Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Wondering Wordy Wednesday


A few of you have been asking about Lightning.  We haven't really posted much about him because we don't really know what the problem is or if there even is a problem.  The vet and I (Mom) have chatted a lot, but there is no conclusion.  Just a "sense" that something is not quite right.  More about that in a bit, but first let's let Lightning have the limelight.

I think I am just fine and here I sit enjoying a beautiful late Spring afternoon.

I am a happy boy and still enjoys going for a walk.  Mom asked me to pose on the front porch for a little photoshoot.

Always happy to oblige, Mom, and I am hoping you might have a treat or two in your pocket.

What???  You want a deck photoshoot too???

Let me give that one some thought. 
Did you replenish the treat supply?

How's this?

I forgot my shades:)

That was a lot of work - time to rest my 10 year old bones.


So what's the problem?  Well over the past couple of months, Lightning has lost 10-12 pounds.  He has pounds to spare without a doubt.  He IS a big boy.  BUT he has lost this weight with no change in his diet, life style, level of activity, etc.  The weight loss is most obvious in his face and abdomen.  His appetite is good.  Stools are good.  Teeth and gums are good. Heart is good.  He had that round of extremely excessive urination about a year ago with no definitive cause.  Since last June, he has had three full rounds of bloodwork, thyroid testing, urinalysis, urine cultures, an abdominal ultrasound, x-rays, and two Cushing's tests.  His coat has thinned quite a bit, especially at the base of his back/top of tail area, his skin is very dry, he has had a couple of odd seizures, he sleeps very deeply at times, and his gait has slowed.  None of the test reveals any obvious issues.  The thought is that he has some form of Cushing's that somehow does not show up in the tests.  The problem is that you shouldn't treat for Cushing's without a definitive diagnosis because the medications can cause serious problems if the dog doesn't have Cushing's.

SO for right now, we are monitoring Lightning overall and getting weight checks.  The vet doesn't want us to change anything in his diet so he can see if the weight loss continues on its own, or if things just level out.  Lightning is quite content, but there is still a concern as to what is going on - you know that "feeling" you get when something isn't quite right.

From the time he was a puppy, Lightning has been a mystery.  Lots of quirky things about him, but nothing has prevented him from being a sweet, sweet boy.  Now at the age of ten, the mystery continues.  So that's the story.  If you have any thoughts, don't hesitate to share.

Woos - Lightning (and Mom)



  1. Thanks for the update. You hadn't posted anything so I figured nothing had changed. I hope the weight loss levels out and the continues to be a happy, sweet and handsome pup.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Scritches to the pups and a hug to mom. ♥

  2. We don't have any ideas but are keeping our paws crossed for Lightning. It's good to hear he is his usual happy self.

  3. We are hoping things even out for you Lightning. I know how frustrating trying to narrow down a diagnosis is...we have the same problem with Arty...we know there has to be an underlying reason for all of his allergy, ear and yeast issues...but the doctors can't pin it to anything except a "possible auto-immune issue" Ugh!

    Hang in there!
    PeeEss...Arty and Sunny still have issues, and still are kept separate. But, we are working on them and won't give up :)

  4. Lightning, you photo shoot turned our wonderfully pal. We too hope all is okay, we'd be at a loss and worried too but we're glad you're happy and enjoying those well earned treats!

  5. We pray Lightning overcomes whatever issues is bothering him clears up

  6. Lightening is one handsome dog! We LOVE all the shots of him, he is truly outstanding.
    It's always difficult when there is nothing obvious with a furbaby. Do you have ticks in your area? One of the befores (Sam) was like that (she passed about 7 years ago). She was a wonderful dog and our vet loved her as much as we did. We never did get a diagnosis. When I took Cinnamon in for her shots last fall, the vet says now, with more information available, she believes Sam may have had Lyme disease and is now checking and had found it in some local dogs. It too affects the kidneys...

  7. I hope it turns out not to be serious, and I'm glad Lightning is happy rather than feeling sick. Fingers crossed! Thanks for the update.

  8. we hope so much that you can solve that mystery together with your vet... and all our paws are crossed for your lightning boy ...

  9. The photos of Lightning are beautiful. I hope the vet can figure out what is wrong. Different species I know but I once had a horse with Cushings. The symptoms including the seizures were very similar to Lightning apart from the coat. He grew very hairy and I had to clip him every month.

  10. Sending lots of luffs and hugs to Lightening
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  11. Hari OM
    Darling Lightning - so very good to see you working the lens in your best modelling poses! I hope the treats were forthcoming. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

    Mama Kathie - senind POTP for you and Lightning and I do hope the vet can come to some understanding of what it happening... Yxx

  12. You are such a handsome boy, Lightning, and you're obviously a very happy one. Paws and fingers are crossed that it's nothing serious.

  13. Lightning, you're special, one of a kind, perhaps mystery is just your destiny. As long as you stay healthy and happy and pass all your "tests" then all is right and good in your world. Love, June and her Mom

  14. You are one mighty handsome dog, even Beautiful if I am allowed to say that word. I got a smile from the fenced in plants and the deck photos are magnifcent. I teared up while reading this because I am now fighting with bob about taking Beau to the vet. most of what you describe is happening to him also, but no vet visit yet. when we went a few weeks ago, he had lost 10 pounds with no change in diet. he even has cut back from 5 ball games to 3 per day. he has had no siezures or anything wrong that i can see, but his face and abdomen is making me have the feeling you are describing. hugs to all of you... Beau will be 8 in Oct. prayers for both our Big Boys'

  15. Positive thoughts for Lightning. I hope your vet can figure out what's going on.

  16. I'm sure you're checking thyroid on a regular basis. The changes in coat sound like thyroid but usually they gain weight with that. It's worrisome when you can't get answers but it sounds like he's happy and not in pain. Noah always had trouble maintaining his weight. It was a constant battle to keep him above 50 pounds.

  17. Just sending love and hugs to you dear boy Lightning.

  18. Glad to see your handsome boy posing so nicely. What a handsome dude. Here's hoping his system levels out soon. Hugs and tail wags with our best healing energy.

  19. Hey my Wooderful Lightning. Goodness me you are quite a mystery. I'm sorry there is no 'real' conclusion but in the same breath happy that you are eating and taking walks and all inner systems are working. One thing I know for sure the TLC and devotion from your Mom is the secret ingredient to figuring this out. Her attention to details and the overall Woo health will come to a conclusion soon.
    Hugs and prayers to you Woos and Mom

  20. Really what a glorious boy he is.
    these pictures are wonderful. thank you for taking such time to explain it all.
    just the fact that you're so caring and observant is in his favor! sending you All... love! xo

  21. Lulu: "Ahh, one of those mysteries. They drive the humans batty. Like the Chaplin mystery."
    Chaplin: "What's the Chaplin mystery?"
    Charlee: "It's the mystery about why you have to be fed in small quantities throughout the day or else you stop eating. Remember? You've been to the vet multiple times about it? You got scoped?"
    Chaplin: "Doesn't ring a bell."
    Charlee: "You must have blocked out the memories."
    Lulu: "Well anyway, we hope that your vet can help you figure out what's going on with our friend Lightning and come up with a treatment plan if he needs one. But for now we're just happy that you're happy, Lightning!"

  22. That's interesting about the weight loss because, looking at the photos, we thought he was looking a little chubby. What a mystery. The important thing, of course, is that he is happy!


  23. Lightning we are happy to see you and just as mystified by that weight loss as everyone else is! Are you happy? Are you having fun? Those are the two best things ever and of course you have a family who is watching you like a hawk for some sign you are in distress. Just keep on enjoying your life dear boy - we all love you and if love could keep you safe, you would have NO WORRIES!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  24. Whatever else may be going on, Lightning, you sure look handsome!

  25. Hugs and kisses to Lightening, beautiful boy~
    Old age may be the answer if all else is fine.

  26. We love you, Lightning! You still love your treats, that's for sure. I'm glad that you had the limelight today.

    I know that "sense". One idea would be to go to an internal medicine specialist for an opinion. One solved a similar mystery for us years ago. I hope that you can figure this out. I get it, as we are working on Shyla's mystery right now. I sure hope that the vet's hunch is right... because she's another case where the answer is not clear cut. Sending hugs to Mr. Lightning.

  27. Wow, Lightning really is a conundrum wrapped in a mystery. Could it be diabetes? Abe, George's brother had similar symptoms.

  28. We are sending healing purrs to Lightning and POTP and we hope the issue resolves itself without causing any issues and he is all better soon. Whatever caused Fenris' problems last year seems to have ended, but it's rather unsettling not knowing. But we are just happy he seems to be back to almost 100%.

  29. We'd like to thank you for being there for us, let us be there for you and Lightning during this mysterious time. Sending prayers and love from Patty and the 24 Paws of Love.

  30. Hi friend Woo, Ojo here! Stay well, friend, and keep being you!

  31. Hi Lightning! We will keep sending love, good vibes and prayers your way. Hope you are feeling better. We think you look super good as always!!

    Love and light,
    Yasmine, Kai and Angel Maxx

  32. He is so lovely, but the weight loss is always a concern for sure, but better to be prudent and hope that perhaps it is nothing except normal aging...Pets to all your beautiful pups!

  33. I have a question...has his nose just lately started turning the mostly pink color that it is in a recent picture?
    If so, have you started watering him out of a plastic container of any kind?
    Our vet told us that was what was wrong with our German Shepherd's nose turning pink and I wondered if it could have something to do with the weight loss as well.....just a thought.

    1. Lightning has always had a salmon colored nose. Our other white sibe Dakota did too. I am not sure if it has something to do with them being white or not. They all eat and drink out of stainless steel bowls. Angel Ciara also had the same color nose. I don't know why:)


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!