Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday Ussies

 Let's join the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop sponsored by The Cat On My Head.

We are being serious here as we think of how different life is now for everyone everywhere.  We hope and pray life returns to something near normal soon.

But we must say we are happy to have Mom and Dad here with us ALL the time.  Mom is working hard at home on her therapy for her arm, but she reluctantly made the decision to stop going for her occupational therapy sessions due to this covid-19 thing.   She is doing her best to keep improving, but this is definitely going to slow down her progress.  Dad is still going to his eye doctor appointments even though they both have concerns about doing so.

Mom decided to do something different with our happy photo.  She used Lunapic but forgot what effects she used.  Hope you like it.

Happy Sunday.

Woos, Lightning and Timber


  1. We pray life returns to normal soon too. Your mom and dad need to heal and safely. Great ussie, guys. We love the original and the one with the effect!

  2. Hari OM
    It's all a bit nutso, is it not? Still, you all have each other and that is the best thing of all!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. We're glad to hear you are all doing well. It's too bad your mom has to miss out on some of her appointments. Maybe they could do something by video chat to at least give her more things to do at home. We love both your pictures but the happy picture makes us smile too.

  4. Lovely selfies and art effect.
    Who would have believed that the world could change in such a short time. Stay safe.

  5. You two look wonderful sweet friends. We hope the Mom continues to heal and your Dad's eyes get better. Stay safe, healthy and virus-free.

  6. We think your mom may a wise choice. We pray she can keep up with her progress.

  7. Happy Sunday Selfies, its good to see you!

  8. Thank you for the selfies. Did they give your mom exercises to do at home? I worry about your dad having to go to his appointments. How crowded is the waiting room? I'm guessing they will try to disinfect everything involved in his treatment.

    They postponed Andy's next one for about three weeks, and in the past it was usually at least two hours sitting in a crowded waiting room. Fingers crossed they've come up with something safer now.

    Good luck and stay safe!

  9. Serious and happy. That's us here too. Paws crossed that Mom's healing doesn't slow down too much.
    To be honest, you look weird in turquoise.
    Toodle pip!

  10. that is difficult to go to a PT or any therapy place now... but we hope your mama can work at home with her arm and it will help her a lot. the mama bought a lot of gym stuff to train her arm, but she was a little lazy, she missed the encouraging orders of the PT-guy ;O)

  11. Maybe your momma just needs to throw a ball for you guys a lot as replacement for her arm therapy?

  12. You both look so handsome in your's good to see you this morning, and I'm sending good thoughts for mom and dad ❤

  13. Simply and truly gorgeous!!! My wooful friends.
    Sending healing PT thoughts to Mom's arm and to Dad's eye
    I love the artsy Selfies
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. We're glad to hear things are going well for you and your family, pups. Hang in there!

  15. That is a great Ussie and I love the art you made with it. Stay healthy. XO

  16. What a pawesome Ussie boys, we always love seeing your smiley faces!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  17. Lady's dad also had to stop all his physio stuff. He is medically fragile and Clovis would be very dangerous for him. He has time every day where he does his exercises. Good luck to your mom.

  18. Love, love, love the Lunapic image. Nice job. If you mom stays with the at-home PT, she should be fine. Better to be safe.

  19. Precious pups, I bet you are such a comfort to your Mom while she is healing - keep up the good work!

  20. Lulu: "It's hard to stay serious when you're a happy dog!"

  21. You both are so beautiful with your happy smiles, you keep a good eye on your mom and dad and stay safe and well, okay?!

    Kiki and Rosie

  22. Sure good to see you two. We have not had any internet for two weeks. But we are back.


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!