Saturday, February 27, 2021

Caturday Art Trio

Happy Saturday!!!   For our Caturday Art today we used Lunapic Scribble and Soft Lightning.  Hope you like it.

Lightning is smiling for you today, but Monday he is going to be losing one of his BIG teeth in the upper back and getting a dental cleaning.  His tooth is shattered, and the root canal is fully exposed.  Please send him a few good thoughts that all goes well for him.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

Let's hop on the Caturday Art Blog Hop sponsored by Athena the Cat Goddess.


  1. You sweet Woos look artsy terrific! We'll be sending you best wishes and POTP Lightning, you'll feel much better after a few days.

  2. You all are so cute hanging out by the fireplace. We have our paws crossed for Lightning and are sure he will be just fine.

  3. Hari Om
    Ugh sorry to hear that Lightning... POTP for Monday! You all look as gawjuss as ever. hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. Oh Lightening! we really feel for you. One of the before Hairy Slobbery Sisters (Sam) had that happen! We will be sending you the POTP! What a terrific piece of art! It looks just like a pencil sketch! We LOVE it! Have a marvellously happy day!

  5. Yes, good luck, Lightning! Something like that happened to me last wasn’t that bad, but I sympathize.

  6. Oooh dear Lightening, all the best at the dentist.

  7. Your art is lovely. Sending good thoughts for Lightning for his dental.

  8. We love your artwork! We will send you lots of AireZen and positive vibes, Lightning!

  9. Oh poor Lightning, so sorry sweetie and hope you are not suffering in pain.. prayers and love for your dental visit.. love the scribble, have not had much luck using it on Beau, his coat doesn't do well with it. the three of you are looking beautiful

  10. Bravo my Wooderful Woos. Give Momster several high fives for this work.
    Lightning OMDs I'm so sorry about your up coming dental work. I send you sympathetic hugs as I have had my share of that. Good wishes for a happy cleaning and removal of that damaged tooth

  11. Beautiful art. I will be praying all goes well with Lightning's dental. XO

  12. my gosh! that sounds painful! our thoughts will definitely be with him.
    and your artwork is lovely! xo

  13. We share your pain Lightning ... but are sure you will be good and strong and brave! (PS: to Mom, love
    the black and white art effect, all look very striking!)

  14. That picture looks great! Hope Lightning does well with his dental procedures!

  15. Poor Lightning! Nothing worse than dental work. Hope all goes smooth and he's feeling better soon!

  16. Paws crossed for you Lightning that your extraction goes will feel much better once that nasty old tooth is gone! We send you a HUG to help get you through!!!

    Love, Teddy

  17. Phod has also had to lose a tooth and wishes you the best.

  18. Sending our best dental vibes for Lightning! That happened to one of our dogs too and she was fine afterwards, and Charlie had to have most of his removed about 6 years ago - He did great too! So I'll hope the same for your boy; let us know! Take care, and I hope you've had a good weekend!

  19. You all look so sweet! We're sending pawsitives for Lightning's dental surgery. Be brave beautiful boy.

  20. Lulu: "Lightning! A broken tooth, that's no fun at all. I'm sending you lots of fluffy tail wags for tomorrow my friend!"
    Charlee: "And we Hipsters send purrs!"

  21. What a nice group selfie! Your header suggests you're optimistic about spring. Well done, fur-iends.

  22. We love this effect, it is very cool! And my mom sends good wishes to Lightning! She is having dental surgery too and it is no fun, whether you are human or canine!

    Your friend Rosie


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!