Thursday, January 5, 2017

Thankful Thursday

 Just a short post to let you know that we all have reason to be thankful today.

We are joining Brian in his Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.

Mom says she is VERY thankful for HEAT!!!  To say the least it has been a chilly time in our home for way too long.

After three weeks, three different furnace technicians, seven house calls, TWO new thermostats, and FINALLY a new ignition module, the first floor is now heating and humidifying correctly.  Mom is very grateful to "Marshall" who was the only one able to find the REAL problem.

Meanwhile it has been very COLD here for a while and you know WE love the cold.  But it gets even better.


Only two inches, but for us that is way better than none.

No, Mom, we do NOT want to come in.  Enjoy your HEAT while we enjoy the COLD SNOW.

Woos - Lightning and Misty


  1. OMCs having a smart and responsibility dedicated technician!
    No heat or poorly working heat in winte is bad.....unless you are a woo w tons of fur.
    We have snow starting here Friday - Saturday and THEY say it could be 0 real temp here Monday morning.
    Sending thankful kitty hugs for a good tech!
    Madi your bffff

  2. Oh the picture of the two of you in the snow made this Mom smile big time. Sure am glad you have your heat back. No fun being cold except for the Woos.

  3. I'm glad the heat finally got fixed. Glad you finally got some snow too! It's snowing here right now, but I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning to see how much we get.

  4. Oh my goodness, that furnace problem was awful but we're glad it is working again. Look at you too having some snow fun! Hey, guess what, we're supposed to get 2 to 4 inches of snow Saturday morning. Trust me, that won't be fun where we live, and the grocery stores ran out of milk and bread two days ago.

  5. Yay for working thermostats and nice warm HEAT!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  6. WoooHooo! to that tech guy! Nows, it doesn't gets that cold here, butts in the morning, when Ma wants the heat, so I knows how the peeps can gets when they don't have the warm air flowin'! geesh, you thinks they were in the antarctic!! I offered my furs, butts she gave me the evil eye, so I just laid down....☺
    OMD...SNOW!!!! OMD, that is cause for zoomies!!!!! Lightning, you have to show your sis the proper way to do snow zoomies!
    Ruby ♥

  7. One way I'm like my mom is I hate the cold...apparently it might snow here soon!

  8. OMD...We are soooo glad you got heat!! It is waaayyyyy too cold outside!!

    Yay for your snow, tho!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  9. Glad your Mom is warm, and I'm glad that you have some snow to have fun in! There's always something about the first snow for a pup - It's a special time, and a fun one too! We have snow here as well, and about the same amounts as you. It's just enough to have a little fun!

  10. That sounds like a fair trade. Your mom gets the heat and you two get the snow.

  11. As usual, we're the opposite. Outside for heat and inside for cool. BOL! Enjoy that snow before it melts. We hope you get some more.

  12. I'm glad that your mom can be warm while you're out in the cold snow!!!!

  13. wow it seems there is something for efurrybuddy in your area... the heat for the moms and the snow for the nordic pups. I never saw snow, but it's cold here too.... so I'm currently with the mama and prefer heat :o)

  14. saw in the news that its been cold and snowy there ... finally you guys can be warm. Golden Woofs, SUGAR

  15. That is a lot to be thankful for! Enjoy playing in your beautiful snow!

  16. We are so glad you got SNOW!! We are also very glad that the heat got fixed!! My daughter has been having issues with that too. It is NOT fun!!

  17. Sounds the pawfect weathers over there...snow and cold outside fur you and warm and snuggly inside fur Mom.
    I haf to confess I would be doing the inside bit wiv Mom, I'm not a fan of cold!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  18. Thankful for all that snow
    Lily & Edward

  19. Yike! We can't imagine not having heat in this cold weather
    Mr Bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  20. We are very thankful for the snow, too! For some reason, Mom wasn't thrilled with it coming on the day of my 9 o'clock vet appointment, but WOW, did we have fun slip-sliding around in the HR-V!!!! It was so cool! Mom didn't seem to think so, but I did!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  21. Snow is so much fun !!! (But I also love to snuggle in the heat!) xo

  22. We got snow too!!!! Yay! And we are glad your mom get her heat, those humans are such weenies!

    Kiki and Nala

  23. Summer here so no snow but you guys look happy with it!!

    Happy Thankful Thursday!


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