Thursday, August 9, 2018

Thankful Thursday

Time for some thankfulness as we join Brian's Thankful Thursday Bloghop.

Mom wants to share her thankfulness for her six wonderful grandchildren.  It has been a week of laughs, fun, and good times together as all six got to spend time together.

At the Escape Room with Grandma and one of our human sisters and all the Grands:  from left to right, Sisters K and C (with Grandma behind C), Texas Guy J, Shades B (the youngest), J (brother to K and twin to C), Hatted T (brother to B), and Sister C (Mom to B and T).  They had a blast trying to find Beasley's Billions and thankfully they managed to escape the room in the allotted time.

The lineup on the curb enjoying some shaved ice: B with Tiger's Blood, K and C with Cherry, Texas J with Pink Lemonade, T with Rock and Roll, and Twin J with Cotton Candy.  They LOVED it - so refreshing and tasty.

And now bring on the WHIRLY BALL!!!

Yesterday the gang had so much fun playing Whirly Ball.  It has become a family tradition to do this activity at Power Play at least once a year.  Usually all the Moms and Dads of the grands play too, but only Mom C. was home during the day.  It was the first time for little B so you will him doing some practice driving initially.  The big kids were so good to him, they all helped him score some points too.  Mom says she is so grateful to be blessed with six kind and loving grands.

BUT . . .

she also adds that time alone with her three favorite furries was quite blissful today.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  1. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Kathie what a truly beautiful bunch of bipeds.
    They are growing up so quickly. We truly loved seeing the group photos and all the fun in the video. Thankful Thursday indeed. What a wonderful way to end a summer with all 6 bipeds together
    Madi sends hugs to her Wooderful Woos
    Hugs madi and mom

  2. Such a wonderful bunch of photos and we love all of those smiles!!! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. Aaawww Gramma, what-a-bunch of beans to be thankful for (and three others to be thankful fur) ... you are a lucky and very much blessed lady (deservedly so we think!)
    Happy Hugs to you,

  4. What a wonderful bunch of grands!! We bet it was a blast!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  5. It looks like everyone had lots of fun. We've never seen that variation on bumper cars. It looks like fun.

  6. That looks like SO much fun, and I bet the grands just loved it. Enjoy your quiet time and all of the memories.

  7. Such a beautiful family, the 2-legged and 4-legged too. :)

  8. Oh what fun!!!! I'm so glad that you had all your grandkids gathered together doing so many fun things! And the three Sibes look pretty happy too!

  9. Six grandchildren must be overwhelming love! We are expecting our second this month and can hardly wait. Your grands are a great looking bunch! ♥

  10. oh what wonderful photos! and what summer fun you had... and the best is you have 6 playmates, that is just grrrreat!!!

  11. What great photos and whirly ball looks like so much fun!

  12. Awww, what a beautiful family! Those grands sure grow up fast, don't they?

  13. There is nothing better than a day with grandchildren except maybe a day with dogs.

  14. Bet the Grannie was tired after that visit but it sure looks like every had a good time. Loved the pictures. Of course we love seeing the three Woos too. Have a great weekend.

  15. Wow, we can't believe how BIG the "little" ones are! What great photos - and what a special time for everyone! We're glad your mom made time for alone time with the three of you!

  16. What a lovely family you have! Hooray!

  17. How fun to have them all together!
    hazel & Mabel

  18. Oh what a crowd of super happy faces having fun together. It's great everyone can be together for activities and fun stuff isn't it!! Then Mom comes home and has three gorgeous white playmates waiting to spend time with her. Can't beat that!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  19. What a load of fun everyone is having! That is so nice!

    Kiki and Nala


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