Monday, December 17, 2018

Mom's Mischief Monday

SHE'S at it again!!!

Lightning:  Ahrooooooo!!! HELP!!!  This is almost worse than my cone of shame!!!

Timber:  Let me try - DAD, where are you when we need you???  Come help us get these antlers off!!!

Misty:  Stop complaining, boys - can't you smell the jerky treats she has in her pocket???

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Pee Ess: Lightning sadly is still coned.  Set free for photos only.  Vet has suggested using neosporin on the scab that just keeps scabbing over and over and over.  We have been trying to use it since Friday, but the smell of the meds is attracting his siblings to lend some help licking - NOT helping at all!!!  And it isn't good for them to lick it.  If anyone has any suggestions for what else we can do, please let us know.  We have tried socks, little boy pj's, bandages, bitter orange cream, and on and on. The pj's don't work for him.  The socks and bandages work their way down his leg, Timber likes the taste of bitter orange.  We are at a loss.  His cone is in such horrible shape we are going to have to get him a new one soon.  We so want him to lose his cone asap!!!!!!!!


  1. Awww, but Timber said it all with that yawn. I laughed out loud.

    Have a woof woof Awww Monday. My best to your fun mom. ♥

  2. you look fabulous ;o) and I hope for a solution for the scab in the comments... maybe vetericyn can do the trick?

  3. Hari Om
    OMD the torture continues!!! As for the cone, Lightning, am not sure I can help with that either... hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  4. You three do NOT look happy but think how big Santa Paws will smile when he sees it. That means - More Treats!

    Abby Lab

  5. Bummer, Lightning - and you look so happy cone-free and even with the torturous antlers!
    Can you maybe surround the neosporin with Vicks vapor rub or something really potent smelling? I hate the smell of essential oils because they can be potent. Maybe an oil can be applied to a bandana or clothing or bandage to keep your wound safe, Lightning? We're grasping at straws here.

  6. Oh My dear me I think as long as the siblings and you Lightning are messing with your sweet Mom's brain and giving her a fit with the scab and carzy Timber you like bitter orange? ! ? ....maybe the antlers are a good pay back to you 3 mischievous Woofriends! Why in the world does that crazy pants scab keep coming back is the BIG question? Dang usually once the fall off on humans that is it. I'm sorry I have no suggestions except 3 they would not like that.
    Hugs and best wishes to your Mom

  7. Ok now I'm in trouble I missed the lovely serene Sunday post. Maybe I have tunnel vision...bol bol little cone humor. The nativity scene beautiful tree and mantle....
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Oh Lightning, we are so sorry and sorry for the Mom too. We don't have any solutions.Guess the wound has to open so it will heal. We will put our thinking caps on to see if we can figure something out.You all have a good day.

  9. Maybe he needs a cone around his scab...BOL! Saw a cone made from one of those swimming noodles. Just cut the noodle into lengths and thread with twine. Seemed to work.

  10. Ha roo roo roo! Oh, do we feel your pain!!! You DO look cute, though!
    And poor Lightning! What about something like this:
    It's basically like a towel restricting his neck.
    We know it's frustrating for everyone!!!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher
    PS: I'm currently in the Comfy Cone or on lead; I have something called a histiocytoma and am supposed to leave it alone. Ha. Yeah, right. Like I'm going to do that.

  11. Oh MY! Those Mamas and their antics....

    Arty feels your pain Lightning, he is coned 4 out of 7 days a week(and most evenings) with his itchies. We do have a soft cone, and luckily he can't reach his itchies when he wears it.

    Hang in there, hopefully things will work out soon!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  12. Y'all sure are cute! Lightning pal, I don't know either, maybe an elastic bandage?

  13. We wish we had some advice for Lightning but we don't. You all sure put up with a lot wearing those things on your heads. We hope you got lots of jerky for all that trouble.

  14. That's worrisome! Some people have luck with Bitter Yuk or bitter apple, or homemade bitter apple:

    The base for most bitter apple sprays is apple cider vinegar. This vinegar has a tart taste that most dogs stay away from, making it a perfect repellent. In a spray bottle, combine 2 cups of apple cider vinegar with 1 cup of regular white vinegar. Shake well and you'll have an effective bitter apple spray alternative. It's worth a try.

    Fingers crossed for you, Mom, my heart goes out to you and Lightning.

  15. You did a great job getting everyone to pose. Bentley & Pierre are so difficult to stay put. LOL! I use Dr. Harvey's Healing Cream (affiliate) and I swear it is a miracle cream. It is also safe if the dogs lick it. I have a 10% off code if you are interested. ☺

  16. Poor Lightning. That's a tough one! We are crossing all paws and hooves that the scab goes away soonest.

    Misty, you've got it all figured out!


  17. I think you all look adorable but then I'm not the one wearing the headgear! Trust me - after Santa comes, the torture will stop! Lightning I'm so sorry that scab of yours is such a bother. I know you are very tired of the cone and if your siblings are beginning to lick that scab off then what's a guy to do???? Wish we had a suggestion for you.

    Love, Teddy and Mom

  18. My dogs all like the taste of bitter apple and bitter orange so I use Listerine, the original yellow stuff. They don't like the smell or the taste. And it's antiseptic too.

  19. I'm glad my humans don't make me wear any fake antlers and hats. You poor pups!

  20. Wish we had some advice for poor Lightning. You all do look very cute in your Christmas fun
    Hazel & Mabel

  21. Oh man, you get the cone off and you get antlers? That is some bad luck.

  22. I love the antlers and Christmas trees on your heads! I hope that dad is home by now and got them off.

    I am so so sorry about the cone, Lightning. I remember, a long time ago, that our vet had a special ointment that apparently tasted really really terrible and kept our pup from licking a wound... I'm sorry that I can't remember more, and I'm betting that you already asked your vet for help. :(

  23. I find honey, ideally mixed with some turmeric heals wounds by keeping them moist so no itching of scabs and faster healing.
    Both are anti bacterial and anti inflammatory so soothe the wound too.
    It's brilliant stuff and if he does lick it off non toxic, but if you could avoid that would soon be better I promise.

  24. Poor Lightning! I don't have any suggestions but am sending good thoughts and hugs!

    You three are very good sports with the reindeer hats. I tried to put them on Ruby and Teddy but they were not so cooperative!

  25. Aww, so sorry to hear his scab is not fully healed. Have you tried zinc oxide to cover the sore?

  26. Your mom has an endless supply of outfits to torture you all in! It makes us laugh so much!

    Kiki and Nala


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