Sunday, August 21, 2011

Sunday Wishes

We have been trying to get a post up all day today, but things just kept getting in the way. We want to send out some special wishes for some special pups and peeps.

Mom tried to get a good group shot of us, but she is finding it a lot harder to do a quartet than a trio. Hmmmm, wonder whose fault that could be?

Looks like this is the best we are going to get today. So on with the wishes.

First up, Happy Birthday to Jimmy. It is his First Birthday today.

We tried to post his badge but it was too big and the silly Momster can't seem to fix it. Please stop by his blog and wish him a happy birthday.

And it is also a VERY special day for the Mayor of Blogville and his two beautiful ladies, Ruby and Penny - their First Anniversary. Be sure to stop by their special wedding blog to see all the memories of their first year together. Happy Anniversary, Frankie, Ruby, and Penny and many more to come.

And last but surely not least, we wanted to send some congratulation and happy anniversary wishes to FH and MH, Max and JD's humans. We hope they had a wonderful day too.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning


  1. Those are much better pics that we could ever get here! Mom would have to do a whole lot of photoshopping to get all of us int he same pic!

    I think they all look great!


  2. It must be really hard to get a picture with all four looking at the camera! Mommy says it's hard enough with just two!! :)

    Woofs & hugs for a great Monday! <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  3. Those are great pics. We know how hard it is to just get 2 dogs looking good in a pic.
    Thank you for the anniversary wishes.
    Love Ruby & Penny
    Pees - you four make up one beautiful pack

  4. Lightening you need to get with the program. The 4 of you make a very handsome family.

  5. Those photos are great. I tried for an hour to get one good shot of just Tess and never did get one. She wants to hide behind me whenever she sees the camera.

  6. Those photos are all so cute! Our mommy says she can imagine how frustrating that is for your Momster but we just find it amusing!

  7. Nice photos. I wanna know what breed are those? Huskies? Sorry I don't know what to call them, but I love the pics.

  8. The four of you make a handsome group

  9. They definitely make a handsome group. I definitely like huskies, but I don't think they could survive in our place since it is a tropical country. Plaque Blast


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