Saturday, August 18, 2018

Weekend Movie with the "Wild Woos"

As you can see, when the Woos get too Wild, Mom says, "Take it outside!"  We sure had a lot of fun inside and outside.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  1. Cute video. Nice to see you all having fun.

  2. OMD, I LOVED IT!!!!! I could watch you Woos for hours!!! Butts....I would rather join in!!!! I'll be overs soon for round 87....
    Ruby ♥

  3. Timber is quite the instigator, isn't he? lol Love how Lightning keeps both kids in check. And Misty, well she just tries to be boss! lol

  4. Hari Om
    wwwwhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... that was a lovely sight to enjoy with my mid-morning cuppa! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. You guys looked like you were having so much fun - both inside and out!

  6. You sure like the take it outside part gang!!!

  7. You all sure were having fun together. There is nothing quite like a good wrestling and zoomie session.

  8. That was fun. When you were all inside I kept waiting for one of your tails to take out the centerpiece on the coffee table. Never happened.

    When you were outside you really had a good run. Lots of space for that.

    Have a woof woof day. My best to your peeps. ♥

  9. You must have gotten more rain than we did to have such green grass. It looks like you're all having fun. It's nice to see you all playing nicely together.

  10. We can see that Lightning is being the good big brother a lot of the time, bur he can't resist joining in some of the time too!


  11. Wow, you Woos sure do have fun. That was fun for us to watch. We see you Lightning, still in charge which is good. You all have a super Sunday.

  12. Oh, does that ever look like FUN! Tell me, when you do the indoor games, do you ever see how close you can zoom by those glass-top tables? I have a feeling we'd have to try that. We do that with our dining room hutch. So far, no one's broken anything! Well ... except for Mom. And Ken the contractor. Cam and I are perfect, though!
    Mom wanted me to say - she leaves those big planters outside all year. They're way too heavy to move very far. Most of the plants seem to make it through the Winter!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  13. After all that Lightning is still top dog! (My ghostwriter wants to know how you doggies can romp around like that and not knock everything off the coffee tables.)

  14. YAY!!!! Nothing like "letting loose" right??

    Hugs, Teddy

  15. OMD you all had a good time playing in the yard and house.
    We need a no sibe fence and jail for our plants as you suggested.
    Mitzie got a hold of mom's lilac tree, only one branch was destroyed.
    Can we put Mitzie in jail?
    Your grass is so nice and green, we are jealous.
    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  16. You 3 Woofuriends crack me up!! Lightning seems to be the referee and he has his paws full...ut oh we see he got involved too
    Hugs madi and mom

  17. That video made us smile---You all have so much fun together, inside and out! You are so lucky to have each other!

    Kiki and Nala

  18. We hear that A Lot! "Take it Outside!!" Have fun wherever you end up!!

  19. WOW! You were having a fantastic time inside and out! Go Woos!

  20. A good old fashioned case of tug-a-war. Love it!

  21. They are so beautiful and precious! How on earth do you keep that lovely light colored carpet clean with 3 Huskies!? We have just 1 and it feels like everything is always dirty LOL! I so wish I had another Husky to keep Icy company and play outside with her, but the husband won't hear of bringing another Wolf - um, I mean Husky into the house. Not yet anyway..... LOL!
    Love & Biscuits,
    Dogs Luv Us and We Luv Them


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!