Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Almost Wordless Wednesday

How do you like my new bling?  Hope my wishbone is lucky!!! 

Keeping Mom busy during these stay-at-home times.

Note: SomePup (and NOT ME, Timber) snitched a couple of pieces and got caught a few chomps too late:(  That would be Lightning.

Woos, Timber



  1. We are sure the wishbone is lucky. You guys deserve some luck.
    Toodle pip!

  2. Hari OM
    Oh dear - not treats, Lightning!!! Nice puzzle though. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. I have a bracelet just like yours but I have never worn it. Lots of luck to you! Mom is still going strong with puzzles too.

  4. My mom is still working and would love to have a day where she needed something to do. That day is probably coming. Great looking puzzle.

  5. What a cutie pie you are. I love puzzles. That's a pretty one.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  6. Good job on the puzzle. I wish I could do one, but the cats would be all over it.

  7. Wow! That's a beautiful puzzle!

  8. Wooderful sneaky friend what a slick move that least it was an itty bitty piece. Timber you might have to start snoopervising Lightning
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. That's a cool way to wear your chew bone Timber. That looks like a fun puzzle to put together. We hope your mom didn't look too hard for those missing pieces. BOL!

  10. This Mom here loves to do puzzels but the cats will not allow her to do that. Those pieces are just such great toys.You all have a super day.

  11. Monty liked to steal puzzle pieces too. Mom has a couple puzzles missing key pieces. We're helping Mom with all her projects. We're sure it makes her happy even if she doesn't always agree. Stay safe.

  12. I LOVE your new bracelet! And that puzzle is really pretty! For some reason ... not naming names ... it isn't me ... our mom only does jigsaw on her iPad. Hmm ...

  13. Your new wishbone bling is really pawsome. We hope you are keeping your mom busy during these stay at home times. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day and stay safe.
    World of Animals

  14. That bone looks delicious Timber!!! TeeHeeHEe...go Lightning for keeping your peeps on their toes by stealing those puzzle pieces!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  15. That is some beautiful bling sweetie! Sending all the luck we can your way - y'all could use some!

  16. May have to get out some of my puzzles...

  17. We love that new bling! It's even edible isn't it! HAHA We do hope that your Mom and your Dad are able to do what they need to do to stay on top of their eyes and arms AND at the same time stay safe and healthy. We all need that right ? Right!

    Sending hugs to all,
    Love, Teddy and Mom

  18. Lady is slowly working through a puzzle. We haven't thought about taking pieces yet. That is a good idea.

  19. Oh wow, what a great idea. A jigsaw puzzle & I have a couple around here too in the house, so we don't even have to go to the store. Woo Hoo Thank you so much for a great idea. Your picture is really cute. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Thank goodness for puzzles to focus our minds in these scary times. Lightning, sweet pup, you might want to give your mom a break and find something else to chew on. And I do like your bling, Timber. :)

  21. That's very pretty Mom, did you get a bit puzzled Lightning!

  22. Ha ha! I had no idea that you were so mischievous, Lightning!!!!

  23. We love your new bracelet. Don't eat the puzzle piece. Your mom will have to wait 24 hours for you to poop it out before she can finish the puzzle.

  24. Nice puzzle! A few nips probably added some character. Here's some virtual treats for you, buddy. 🦴🦴🦴

  25. We're doing a puzzle too. Doubt it will get finished though, I'd rather read or blog.

  26. Charlee: "Only a couple of pieces? That's not too bad."
    Chaplin: "Yeah if it was us we would be making those pieces disappear almost as fast as you could take them out of the box!"

  27. Haha! We love that you "helped" with the puzzle! We all need to have some fun, anyway we can!

    Kiki and Rosie


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