Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Wordless Wednesday (Mostly)

All tuckered out after lots of time out in the snowy cold.

Hey, I am just recharging so I can get back out there again!!!

Thanks for all the good thoughts after my barberry binge:)  I am doing just fine, but Mom got rid of all the berries out there.  I don't know why I ate them because I won't eat blueberries or strawberries at all.  I think it must have been that bright red color.

Woos - Timber
It's that time again - the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.




  1. Good for mom to remove that temptation. I'm glad you're doing well.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches all around and my best to your smart mom. ♥

  2. Hi Timber. Good to hear you're on the mend and getting ready to enjoy more of the snowy cold. We now have about five inches of snow on our street. Yippee!

  3. You look wonderful and beautiful and comfy and fresh as a daisy. glad those berries are gone. i wish I knew why You and Beau choose the corners in the room on the floor. sofas and chairs and dog beds every where and he loves the corner like yours. i put a bed in the corner, he refused to lay on it. his is behind the sofa

  4. Timber of course I am not one to fault your attraction to red...but I am all kinds of happy your tummy is well
    Hugs to you all

  5. We're glad you're doing better and I hope you get all caught up on your naps!

  6. We're glad to hear you're feeling better, Timber. How wonderful that you got some snow to play in too.

  7. Timber you had us worried, glad it's all better now. You sure look gorgeous today sweetie.

  8. Hey Timber! We got snow as well and I got to play in t for the first time ever. It was so much fun!


  9. I am glad you are feeling better again, Timber.

  10. I'm glad you're tuckered out from having fun. Good for your mom for protecting you. ❤️💕

  11. Glad you feel better. Enjoy that snow.

  12. Timber! We are glad you are doing well! And that all of you got to play in the snow! You guys are AWESOME, have an amazing day!

  13. I'm so glad that you're feeling better. And you have SNOW! Yay!

  14. OMD, I am ever so jealous over your snow!!!! though, it was BEAUTIFULS here today, with sunshine and blue skies and 70 degrees!!!!! Can't complain abouts THAT! BOL! butts, we are back to rain tomorrows....sigh. I hopes it's not too cold for you guys....I hears that artic aire is attacking your part of the country ~ stay warm, and don't forgets to do some snow zoomies for me, k?
    And, I am super duper glads that you are feelin' betters my furiend.....I have been eatin' stuffs too...butts it's been comin' out the other end....😁. Ma is not happy.
    Ruby ♥

  15. we are happy you are doing good... and we are only for pee breaks outside... our fur is ot made for that icy cold temperatures...

  16. We're so happy that you're feeling better once again, Timber! Have fun in your beautiful snow!

  17. Hari OM
    so glad you are none the worse for the barberry incindent - and having lots of fun times in the cold white stuff!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  18. Glad to hear you're all better after binging on those berries and recharged for another romp in the cold. 😍

  19. YAY - glad you're OK now Timber - some lessons are learned the HARD way!!! :)

    Hugs, Teddy

  20. I guess I missed your binge, but I'm glad you're feeling better!

  21. awww little Timber ... enjoy your between outings snooze!
    glad you won't be sampling any more berries out there. XO

  22. Chester has been enjoying the snow here too. He's getting a bit picky about what kind of snow he wants to run around in. Right now it's getting packed down and heavy. Not so good for zoomies! But still yummy to eat! Glad you finally have some snow for you pups to play in!

  23. Happy to see you all well again!

    Love and light,
    Maxx's mommy


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