Friday, December 16, 2016

Friday's BFFs

While visions of sugarplums SNOWFLAKES dance through their heads . . . 

. . . these two BFFs snuggle head to head:)  How it warms the Momster's heart.

Woos - Lightning and Misty


  1. That is a great picture and so terrific that they are such good friends. Happy Week end to all of you.

  2. That is a SUPER pic... it warms OUR hearts TOO...

    BUTT do you think there is one Leg too many there??? BOL

  3. So wonderful they've become such loving buddies ...

  4. that is just wonderful... I hope they have the sweetest dreams... maybe about christmas and I bet Mistys first christmas will be a great one :o)

  5. What a sweet picture! Makes me miss my snuggle buddy Joey dog. Oh, has Misty seen her first snowflakes yet? We got a bunch of them over night!

  6. Ooooooooooh my word it warms our hearts too. Misty is just what you all needed and Lightning is just the purrfect big brudder for her to love and admire. Two Woo heads are better than 1 for sure
    Hugs madi bfff

  7. My heart is all warm as well, don't they look adorable together, you just have to SMILE
    Pawfect way to start the weekend thank you
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  8. It's so sweet to see them snuggling together. Maybe they can come here to play. We just got a foot of snow yesterday and with the temps the way they are it should stick around for a while.

  9. That's just plain PRECIOUS!!!!!

    Love, Angel Sammy

  10. Awwww! So cute! Sleeping woofies are certainly a sweet sight!

  11. That is so sweet and makes my heart smile!

  12. Awww, that is sweet!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  13. It is so heartwarming to see the love that eases the pangs of grief.

  14. AAAWWWWWWW!!! SHE is driving me crazy!!


  15. Love, love, LOVE this photo, so very heart warming!!!

  16. We completely understand why your mom gets that lovely warm tingly feeling. We're getting it, too.

  17. This is just the sweetest photo of the two of them! How wonderful that they have bonded!! Happy Weekend!!

  18. My mom said "Oh, those sweet BABIES!" when she saw this! Me? I'd say your dream is about to come true! The snow is just starting here -- we'll blow it your way in no time! Of course, it's on top of all that ice, so it's not like we can go anywhere.... ARGH!
    Anyway - I must admit. You two DO look super cute!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  19. I nose exactly how it is, I have now given in and De Ark shares my space too. EXCEPT FOR UPSTAIRS, that is my space and he is not having it.
    Luvs guys,
    Freya Rose Blossom and De Ark XX

  20. hello woos its dennis the vizsla dog hay that is so sweet!!! it is nice to hav a brother or a sister to kuddel with!!! ok bye


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