks extremely hot there! It almost makes it a bit cooler here and I was thinking it was really hot! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  13. Pinky looks like tons of fun!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  14. OoH Nooos dat is hot! We had a most beootiful day here, lower 80's and NO humidity but tomorrow we is gettin' da HHH back again. :(

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

    PeeS I likes your new pink stuffy

  15. Wow, it is hot in the holler as well. JP waited until the sun went behind the hill to get out and mow and it's still so hot and humid.
    Ciara looks quite happy with her new friend.

  16. We were up in the 80s today but it cooled off fast tonight with some rain. That was the nicest part of the day!

    Sorry to hear you are getting such hot stuff. We don't do much at 80 so I suspect we would collapse at 100!

    Cheers and hugs,

    Jo and Stella

  17. That is certainly not Sibe weather! We hope you all stay cool! We got up to 78 here today with very low humidity. Wish you all could come visit us! Phantom, that photo of you made us all swoon! You are one handsome boy!

  18. We have had heat index warnings so we feel your pain about the heat. Miss Stella and Sadie Lou both love squeek toys. The more squeek the better! : )

  19. Digits in the 100's WOW!
    I thought we were hot!
    Leroy doesn't even want to go out for 2 minutes and I don't blame him!
    Here's to staying cool!

  20. Looks like the OP Pack and Stumpy think alike! We've had a little break, from the heat, with some rain. Italthough Stumpy doesn't like the rain, I'm loving it!

  21. We're all staying inside and drinking lots of water today. It's way too hot for dogs.
    Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

  22. Its been triple digits here too!


  23. Oh, it's been pretty hot here, too, but not quite that hot. Stay cool! I know we're sure trying to!


  24. It isn't that hot here but it is hot. Luckily My Vickie filled the pool with fresh cold water and I spend a lot of time just laying in the water. Oh so cool....

    Hope things cool down soon.


  25. It is hot here too, but not anywhere NEAR as hot as that!!! Good plan to stay in the A/C and play with Pinkie!! We just love all the close up all are b ea u tiful!
    xoxoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  26. Oh I wish I could feel your hot weather. I have been so cold here. I don't want to go outside even for a wee. Send some warmth 'down under'. No worries, and love, Stella

  27. New toys are always fun no matter what color they are! We hope today is cooler for you!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  28. Not a bad way to spend a hot day at all. I hope you and Pinkie have fun together. I don't think you will need to share the AC vent with him.


  29. what a cute pinkie new toy uve got there ciara!

    and its so hot here in singapore too!! we feel you!!

  30. Hey fuzzy faces, you look so much happier today than last week. Wishing you cool days and plenty of squeaky toys...

  31. Hope your weather cools down a bit soon. We just missed the hot in St. Louilis and Mayemphis...but it may be following us home.


  32. And your fur coat looks thicker than ever!! Maybe your Mom could let you have a tub of ice to lie in.

    Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and Ivy

  33. Wow, that IS scorching! We've been hibernating in the A/C too, but we've been in the 90s, I feel like compared to guys, we shouldn't complain! Cute pics! Stay cool - hopefully the temps will drop soon we can get the furkids outside soon to run. It's been a looooong time. We've had some shedding indoor zoomies - an indoor blizzrd! How about your three? They look so calm - any indoor zoomies there?

  34. Lovely photos but 100 degrees! That's hot!!!

    take care
    Clive and Murray

  35. Maybe we should all get together in a nice air conditioned space and watch old Lassie episodes and eat ice cream with duck jerky sprinkles. Ciara could even bring Pinkie!

  36. It's been unseasonably cool here. it was actually chilly for my evening swim! NOT complaining!!!

  37. hey, guess what! me 'n asa got our auntie sweetie that same dragon stuffie for christmas! her's is blue, thunder. heehee.

    the booker man

  38. Your pictures always cheer me up! And I'm a bit misty as I think about my own Pinky...

    She lost an ear to a red headed buffoon.


    with love from the Bleu


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