Monday, January 16, 2017

Monday Mischief

I, Misty, heard that somePups have a ManCave.

Well, I have a MistyCave!!! 

I can just camp out in my cave where I can choose from any number of my wonderful bones.

Hey Lightning, are you trying to photobomb my post, or are you wanting to borrow a dinosaur bone from my collection?

No, Mom - I am NOT going to let you borrow ANY of my bones, unless you promise NOT to bring me to the V.E.T. tonight to get "fixed" tomorrow!!!  Deal?

Woos - Misty


  1. Ha! Ha! Blaze has a little cave of all her collections too!

    Sending prayers and good thoughts for tomorrow.

  2. Misty now mom has this in her head
    "Dem bones dem bones dem dino bones..."
    I love your cave. Dear Girl if I thought it would help I'd teleport you to my house but lo and behold you'd have to be fixed eventually
    I'll be sending you a ton of kitty kisses and mom will send hugs

    Hugs madi your bfff

  3. Uh oh! It's time to get fixed huh? We hear one benefit of being fixed is you get a lot more bones - even t-bones with steak still on it! Just sayin.

    PeeS: Dang Chiefs!

  4. So tomorrow u see the Franken vet..u will do just great...guilt mom into more bones when u get home. Stella rose

  5. Hello Misty! Love seeing all your bones and goodies spread out near you. Hunter has one basket of toys and bones upstairs and one downstairs-he also loves to spread everything out, then leaves them. I'm always picking up after him.
    Hope you have a great week.
    Noreen and Hunter

  6. Oops Misty, I don't think a deal is in the works sweet one!

  7. Don't worry, Misty. We've all had our Career Girl ops. But play it for all it's worth so you get lots of extra treats.

    That's quite a collection of bones you have there, girl.

  8. Oh Misty, we sure send you mighty good thoughts. We send all kinds of purrs and some big hee haws to you for luck tomorrow.Maybe you should let Lightning borrow a bone. Will be thinking about you tomorrow.

  9. Mischiefs and Misty!!!!
    I will be findings of you tomorrow Misty, you take VERY good care sweetie
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  10. That looks more like a palace than a cave, Misty!

    We'll be crossing our paws for you tomorrow!


  11. I love your Misty cave. I can't wait to come an play in it

  12. Gosh, you do have lots of bones! I will be thinking of you tomorrow and hope your surgery and recovery goes smoothly!

  13. OMD....I didn't NOSE you was broken??? Good luck with that.

  14. We bet you have a blast tomorrow at the VET. Just wait, it will go zippy fast too!!

    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
    PeeEss..POTP for a safe and successful day tomorrow!!

  15. I wanna cave!

    Good luck wif da being "fixed." Momma says it are comin up soon for me too.

  16. Misty I'm sure Lightning won't be bothering any of your bone collection while you're away getting yourself fixed up (!). I'll be thinking about you today - I'm sure you'll be just fine when you get back home!

    Love, Angel Sammy

  17. We hope all your bones are where you left them when you get back from your operation. We will have our paws crossed for you.

  18. OMD, you gots your very own CAVE??!!! PAWSOME!!!! if you needs some help pickin' out decorations, lets me know...I gots connections!
    Nows, I'm sure your SWEET BRUDDER LIGHTNING will NOT relocated ANY of YOUR bones while you are at the v.e.t. Butts, don't worry, he will watch over you while you heal ~ he is PAWSOME at that!!!
    sendin' healin' vibes so you can gets back to jumpin' on your brudder.....
    Ruby ♥

  19. Misty, we will be thinking of you - we know it will go just fine
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. my man cave is our crib :o) you have a whole bone-nanza collection Misty... call me if you need help with chewing them all :o)

  21. Look at all of those yummy bones! Our paws are crossed for you, Misty!

  22. POTP that your surgery goes well and you get some new bones. Clearly you don't have enough.

  23. Sharing is not our thing either
    Lily & Edward

  24. OMD!! Dakota just looked at your "bone stash" and thought he died and went to Heaven! He LOVES bones! DakotasDen

  25. Good luck with your procedure tomorrow! We'll be thinking about you!

  26. That's a pretty pawesome bone collection, Misty!

  27. Hahaha, our mom is laughing because to do the same thing with all my bones! I like to admire them!



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