Monday, March 1, 2021

Awww Monday

 It is really interesting to see how the dynamic of the pet household changes when one of us is not home.  Today that would be Lightning, who is at the vet's for his dental procedure.  No one was very happy this morning as Mom made us all wait for breakfast until she got home from dropping off Lightning.  And now this is how we are spending our morning.  We miss our brother.

It's a crappy photo, but a tough angle to get both of us at the same time.

Misty camping out by the dryer - her second favorite napping spot after the hearth:)

Timber as close to the back door as he can get waiting for his BIG brudder Lightning to come home.

Woos - Lightning (in absentia), Misty, and Timber



  1. You may not like it, but mom doesn't care for it one bit either. I so remember waiting for the vet to call so we could come pick up our baby and she was always so happy to see us too. You two are so precious.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches all around and my best to your mom. ♥

  2. We are sure that you got a terrific breakfast (even though it was late). And we are sure that Lightening will be happy to come home when his dental is over. He might be a little subdued though. We are sending purrayers for him! Have a marvellously happy day!

  3. You two are such devoted Siberian Sibs. No one wants their bestie to be missing!
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. You two are so cute hanging out by the back door waiting for Lightning to come home. We are keeping our paws crossed that everything goes well for him today.

  5. Dogs KNOW! they read us and how we feel, they know Lightning is missing, the routine is broken. my neigbor had to put down her 16 year old blind and deaf and senile dog last week, the other dog is devestated. Princess cries and cries, i can hear her and it kills my heart. she has become attached to the mama and when mama goes to work. oh my.
    prayers and hugs for Lightning, i assume you will pick him up today, hope all went well and he is not in pain. Beau loves corners just like these two are. Big liked openness and tile.

  6. Hari OM
    The heart threads tighten when one is drawn away... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Yes, it's scary when one isn't around. Sending super good thoughts to dear Lightning today.

  8. The pack dynamics are fascinating. I've only ever had a single dog. (Would love to have two, but I'm not confident of managing more than one by myself, especially when travelling).
    Hope all went well with Lightning at the dentist.
    Cheers, Gail.

  9. Such cuties. I hope the dental went well.

  10. We hope that Lightning will be home soon. My paws are crossed that all went well and we are sending lots and lots of healing vibes.

  11. Hopefully Lightning will be back home and doing OK very soon!

  12. I hope Lightning is back home soon! ❤️

  13. we cross our paws for your bro, that he is back at home soon... da nelly is always totally confused if da phenny is noit there... but vice versa da phenny shows no sign of sorrows if da nelly is not with him ;O)

  14. Oh I'm sure you are wondering what happened to Lightning but you will soon have him back home where he belongs!!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  15. Sweet!!

    Love and light,
    Yasmine (maxx's mommy)


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