Friday, July 20, 2018

My Friday Friend

Hi, it's me, Timber.  I have a very special friend I want to tell you all about.  He comes to see me every night around the same time.  While Mom and Dad are sitting and enjoying a good show on the TV, I spot him inside the fireplace. Good thing we don't use that fireplace in the summer.

Do you see him?  No??? I think he might be a little shy like me:)  Misty and Lightning don't seem to be interested in meeting my friend.  And Mom and Dad laugh at me when I sit and stare at my handsome buddy.

I don't think they believe me when I tell them to look and see for themselves.  He IS in there, I swear it is true.  The best part is that he is such a good pal that he tries very hard to be just like me.  When I move to the left, he does the same thing.   At first I thought I was just imagining that, but then I moved to the right, and he did too.  I stood up to get a better look, and you know what - he stood up too!!!  At exactly the same moment.  I even smiled at him, and he is such a nice dog that he smiled right back at me.

I bet you are all smiling now too because I have found such a wonderful friend.  Now all I have to do is convince him to come out of his hidey hole and join the pack:)

Before I sign off for today, I decided to let Misty and Lightning join me so we could all send some special wishes to three special guys who share the same birthday TODAY.

Happy Birthday first and foremost to our Dad - we love you!!!  And more special Happy Birthday wishes to our human BIL Justin (Hubby to our human sister K and Dad to Ms. K, Ms. C, and Mr. J.)!!!  And we don't want to forget to send great big woofie wishes to our furry cousin Duncan for his birthday too!!! 

WAIT - don't go yet - we have one more birthday to celebrate!!!

Happy Birthday, Rosy!!!

WOW - July 20th sure is a BIG day!!!

Woos - Timber (Lightning and Misty too)


  1. How wonderful that you have a friend just for yourself, Timber. If I were you, I would keep it that way, and we think he is happy and safe where he is, so don't think too much about him coming out of there.

    How wonderful to have so many birthdays to celebrate all at once! Next month, #1 and I wil be celebrating our birthdays, which are on the same day!


  2. We are smiling too at your wonderful fireplace friend. They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, don't they?
    Wishing Happy Birthday to all the fine birthday boys and girls today.
    Toodle pip!

  3. I am forever looking through the doors in my fireplace too, Timber. Mom thinks that I am seeing something alive in there and it whigs her out so she gets the flashlight and has a look and there is NOTHING. Do you think that I have a special friend just like you do?
    Happy Birthday to all of the July 20th birthday peeps and pups!

  4. Hari Om
    Timber, you are very lucky indeed to have your own special friend that no one else is bothered about. You enjoy his company and don't worry about the sniggers from efurry buddy else.

    I know a few July 20th folks also - good peeps and pups made on that day I say!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Your new pal is such a looker! Happy Birthday to your special Dad and Justin too! We'll visit Rosy in just a bit.

  6. OMD, Timber, I have a furiend like that who hides in our fireplace too! She looks fun, but she won't come out and play. What's UP with that?

  7. Gosh, your fireplace fur friend is just as handsome as you Timber!
    Happy Birthday to Dad and BIL and of course to sweet Rosy....that's LOTS of CAKE to share!
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  8. I can see your friend... wow what a mighty and beautiful husky boy... like you! I have such a friend too... he lives in da microwave oven... and I give him a slobbery kiss efurry day ;O)

  9. Timber....what a special friend....I hope very soon he will tell you his name.
    We think this is so precious...bless your little heart.

    Happy Happy Happy Birthday to EVERYONE!!
    Hugs madi your bfff and Mom

  10. What a great friend you've found Timber!!
    Happy birthday to everyone, especially your dad!!

  11. Happy Birthday to your Dad and everyone else! I think it is great you have a friend so much like you :)

  12. How fun that you found a special friend in the fire place. We will have to look and see if we can find one in ours. Happy Birthday to all on such a special day!

  13. Oh Timber, we are so glad that you found a good friend and he looks a lot like you. What fun. Happy Happy Birthday to all those people. Hope they have a wonderful birthday and many more.

  14. WOW...I bet your friend is just waiting for your sister and brother to go to bed and then he'll pop out and play Timber!!

    I can't believe so many wonderful peeps have birthdays today!
    Thanks so much for the birthday wishes!

  15. Happy birthday to all the special July 20th kids!!
    We like your pal in the fireplace, he seems polite and friendly :)

    Wyatt and Tegan

  16. Wowzers! Is your special friend's name Redmit? Our black dog has a similar special friend ;)

    I am so glad that there is so many wonderful things to celebrate on July 20th! You are such a sweet guy, Timber, to tell us about them. Happy Birthday to all of your family members with birthdays on July 20th!!!! And, Happy Birthday to Rosy!

  17. I think it is pawsome that you have your very own reflection friend. Happy birthday to everyone!

  18. I don't know who that dog was but it certainly is a cutie. Happy birthday to your dad and Rosie

  19. Happy Birthday to everyone and Timber we think your pal is as handsome as you. Chimera has a special friend that lives in the Master Bathroom, she even reports that her friend has a pal for Mommy too.

  20. Your 'fur-iend' sure is a cutie. Happy birthday to effuryone!

  21. Mom's first Portie, Bentley, had a special friend that lived in the stereo cabinet. He would stare at him and bark at him to come out and play. But every time Mom opened the cabinet door, he hid.

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  23. Glad you found a nice friend Timber! He seems to be sweet and adorable just like you!

  24. hello timber its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo and yore frend seem verry simpatico that is gud!!! and happy belayted birthday to yore dada and all the other hyoomans and heers another birthday wish for rosy too!!! it is a big day indeed!!! ok bye

  25. You are so sweet Timber, we are sure that other husky want to be friends so bad! If he could just come out. And Belated happy birthday to all!

    Kiki and Nala


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