Friday, January 20, 2012

Sympthy for Sagira and Not-So-Funny Friday Fotos

Our blogging friend Sagira had some sad news this week. 

Her mom Christine lost her father very suddenly.   We know they are all hurting in her family.  If you have a few minutes to spare, please stop by Sagira, Bokeh, Starr, and Harley's blog HERE and leave them some words of comfort.  We are sure they would appreciate it very much.

Meanwhile we had our own share of not-so-good news this week.  Do you remember last summer when we had this mess at our home?

That was when we were getting a new roof, and the men threw all the old "shingles" down on the ground in a big mess.  Then later they put up all the new "shingles" so we have a new roof.

Well, somehow, and we pups really don't understand this, but somehow the Momster managed to get some of those "shingles" stuck on her face.  Look at this photo, can you believe it?  Mom now has shingles!!!   BOL!!!   Guess we could say it is one of today's "unsolved mysteries".

OK, OK, OK, we know it isn't funny.  Mom has a lot of pain and she would not be happy with us for showing this photo.  But we just couldn't resist making a funny:)

The doctor thinks this all started because of all that miserable nerve trauma Mom had in her arm in November when she fell and broke it.  For some reason, it woke up the chicken pox virus in her body and this happened.  She is on some high doses of some big pills now to try to make her better.  We are hoping it doesn't get any worse, but just in case, we might not be visiting as much, depending on how she is feeling.

We hope you all have a good weekend and think SNOW!!!

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning


  1. Oh no! Your poor mom! You need to be extra good for her this weekend.

    Lots of love,


  2. Oh no indeed! The shingles have been problematic for lots of people I know. Sending good wishes...

  3. I've heard shingles is not a fun thing to get. Wish I never had those chicken pox as a kid either. Feel better soon.


  4. Oh no! Our Mom had shingles on her face some years ago and it was so painful and awful. her eyes swelled shut and she was in misery. We hope your Mom gets rid of them fast. have you had the shingles shot. I had mine last year and it's supposed to prevent another attack.
    Sue and the Porties

  5. I've visited poor Sagira and her family. Oh your poor mom!
    Dachshund Nola

  6. Boy My Vickie says that she knows some peeple who have the Chingles and that it truly is painful.

    Tell your mom for us, that we are sorry she is hurting.

    As for snow, we tried to send some out to everyone this week, but we see that it didn't work. Maybe, just maybe, we should have second thoughts about the confiscation of the snow machines Frankie purchased for Fiona and some of the others.

    We could use one right now too.

  7. Oh no! We're purring and wagging and praying that those nasty shingles go away fast.

    We're going to go visit Sagira right now.

    The Florida Furkids

  8. Oh noes! Paws are crossed for your Mom -- shingles do not look like fun whatsoever.

  9. We are sending magic bubbles filled with healing to your mom. My mommy had them a few years ago too, and the magic pill made it all better. I hope your mom is better soon.
    And we will go leave Sagira and her family some love. We know how important love is.

  10. Hoping you're feeling better soon!

  11. Oh our goodness... bless her heart! We've heard that shingles is very painful. We hope your dear sweet mom recoups very quickly!! Love and prayers!

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  12. Oh no! Shingles are so "not fun"! My Duchess had them on the right side of her face too. She was a very sick human. I hope you started the medicine in time to reduce the severity.

    We are sending prayers!

    Emma Rose and the Duchess

  13. Oh, no! Your poor mom. We send lots of pawhugs for her to feel better soon.

  14. Lots of purrrrs to your mom. HH's mother had the shingles a while back and they are very painful Hop your mom has a short case of them.

    pawhugs, Max, Bugsy, Knuckles and HH.

  15. Oh your poor mom. Mom says that shingles is very painful and contagious. We are sending lots of love and doxie feel good rayz her way.
    Take care of her and give her a kiss from us.
    Love Ruby & Penny

  16. Your mum has been through the wars recently. We hope she gets better she can enjoy the snow with you.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  17. Oh no your poor mum has she not had enough with her arm and now this. Shingles is not nice at all and it always attaches itself to a nerve. Looks like your mums is on her facial nerve. I hope they got the antiviral meds in time because they can stop it in its tracks.Hope your mum gets to rest up a lot because mum says she will need to as she has seen lots and lots of shingles. You all sit on mum if you have to. We send lots of love, purrs and hope it burns out quickly.. GJ xx

  18. Oh No! And I thoughts my mum had back luck. My Mimi had them shingles and her said it was VERY VERY painful, hers was from stress they said. I hopes da momster feels betters soon. We will keep her in our thoughts. Oh and I promise I won't tells her you posted her foto;)


  19. I had shingles (herpes zoster?) a few years ago. It was on my lower back and it was very painful. My son had a vibrating thing that fit into a chair that I used constantly and that gave me some relief. I think winter would be a better time to have them, (if there is such a thing.)

    Just hope for a short visit from these baddies and wishing you well
    Let us know if we can help at all.

    We'll pray for a short duration!

    Jo, Stella and Zkhat

  20. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry! Get better!

  21. Oh...Momster...we are so sorry you have shingles. A coworker of mine of had it (she never had chicken pox) and it was not fun. Thinking of you and hoping you will be feeling better real soon. Sending you hugs.

  22. We had heard about and feel so sad for Sagira's mom's on the passing of her dad...we stopped over to give her our condolences. :-(

  23. Oh wow, so sorry to hear about your friend's loss and also about your mom's shingles! My mom has a friend that has shingles right now too. I guess this is a stressful time of year. I sure hope your mom feels better soon - I hear shingles are VERY painful...


  24. I hope your mom is feeling better soon! And if Sagira is reading this - I can't comment on your blog, but we're sending our sympathy and prayers to you and your family!

  25. Well, as woo saw, we have snow! We'll keep paws crossed woo get some too.
    Your poor Mom!!! Shingles are awful, we'll send her Sibe vibes & hope they stay contained & clear up quickly.

    Jack & Moo

    Note from mom: (You really have my sympathy - I had them 28 years ago & they hurt like nothing else! Still have damaged nerves in that area but at least the shingles never came back...knock on wood!)

  26. Ooh dear, we are sending our love for everyone right now, we do hope you feel better soon though, and the Woos are being extra nice to their mom!


  27. We read about Sagira's Grandpa on FB. Such a tragedy.

    Your poor Mom! Having shingles stuck to your face really hurts!

    Woofs (and healing purrs),
    Tommy (and the Chans)

  28. We will keep your friend in our thoughts. & we hope to take extra care of your mom!!

    XOXO ~ Cape Cod Crew

  29. Oh no - your poor mom! She sure didn't need this! We hear that shingles are very painful. We are sending lots of healing vibes her way!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  30. Ouch, that's not funny at all. A co-worker of mine had Shingles last year and I know she was in lots of pain. I hope it goes away soon!


  31. Oh noes! We hope the Momster gets rid of her shingles soon! We've heard they are very painful.

    We're keeping Sagira's family in our thoughts.

  32. Aiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee that looks so very much PAINFUL. I am so very sorry that this has happened to your mom. Do you suppose those guys would come back and TAKE THESE SHINGLES AWAY.. like they did the other ones???

  33. We visited Sagira and the family this morning. So sad!

    Your Mom has the roof on her face? On nose. That isn't good at all. We know how serious this can be. You guys just take good care of your Mom now, ok!

    Try and have a nice weekend!

  34. Not sure what to say. Apart from. OH NO...
    Although, there are times when we just get through things. Your mom, give her a very big hug and tell her " hum, well, I will tell her " Get well soon babes X X X X
    lots of love :-) xxx
    lovs from Freya Rose Blossom X TOO XXXXXXXXXXX

  35. so sad....sendinggood thoughts
    Benny & Lily

  36. I've heard Shingles is very painful,my mom had them. Please take care of your mom and empathy is always good. Feel better.

    Carol's Critters

  37. Shingles belong on the roof, not on your mom. Get well soon mom, Woo Woo Woo!

    Wyatt and Stanzie

  38. Oh no - I am so sorry about the Momster and the shingles. We are thinking of her and sending her healing thoughts. Okay, OP Pack - it's your job to make sure that she rests... and doesn't worry about visiting any blogs!

  39. Our thoughts are with Sagira's mom and all the family.
    It looks painful!
    I hope the big pills help your Momster to get better soon.
    Be nice and take good care of her, ok?
    Kisses and hugs

  40. Poor Momster! I've heard that is a pretty miserable condition for humans. I suggest being on your best behavior for a while and taking good care of her!


  41. We are off to Sagira's blog - we are so behind in things that we've missed that sad news -

    Of khourse, paws khrossed fur The Momster's shingles to be khleared khwikhkly -


  42. We've heard that shingles are very painful, so please take extra good care of your Momster and let her know we're thinking about her!

  43. We will go and visit Sagira and poor Mom. Take good care of her. My Mommy would be super mean if she had that but I bet yours isn't. Give her loveys and make her some tea.

    licks and sniffs Sasha

  44. Oh no! I am so sorry to hear this, geez, your Mom needs a vacation from all this! Hope she feels better very soon!

  45. OMD that is NOT fun! I gots my paws crossed that you Mom feels lots better real soon and that her meds kick in too!

    I hope you all gets snow, heck we was suppose to gets LOTS of snow, no we gots LOTS of wet. OH well.

    woos, Tessa

    HIG Hugs from me to your Mom!

  46. My goodness! As if that roofing nightmare wasn't enough of a nightmare!! Ciara, you and boys take real good care of your mom. Look like she could use some extra loving.

  47. We're so sorry about this latest complication! Your poor mom needs some serious pampering and nursing and what not. We know you'll do a good job. Sure hope the pills work and the pain lessens until it disappears.

    Jed & Abby

  48. thanks for your kind words about Bitey and Beau.

    Shingles are everywhere it seems. We hope your mom heals soon.

    love & wags,

  49. Oh no, your poor Mommy. We will send some healing vibes her way.

    We heard about Sagira grandpa. So sad. We couldn't lave a commnet on her blog so we sent her an e-mail.

    Give your Mommy some loving, from us.


  50. We are sorry that your mom doesn't feel good! We know when mom's are sick it makes it hard on everybody in the household. We hopes those big pills work fast! We will be praying for her.

    SNOW! Monty has only seen snow twice! Poor Monty.

  51. We are sending sum serious purrs fur the Mom!

  52. I don't know how I missed this before but I LOVE the pix of your dogs on the side of your blog!

    So sad for Sagira's mom. My dad passed away a little over 6 months ago so I can empathize with what she must be going through. Will make time to leave my condolences for sure.

    Wow, your poor mom! I've heard that shingles can be extremely painful!

  53. Oh, forgot to say that I hope your mom gets to feeling better soon. I know you'll all be taking extra good care of her.

  54. We have heard that shingles can be very painful!!! Please let your mom know that we are praying for her and hoping she will be better real soon!!! We will also stop over to your friend's blog!
    xoxo Chloe and LadyBug and the mama

  55. Oh NO!!!! Our Mom had shingles a few years ago...she howled, moaned, and groaned!
    Take good care of your Momster...sending lots of healing thoughts her way!

  56. Does your mom's shingles keep her face from leaking?

    Seriously though, we hope she gets better ASAP!

    Steve and Kat

  57. Mom had shingles when she was about 11 and it hurts so much. Just like having chicken pox again. Tell Mom to take lots of aveeno oatmeals baths!

  58. Mom K and Woos
    Dang blogger ate our comment.
    We are so sorry Momster has the shingles. We had heard it can be brought on by trauma.

    We were by early yesterday morning and missed the post.

    Big hugs to you all
    Madi and Mom

  59. Oh your poor momma......those human roof shingles are most painful! We hope those big pills give her some relief. Tell her to indulge in lots of extra rest and relaxation until they go away. I know you OPs can keep the household running smoothly

  60. We have missed you guys and it is great to see you all looking so well. As for your poor mom - well shingles is not good!
    We know you will look after so that she gets well quickly.
    We suggest you draw up a rota for all the tasks so that your mom can put her feet up and rest.
    Much love
    Martha and Bailey xxx

  61. Oh noes! We're sending lots of get well wishes for your mommy! That cannot be fun! :(

    Woofs & hugs, <3

    ~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

  62. Bummer, bad news all around! We tried commenting on your blog the other day, but it just wouldn't work for us for some unknown reason...hopefully it will work now!

    My mom (Riley's Grandma) had some weird thing a year or two ago that they thought was shingles at first, but it ended up being contact dermatitis. She had a funny looking face for a while though!

    Feel better soon!!

    Elyse and Riley

  63. Thank you for telling us about Siagra's mother's Dad, that is so sad. I'll be sure to drop by. OMGoodness, shinkles. OUCH. I hope you are not in a lot of pain. I understand they can be very painful. Please get well soon.
    You don't think you got it from one of your grandchildren do you? I get worried about that when a child is near me with the chicken pox...just a thought.

  64. Ouch, we sure hope she's feeling better soon!!

  65. I am so sorry. Your poor mom!
    I hope you better soon


  66. I'm sorry for your mom!
    I wish you a great weekend.
    Woof, woof,


  67. Woo there OP Pack~
    So veri sorri to hear about those roofers leaving summ shingles on your Momma. I heard even the wind can make those bumps scream. Hope the roofers come back and take those away soon.
    Your pal,

  68. Oh no! That looks painful! I love taking not so elegant pictures of my humans too, but they somehow manage to keep them off of the internet! Something about "maintaining their image". PSHHH whatever!

  69. Crikey..we missed this post! We hope your poor mom is soon feeling a lot better.
    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  70. I hope your mommy is feeling better! If you need help remember I AM a Dr. and do make house calls....

  71. You're so sweet to post this. You are such great friends.

    I have heard that those are SO painful. I am so sorry to hear that you have that and hope that they go away very soon. You have been through so much with your wrist and now this, I just hope you feel better quickly.

  72. Oh, we hope your Mom feels better soon!


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!