Monday, July 22, 2019

Cousins on Monday

Monday, Monday - for a change we have to say it is a good Monday because the horrible heat dome has lifted, and we have a dryer and cooler day with temps in the low 80s.

As our title shows, this is supposed to be a blog about US, The Woos!!!  But Mom convinced us to let her share a little about our cousins and the birthday party this weekend for Dad, our BIL, and our cousin Duncan.

Mom had to snap this pic of the cake very quickly as our human sister was just about ready to slice into it.  It was BIG and delicious and was served with ice cream.  We only know THAT because Mom told us. We did not get to go to the party or have any of the cake.  But Mom felt sorry for us and let us have some ice cream when she and Dad got home.

No human pics, but here is one of our cousins.

Awww - this is the birthday boy Duncan.  He is a shih tzu and he turned three on Saturday. 

 Awww - here he is with his younger brother Dexter. Do they remind you of any pups you know, like maybe Jakey, Arty, and Rosy?  Mom thinks Rosy must be related to Dexter somehow or other. And Duncan looks a bit like Jakey (and maybe even Angel Bilbo).

They are both very nice boys, well-behaved and sweet.  We are happy to have them as our cousins.  They live with the two boy grands Tyler and Brady.

Wait a minute, Mom.  Who is THAT?  He doesn't look like any cousin that we know!!!

Well, Mom tells us that we have to welcome a new cousin. 

Awww!!!  Meet Murphy!!!  He was adopted by the other grands (Kaeleigh, Jack, and Cambrie) on Saturday.  He comes from a local rescue shelter.  He was found running the streets in early July.  No one has claimed him so now he is Murphy.  He is a mix, but everyone seems to have a different idea of what he might be.  Mom thinks he might have some Lab, Rottweiler, Boxer, Dalmatian, and who knows what else.  He is on the skinny side, but we know the his new forever family will put some good weight on him.

He loves his new sister, Ruby.  Ruby has appeared here before.  The two of them are getting along so very well.  They play and play all day long.  Welcome, Murphy.

So that's our Monday news.  We wish we could tell you there is a new family member here too, but Mom says we three are all she needs:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  1. I'm having an Awww overload. It's enough when it's just you three, but now you've added a bunch more cuteness. I'd be busy loving on each and everyone of you and bypass the cake and ice cream. Or maybe not.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday. My best to your mom. ♥

  2. Happy Birthday to all your family members. Your cousins are all so cute. Murphy is so lucky to have landed in his new home.

  3. Wow, so much great news. Happy 3rd Birthday Duncan!! Welcome to your forever family Murphy. You are too cute. We are happy to meet your cousins. Thanks for sharing. Have a fantastic week ahead.
    World of Animals

  4. OH my Woos at least your picture is in the header and you got one on the blog.
    That cake looks so very yummy and I know everybuddy enjoyed it.
    Dexter and Murphy and Ruby what wonderful cuzzins with very loving and beautiful faces. They all know they are lucky.
    Hugs to my Woos

  5. Your cousins are cute. Happy Birthday to your Dad! I am having cake tomorrow .

  6. You cousins are so cute and hooray for Murphy, that’s wonderful!

  7. Hari OM
    Awww you have really cute cousins and Murphy looks to be a pawfect fit. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  8. We are so happy that Murphy has such a great home. You sure have cute cousins.

  9. OMD! What adorable cuzzins you have!!!! And Murphy is ADORABLES!!! (don't tells MY Murphy I said that, k? BOL!) I am so glads he found a most pawsome furever home!! WooooHoooooo!!!! And RUBY (hehehee) is ADORABLES, as all RUBY'S are!!! BOL!!!! hehheeee
    Glads you Woos gots your IScream....I would have hated to send your peeps some AirePoops for leaving you out...hehehee
    Ruby ♥

  10. oooh a birthday and cake and a new cousin!!! that are such super news!... and yes the mama first thought you had a visit from da llb-crew... she really needs glasses LOL

  11. What cute pups and yay for Murphy! We are so happy for him! That cake sure does look yummy!

  12. The best kind of birthday pawties are the ones with pups!! Welcome Murphy...and we loved seeing our look alikes too!!
    Rosy & Jakey(and Arty too!)

  13. It was nice to meet your family! Happy birthday Duncan!

  14. Happy Birthday, Duncan! You have a really big family of cute woofies! Any kitties in your family at all? We're pretty cute too ya know.

    Angel & Isabella

  15. What cuties your cousins are! What a beautiful extended family, everyone looks so happy and loved!
    Don't tell your cousins, but you three Woos are the cutest of all ... shhhhh.

  16. What?!!! How can your mom possibly say three is enough?

    I love all the pictures. Thank you.

  17. Your cousins are just so cute. Bet they are fun to be around too. Tell the mom that this Mom has to go to the hospital to get her back checked so probably won't blog in the morning. We will keep you posted. Take care.

  18. I love my cousins, and I love yours too!! They are a lot younger than mine are, and probably a bit more fun!! :-)

    And tell your Mom I get the whole thing about 3 being enough. I said that once too....But look what happened to me!!

  19. Wow great cousins you have! Duncan and Dexter are mighty cute and so is Murphy!
    Mabel & Hilda

  20. Welcome to Murphy! You have the bestest cousins :) Happy Birthday to Duncan!

  21. Oh my goodness -look at all those happy and adorable faces! Nice to have a new Cousin isn't it! It's also nice that the horrible heat has let up - it's cooler here too and we're loving it. That birthday cake looks delicious and it's just too bad you all didn't get to find that out first hand. Oh well.......

    Hugs, Teddy

  22. Just look at all these wonderful pups! Happy, happy, happy DOGS!

  23. I guess it's allowed to have cousins invading one's blog every now and then. Especially when they are as cute as wee birthday by Duncan.
    Toodle pip!

  24. Such cuties! I think I'd dig into that cake right away too. Looks yummy!

  25. OMC Mom is squeeing over your cousins!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  26. It's been realy hot here as well, and #1 hasn't let me run around much at all this week. But it's now cooled down so I shall be having more fun!

    Good to meet your cousins!


  27. Lulu: "Wow, what a big week around your place!"
    Charlee: "Happy belated birthday to your Dad and BIL and your cousin, too!"
    Chaplin: "And hello, Murphy! We like your color scheme!"

  28. Another doggie cousin! That is so exciting! Looks like everyone in the family loves pups---do you all get together sometimes, now THAT would be a party!

    Your friend Kiki


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