Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Happy and Tasty Tuesday

We couldn't find the link for Tasty Tuesday, but it sure is a tasty one here.  Look what Mom brought home from Trader Joe's.

That's Angel Phantom in the background giving his Siberian approval.

Here is a closer look.  It is a basic treat recipe that can be made as directed. And there are suggested recipes on the side of the box with added ingredients like cheese, apples, peanut butter, chicken, and bacon.  Mom added peanut butter to ours.

Don't they look delicious?  Here they are ready to pop in the oven!!!

And here WE are, ready to taste. And taste we did - let us tell you they were delicious.  Can we have one more, please??

So yes, it was for sure a TASTY and HAPPY Tuesday.

And even Mom was HAPPY today - she finished another puzzle.

The best part for her was that ALL of the pieces were there!!!  We say, who wants to nibble on a piece of cardboard when there are tasty treats to be had!!!:)

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  1. Those treats do look darn yummy! Hey, that is some tough looking puzzle!

  2. Oh boy what wonderful treats for you. I'm glad you all liked them so much.

    Mom picked out a great puzzle. How fun.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. My best to your mom. ♥

  3. OH MY WOOS Trader Joe's deserves a #1 Gold medal for this box of goodness and Mom and A+++ for making them tasty.
    Now we need to give mom a reward for completing that very complicated puzzle...it is beautiful
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Those treats do look good. I love your little sleigh.

  5. TeeHeeHee...I suppose treats DO taste better than puzzle pieces! BOL!

  6. That looks very intriguing! One of teh stores here carries Trader Joe stuff from time to time but we've never seen that!


  7. Those peanut butter bones sure look yummy to me! We love your mom's puzzle. That looks like it was a SuperFun one!

  8. Those treats look yummy! Your mom did a great job on that puzzle. We bet it took a long time to finish.

  9. You are lucky pups. Does your Trader Joe's always have a big line now because only so many people can go in at once?

  10. hari OM
    Crikey, they look hyoomon quality! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  11. I wonder if you can buy that dog biscuit mix online?? We are no where near a Trader Joe's. They look great! Will have to check that out.

  12. Smart mom to protect her puzzles! A win-win for everyone. 🙂

  13. OMD, Ma got that last week!!!!! I am SO gonna tells her to put some PB in mine too! Nows....if only Ma could not burn them or the house down.....hehehehe
    In the mean time, I'll just have one of yours! Hello? guys?? Is this thing on???
    Ruby ♥

  14. congrats to your mama!! and we love that you celebrated with that tasty treats... dig in!!!

  15. Our Mom has been making cookies for the neighbors this week but when Norma Jean stole some last night, she promised to make some dog cookies next. Yours look delish.

  16. I bet those treats were extra super delicious! My GW says the puzzle looks like lots of fun.

  17. Mmmmmmm, those cookies look so good!


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