Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thunder on Thursday

Thunder here on another very hot and steamy day in OP. We don't usually get to "horse around inside the house, but the Momster has had to relent a bit since we don't get to spend much time outside these days. KB from Romping and Rolling in the Rockies (as an aside, if you don't know KB, K, and R, you really need to visit their blog) commented a couple of days ago that she really didn't think Ciara deserved the name "Pest". Here is a little video for you to judge for yourselves. Yes, I do enjoy playing with her, BUT . . . . And be sure to watch to the end where the Fun Police Boss also makes an appearance. Ignore all the voices in the background - that's just some TV show Dad was watching.

Hope you enjoyed our little wrestlemania fun. Stay cool - it sure is hot in a lot of places.

Woos, Thunder


  1. Phantom, you are lookin' so much better than the last time we saw you. Keep up the good also did a great job of keeping your Sibe siblings in check!

  2. Not only did we enjoy the video of you guys rompin but we enjoyed the background from Criminal Minds.

    My Vickie loves that show.

    Stay cool


  3. I agree with Amber that Phantom is looking lots healthier! On this video it was like he couldn't decide whether to join the play or be the Police!

    We went from 90 degrees yesterday to 60s last night and it was a real blessing. We may have 80s today, but cool again tonight.

    Wish for some outdoor fun for you, we haven't been walking either!


  4. Today it's going to be over 100 here. I don't have anyone to play with inside, but I am taking advantage of the cooling air conditioning vents!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  5. Haha I loved it!!! That exactly whats been going on in my house but with only 2! Sigh... I wish I had carpet in the living room for when they play - it wouldnt be so noisy when they play!! Stay Cool!

  6. What a good video. We're all barking a hello to Phantom. Ciara really has her little path down, doesn't she?
    I am always amazed at your white carpet and clean floors. You are an amazing woman to keep up with the pack and the human pack too.

  7. So glad the momma is letting you blow off some steam in the house!! We can't wait until it cools down so we can get back outside!!

    Thank you for the love!! It means a lot!!



  8. We have been reading about the terrible heat and humidity in the US. Please stay cool! It seems odd to us as it is cold and rainy here.

    As for Ciara being a pest, may we just point out that it does tale two to wrestle and TD, you're not exactly the unwilling participant, that we can see....

    Tommy (hanging out with the girls...)

  9. Mine horse around inside way to much!


  10. PHEW! I was afraid i was going to be reading about the noisy thunder. Pestisn't such a bad name. Stumpy gets called WAAAAAY worse!

    I love seeing Phantom feeling good!

    Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
    Stumpy and me

  11. We thinks Artemisia and Ciara are soul twins. They can both behave like pest upon occasion, but they are so darn cute and loveable.

    We are sure Fenris would never think the lovely Ciara is a pest. Artemisia on the other hand annoys the snot out of him when she plays with his ears. He is a good doggie to put up with her, he just ask to go outside when Arty pesters him too much.

  12. Round and round Ciara goes bol!


  13. Yes, definitely the Fun Police Boss. We were expecting your mom, though. :)

    Looks like you had fun, though.

  14. WOW...big dog bitey face looks like FUN!!! Phantom is looking good...we love seeing him up and bossy!!

    Dory, Jacob and Bilbo

  15. Now that sure looked like LOTS of FUN!!!

    I sure was HAPPY to see Phantom join in the fun. He really is the fun Police Boss isn't he? I do think that Phantom looks pretty darn good, sure hope he feels as good as he looks!

    Stay cool my Big Furry Furiends!

    Woos, Tessa

  16. I love how even when Thunder takes Phantom's hint about knocking it off, Ciara comes over and bites his tail!!! BOL!! Pest for sure!!

    It did look like Phantom wanted to play with Thunder at first. Interesting that he just ignores Ciara.

    Hopin' your weather breaks soon...

  17. Yup, that be video proof that she be a pest! Bitey face be one thing but bitey tail? No respect fur her elders wot I is sure woz nefur pests. (I mean, really duss they have video proof of any of us being pests? I rest my case.)

  18. At one point Thunder looked up and it looked like he was saying 'Hey! did you see that??? Phantom just jumped me. did you see it did ya??'

    Good to see Phantom in good spirits and wanting to join it. And it's always good to have a little control over the roughians...

    Bobo and Meja

  19. The background noise made it seem like they were talking!


  20. It looked like you were enjoying that romp, TD. Sky did zoomies in the hose today . We're all so tired of this weather, we can't wait for fall so we can play outside again.
    Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

  21. Considering how big you guys are (well, compared to me) I think it was all rather civilized :-)

    I enjoyed watching you play! We are trying our best to keep cool too.

    your pal,
    Gizzy and his mommy :-)

  22. I love the video!!! They look like they are having so much fun!!! Stay's really hot here too....hard to breathe outside! Lots of love, Debbie & Holly

  23. It's only 80 here today but the humidity makes it seem like 100 degrees out there.

    Phantom looks really good! He didn't really join in but I could tell he was enjoying it.

  24. Hehe, I could have watched that ALL day!

  25. You guys play so well together. I love that you make Ciara do all the work, haha. :)

  26. That looks like fun. Our woofies never play like that. We thought the Fun Police Boss was funny too!!! Mom is always amazed at your white carpet!!

    The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

  27. That looked like fun.
    Stay cool too!!
    Love Ruby & Penny

  28. Hummmm I seem to be Right under Ruby and Penny's Paws..

    I loved your video. Since your mom say no POOL.. how about you ask her fur a HOSE SPRINKLER instead???

  29. TD!

    dude, that was some totally awesome wrestlemania with miss ciara!! i like to do that same spin move that your little sis does. teehee. phantom was just makin' sure you didn't have too much funsies without him bein' involved!!

    the booker man

  30. I'd say it looked like BOTH of you were having fun!

  31. I enjoyed that very much and it was great to See Phantom looking so good.. Hugs GJ xx

  32. we wanna do some air conditioning wrestling too
    Benny & Lily

  33. HE he... I luve fun police. I is always the fun police wif de kittehs. I make sure they has no funs in my presence.

    woof - Tucker

  34. Great video! Do you mind if we use it as an instructional tool to teach Quinn how dog's play? And I am with Phantom, it is important to maintain SOME sense of decorum or chaos will ensue!

  35. In da house zoomies and bitey face, I LUVS it! :)

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae

  36. Looks like you all had fun! Great video! Looking good, Phantom!

    Thor and Jack

  37. That's the first time I realized how much bigger you are than Ciara! She's a feisty little thing! I like that. Oh yeah, the fun police! Seems like every pack has one member of the force at home.


  38. I really wish we could meet and wrestle. Phantom, are you a little fatter, sweetheart? Hope so!

  39. It looks like a good time to us

  40. Hey! your blog is so nice! I love your sites! keep on posting! thanks ^_^

    Dog Fence

  41. Looks like fun! Can we come over and play with you?

    Phantom, you ROCK! Great seeing you in action and whipping them youngsters in shape! Love your Woo-woo.

  42. What a great video! Just watching it made me laugh! Especially the biting the tail part!

  43. At least you guys are having fun! We're bored here - it's too hot to do anything! We get morning walkies but that's the end of the show. We want snow!

    Love ya lots,
    Maggie and Mitch

  44. Does "ar roo rooo rooo" mean break it up you two, or can I play ??

    Phantom, you are looking really good. I wish you could come over to my place, I would love to have a guy to wrassle with!!!


  45. We soo enjoyed the video! Great job keeping the peace Phantom!


  46. We enjoyed watching your fun indoor adventure today, Thunder and Ciara! Doing zoom zoomies on the beautiful carpet looks a lot of fun. We do wonder how you can keep your paws so clean that you can maintain the carpet looking so pristine.
    It was such a happy surprise to see Phantom looking really great. Keep it up, pal!
    Enjoy he weekend!

    Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & Forgie

  47. Hi friends huskys♥

  48. She's not a pest, she's just having lots n lots of FUN!! And it was fun to watch too.

  49. Love the little tail-grab, back-leg-nip action! Ya' gotta stir up some action when it's too hot to go outside and do it, right?

  50. What a brilliant game you two were having, we play like that until Louis runs into the patio door and nearly knocks himself out. Phantom is certainly in charge, that was just fascinating to see. Would it be okay if we sent it to our friend who is studing to be an animal behaviourist?, we're sure she would find it fascinating. xxx

  51. Oh my sweet friends,
    I loved the video, you're so funny!
    And the pictures are fantastic, your eyes are magic.
    Have a happy weekend.
    Woof, woof,


  52. We loved the video!

    We couldn't believe the hot temperatures in the US when we were watching our weather forecast earlier this evening! We have had the worst summer ever so we are hoping that a little of our rain and cool temperatures might find their way over to you!

    take care and stay cool,
    Clive and Murray

  53. Sending weekend wishes for cooling off and pleasant weather. We hope you get enough of a break to enjoy some REAL outside time!

  54. You three Sibes look gorgeous!!! What fun inside - we posted about indoor play today too, but you guys are lucky to get to do indoor zoomies. I better not let the Five see that video, they may get some ideas!!! The pups have been so antsy being couped up inside so much. And my how white your rug stays!!! Amazing! My guys are still blowing their coats, so there is fur everywhere! Stay cool, hopefully, if the reports are right, we should get a 10 degree break come Sunday. Sure hope so!!!

  55. I had joy, look at the little wrestrlemania. Great.

    Happy weekend

  56. I think pest is exactly the proper name. Look at all that tail grabbing. No wonder the fun police had to step in.


  57. We think indoor wrestling is the best, but the humans seem to disagree most days.

  58. w00fs, looks like Phantom wanted to play some too...

    b safe,

  59. Woof! Woof! Oh My ... for the past 3 days/night Thunder n lightning with heavy rain. Great way to keep you guys occupied indoors. Happy Weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  60. Oh, wow. You look like you were having so much fun! I wish mummy would get me a playmate, but she says I'm a handful as it is. Love and hugs, Bronte.

  61. You were having great fun, its good to see Phantom nearly joining in.
    Licks Bobby

  62. Now that's THAT's the way to beat the heat!I wish I had some bootiful siblings to weltle wif
    I'm so glad all of you awe staying inside and still having fun
    smoochie kisses

  63. Well, Thunder, it certainly looked to me like you were an enthusiastic participant. I stand by my defense of your sister!!!

    Isn't it funny how the elder dog seems to always take on the role of "fun police"? The same thing has happened with every single combination of dogs who we've had!

    I feel for you in this heat, and I hope that it cools down soon. At this time of year, I realize that I don't mind -20 deg for a few days in winter if the tradeoff is that 80 deg is very very hot at our house.

  64. Thunder, your little sisfur sure keeps you on your toes! She's got a lot of energy!

    Phantom, you have a tough job of being the Fun Police Boss with those two! You sure told them though!

  65. Interesting how varied the opinions are. Looked to us like Phantom was trying to play. And we're with KB: Thunder was giving as good as he got, if not more. Looked like an even bout to us. We're getting away with inside play, too - it's as hot and humid here as it is there.

    Did you get all the roofing damage repaired and everything back the way it should be? Including your gate?

    Jed & Abby


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!