Thursday, January 3, 2019

Weird Woo Wednesday on Thankful Thursday

Timber here today.  Mom says I am weird.  Every time a certain commercial comes on the TV, I start to sing a big Siberian song.  It is the Shriner's Hospital commercial with all the different kids.  She wanted to post this for Wordless Wednesday but she wasn't fast enough with the flashy beast.  Today she finally caught me on video.  She thinks it is so funny.  I think it is very sweet of me to bring her attention to this very worthwhile cause, and not silly at all.

Do any of you react to commercials on TV like I do?

Today is the first Thankful Thursday of 2019 Blog Hop hosted by Brian and his family.  Mom says today she is very thankful that I make her smile all the time.

Woos - Timber


  1. That is such a fun way to be helpful, ya sure gave them a great shout-out...or woo out! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. You are so funny, Timber! Are you missing your smaller peeps that come to visit?

  3. Timber, we're sure that the Shriner"s appreciate your 'woo-out!!' We make mom laugh every day!!

    -Otto and Osa

    Timber you have me giggling and my eyes are leaking. What in the world is up with that Wooful Woo. My husband has a few commercials he reacts to but let me tell you they would not be publishable on the interwebs. Yours are precious
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Aw, so adorable. Our Little Bit never sang to us. We would have loved it.

    Have a woof woof Thankful Thursday. My best to your peeps. ♥

  6. That is just about the cutest reaction to a commercial I've ever seen. Well done for drawing your attention to it Timber!

  7. How very sweet to remind your Mama about this pawesome cause Timber...We just love your awoo(Arty and Jakey are even looking around the house for you)!

    Dory was the big TV watcher of the pack...but sometimes we bark at a doggy on the TV.
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  8. Hari Om
    WTG Timber!!! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx (who can't help but notice the jigsaw puzzle.....&*>)

  9. OMD I AM DYING LAUGHING!!! Timber could be their spokesdog!! This is just adorable!

  10. Great sound effects Timber!
    Gail's Dad hated commercials so much that in the rare event that he was persuaded to watch a programme on commercial TV (rather than the BBC) he would get up out of his armchair, walk over to the television set - this was before remote controls - and turn the sound down until the adverts were over!

  11. Oh Timber, you make us smile too. That was such good singing. I see you like to do jigsaw puzzles. That is Mom's favorite thing to do but it is hard when cats like to toss the pieces.
    You all have a great day.

  12. Timber, are you saying you want to be a children's therapy dog?

  13. Hailey also has some commercials she carries on to and that gets Phod going. They got through about 2 minutes of Mowgli before we were so loud they gave up!

  14. Timber I just show this to my husband we had a great lol atyou Wooing!
    Hugs cecilia

  15. The Female Human tells us every day she is thankful for her furry family and we are thankful for her.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  16. So sweet!

    The collies will watch TV sometimes, and I always find it adorable!

  17. Wonderful sing along. Hunter doesn't howl or sing-except when he goes to Copper and Lily's house-then he cries the entire time, he gets so excited.
    Love seeing you do such a good job.
    Noreen and Hunter

  18. we love your song Timber. Is there something special about the background music that is getting you excited?

  19. Brinley are OBSESSED wif TV. She watches movies and barks at bad characters. And she hates when they show sex perverts on da news and she growls dem. And windshield wipers and children jumping on beds and ....

  20. That is so cool. You should be part of the commercial. And the kids would love you.

  21. Oh Timber what a wonderful woo you have. One of the original PugRanch Kids, Char Shu, always reacted to the Taco Bell commercial with the little dog. He would hear the beginning of the commercial and just knew that taco dog would be on
    Hazel & Mabel

  22. Oh Timber......I think you ARE trying to tell your Mom that you would like to visit those kids on the TV and give them a sibe-hug! Right?

    Hugs, Teddy

  23. We'll "woo" for you Timber; we love that commercial and never push mute when it's on, cause we admire Shriner's and feel we "know" all those
    brave children! You're giving them a Paws Up we think for fighting a
    good fight. Keep it up!

  24. That was a great song you were singing. I don't react to stuff on TV unless there's a squeaky toy sound. Dad usually watches TV without the sound and just reads the closed captions because he is so hard of hearing.

    Have fun wooing, Timber!

  25. That is hilarious!!! You have a great voice, Timber!!! I loved hearing you howl! I'm so glad that your mom caught it on video!!!!

  26. That is a very beautiful song, Timber!

    Purrs and Neighs,
    The Chans and The Vs

  27. MOL! That's funny, Timber! Lexi doesn't sing to any songs on TV but she does bark at some of the things Daddy watches but the shows annoy all of us so we totally get why she barks. Hope you all have a great weekend!

  28. We think it is sweet of you too. And you have a terrific singing voice. Once when Fenris was riding in the car with Mom something came on the radio he didn't like and he took his paw and turned the radio off. Mom was not amused.

  29. Well, it IS a very sad commercial! You have a lovely voice!
    Yours sincerely,
    Margaret Thatcher

  30. Charlee: "Sing it, Timber!"
    Chaplin: "I think you must be auditioning for a telethon spot!"

  31. Well done Timber. You have chosen a great cause to sing along with. Keep up the good work!

  32. Oh Timber, this is so sweet. Ruby doesn't react to the Shriner commercials, but I do. They are such lovely ads and get me every single time.

  33. That is so funny! We like to watch tv when mom has nature shows on but we have never howled at it!

    Kiki and Nala

  34. We are thinking you have a great voice for a worthy cause.

    ♥ Astro and Mitzie

  35. BOL!!!!! OMD, dude that is soooo funny!!!!! I thinks you are pawsome for tellin' the world abouts such a worthy cause! I ARRRROOOOOOO with you dude!.....*cough*, *cough*...okays, maybe I needs some practice with the Siberian just comes out as an AireBark...sigh. I'll work on it...
    Ruby ♥

  36. Too bad NAK isn't here - we would make that a tutorial on wooing - she missed that khlass in Siberianstuff!

    We really don't pay too much attention to anything on but we do see that one quite a bit - might have start our own woos -

    The Blondes
    PS: We were hoping to see the wild ones here - we don't believe it!!!

  37. Timber, you should be their spokesdog! Love your song! Woooooo! xoxoxo

  38. Mom had a dog Libby before we were born. Libby liked to sing along with certain songs and Mom thought it was cute. So why doesn't she think it's cute when we all start singing together?


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!