Monday, October 22, 2018

Monday Moves - and Awww Monday

I am moving pretty well after two weeks and three days post-surgery.  But I did give Mom quite a scare yesterday afternoon.  I was just standing by the wall when all of a sudden I fell to the floor.  I had a very hard time getting my back legs under me, and Mom was sure I had done some damage to my mending leg.  I hobbled to my bed on three legs.  Mom tried to get me up after a few minutes to see if I would put any weight on my leg.  I didn't at first, but then I did.  Later at night I was much better, and today things seem to be back to normal.  Mom says I took 10 years off her life.

Misty and Timber want you to know that they have some good moves too.  Watch!!!

Such a good time those two have together!

That was fun!!!  Let's go again!!!

I am beginning to wonder if I will ever be doing those zoomies again:(

NOTE:  We are having trouble leaving comments on a lot of blogs today. We get this error message:  Input error: Memcache value is null for FormRestoration Does anyone know how to fix this?  It is so frustrating.  If you usually get a comment from us and didn't today, this is why.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  1. You are scaring mom a lot of late and I get that. We feel so helpless when you're hurt. Lots of prayers for you and your mom.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday. Extra hugs to your mom. ♥

  2. we are so happe that everything looks good... and we hope that nothing is damaged after the bad adventure from yesterday... hugs to you you are a trooper like Balto and all the fabulous nordic pups.

  3. Don't worry, Lightning! You'll be back to zooming soon!!!

  4. Once the lampshade is removed we are sure you will be heck on paws again!

  5. Hey Lightening, you look like you're moving much better now. Just have patience and it'll be time for zoomies again.
    Toodle pip!

  6. We know that sure scared your Mom but I sure am happy normal came and found you!

  7. You are greatly improved, Lightning!!!! You'll be back out there with your siblings before you know it! Keep the faith.

  8. It's good to see you moving Lightning. Don't scare your mom like that though. It's good to see that Misty and Timber are having fun outside too.

  9. You just take it easy, you'll be out there referee-ing those wild pups soon.

  10. Those were some great moves all around, and we are glad to see Lightning moving so well...we are sure your falling was super scary for your mom and we hope that it doesn't happen again! Slow and steady improvement is great!

    Kiki and Nala

  11. Aaaawwwwww...poor Lightning! Hang in there big guy!
    Arty, Jakey & Travelin' Rosy

  12. Hari Om
    Lightning, you will - but not too soon. Give proper healing time! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  13. Poor Lightning! Poor Mom! Fingers crossed the leg just gets better and better with no setbacks!

  14. Oh Lightning that nearly gave me gray furs when I read it.
    You sure do look like you are feeling much better. Maybe your leg went to sleep mine does that sometimes.

    I'm running late I had Jury duty today thankfully I did not get on a trial woohoo.
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. That must have been scary for your mom! You look sad Lightning but soon the cone will be gone - we bet that will help you feel better
    Hazel & Mabel

  16. Please stop worrying your mom, as a dog mom I know how concerned we can be over your health!

  17. What beautiful dogs. Wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery.

  18. Lightning, we're sorry you fell and freaked out your mom! We're sending purrs and puppy woofs that you continue to get stronger and get well soon!

  19. Oh my! You gave your parents quite a fright. We hope you don't do that again. Sending prayers.

  20. We have no clue how to fix it, so we hope our blog isn't one you are having trouble commenting on.

    Lightning, we are sending more healing purrs for your leg and lots of POTP and we are sure you will be doing zoomies again in no time.

    Misty and Timber keep having fun.

    Love all of us here at ATCAD

  21. You'll do zoomies again too, Lightning. Just give it a wee bit more time.

  22. Hang in there Lightning! You'll feel better soon! That was fun watching the younger doggies romping around. What's up with the neighbor doggies? If that was me and Joey, we'd be running and barking like crazy.

  23. hello woos its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow lightning that must hav ben skarry i fall down sumtimes too theez days and i hav truble gitting up agin it is no fun!!! i hope yoo ar dooing better now and their has ben no mor falling down and soon yoo wil be dooing zoomies agin!!! and wow that is sum krazy messadj yore mama wuz gitting my dada sed it sownds like a server side problim wotever that meens!!! he is always saying stuf like that and nobuddy nos wot he is tawking abowt!!! ok bye


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