Friday, February 10, 2017

This Moment, See Beautiful

Today we are joining Sugar in the {This Moment} See Beautiful blog hop.

We don't usually see very many flowers outside in our neighborhood during the winter. We don't see any snow either:(  But today we thought we would let Misty show you Mom's pretty Christmas cacti.  They are a little late in blooming as we are already well past Christmas, but they are still pretty.

The one on the left is very old as it came from a cactus owned by Mom's Grandma.  Her grandmother had this plant when Mom was a very little girl back in the 1950s, and it has been passed down through the years from various offshoots of the original.  Some years it does very well, and other times it is a little sparse on the blooms like this year.  The one on the right with the white flowers is store-bought from a few years ago.  It has more blooms, but the pink ones are extra special to Mom.

Just so you know, the two pots are usually up high on the mantel.  Mom said she thought she could trust me to pose nicely and not try to eat her pretty plants.  I did sit nicely, but I must admit I tried to nibble on one of the flowers that fell on the floor.  For some reason Mom scooped it up right away and gave me a cookie instead:)

Woos - Misty


  1. Misty you look most adorable posing with the Christmas Cacti.
    OH MY Stars the one on the left is an heirloom and full memories...imagine the places it has been and the loved ones who have cared for it.
    Bravo to your mom for keeping it thriving.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  2. That is amazing you have kept the cactus alive all these years in one form or other - it's a miracle if I can keep a plant going for a year!
    They are both beautiful, I love Christmas cacti.
    Elliot and Cricket x

  3. Oh Misty, you look so good sitting with the Christmas cacti. Misty, you are growing like a weed, but Puppies tend to do that. Glad you didn't eat the Cacti.

  4. You did an EXCELLENT job, Misty! And hey! Who could blame you for trying to eat one of the flowers that fell? Who wouldn't do that? I mean .... OK, Cam wouldn't, but she's like SUPER good. I mean ... scary-good, you know?
    That's amazing that the one cactus has been around since the 50s! That makes it really special!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  5. They're beautiful (as is the model) and the pink one has such sweet memories.

  6. Thanks for showing us the beautiful flowers, Misty! How very special to have one that has been handed down over the years!


  7. Having flowers bloom in the winter time is so cheerful. How special is the one that blooms pink!

  8. WOW... that is a flower with a Lot of Memories attached to it.
    We like BOTH of your Post Christmas Cacti.

  9. You did a great job posing. You should be proud of yourself.

  10. You are beautifully framed sweet Misty!

  11. That is so cool to have that plant for so long. They both have such beautiful flowers. You did a great job modeling with them. We also think what we see in the reflection of the fireplace glass is beautiful. It shows your mom leaning on Lightning to take your picture. That is beautiful too.

  12. What a beautiful Christmas Cactus story...and a beautiful portrait of you with them, Misty!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  13. Very pretty and special flower! Misty, you're pretty and special too!

  14. how wonderful that the pink one has been passed down for so long - just amazing
    Mr bailey, Hazel & Mabel

  15. Oh gurl, you did FABulous!! and really, how in the worlds can your Moms fault you for wantin' to nibble flowers on the floor???? I do it all the times! Oh, and my Ma doesn't likes it either...I thinks Moms are weird.
    Ma has two Christmas cacti, and one of them bloomed like crazy and one didn't. Since we are in warm CA, both are outside all year round. Ma has lots of pics..she just needs to post them! lazy woman....
    Anyhu, good job...and I see you in the reflection Lightning!!! BOL
    Ruby ♥

  16. we have two of that guys too... and they are beautiful, I agree... and you as the centerpiece are so super beautiful too. the mama said it would be impawsible to park me next to a flowerpot... I have the hardcore gardener gene LOL

  17. I love the story of the Christmas cactus being passed down through the family. I'd treasure it too! However, it wouldn't work in my family because I accidentally kill every house plant that we try to grow!

    Good job, Misty! You did great, and you're so beautiful too!

  18. Our Mom also has two, an old one and a younger one. The old one doesn't have as many flowers but it still tries. The newer one is in full bloom now.

  19. We used to have a christmas cactus, but it finally died from neglect because our mom thinks it is all she can do to keep US alive!

    Kiki and Nala

  20. Oh that's lovely. I admit my eyes were pretty much glued to the beautiful Misty though!


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