Thursday, September 9, 2021

Thankful Thursday

 It's been a rough week for me.  My back legs haven't been treating me very well.  But today I have two reasons to be thankful.

Mom got me a new cushy bed to see if I would like it.  Here I am trying it out before it gets put in a spot I like.  I like it a lot, but I am having to compete with Misty and Timber - they like it a lot too.  I think Mom may need to get a couple more:)

I got to make a visit to my V.E.T. to see if he could help make me more comfortable.  He thinks I may have overexerted myself when I decided to chase a squirrel across the yard.  He kindly added some tramadol to my daily routine to see if that will help.  Things are feeling a bit better this afternoon.  So thanks, Dr. B.

Woos - Lightning

Let's hop along on Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and find everyone else's reasons for giving thanks.


  1. That sure is a nice bed and I sure hope your legs start playing nicely again, we'd all be thankful for that. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  2. Sometimes overdoing it when we get older we pay for it. I hope the medicine works.

    Have a woof woof Thankful Thursday. My best to your siblings and your wonderful mom. ♥

  3. Yay for your vet helping you out, Lightning, and that's a very nice new bed!

  4. Nice new bed. I hope you feel better soon. XO

  5. That new bed looks really comfy, Lightning!
    We sure hope the meds help your legs feel better!
    Arty and the Gang

  6. Hari OM
    Definitely plush! sorry to hear of the achey legs. I know how it can be - hoping that the vetman can make it better for you. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Oh Lightning...I'm so sorry about your sore legs. Dag blasted squirrel needs to stop teasing my Woofriends. I think I could sleep on that very nice bed.
    Healing hugs to you your siblings and Peeps

  8. Oh, dear, up on that nice cushy bed and hope your legs are feeling better! xoxoxo

  9. We're sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, Lightning. That sure looks like a super comfy bed and we agree that your mom needs to get two more so there is always one available for you. Our paws are crossed that the meds help you feel lots better soon.

  10. Poor pup! Thank goodness you have such a thoughtful mom and vet. I hope you're better soon.❤️

  11. healing hugs to you...we hope you feel better soon... and we will chase that squirrels for you, no problem ;O)

  12. Hi Lightning,
    Gail and I are very sorry to learn that your back legs are giving you gyp. Paws and fingers crossed that new bed plus new medication plus of course TLC from your Mom will help a lot.
    Toodle pip!

  13. Dear Lightning, us "oldies but goodies" can't quite do the runabouts we used to do ... take it slow and easy friend ... PS, when this oldie got a new hip bone in her one leg the dogter also gave her the same medicine, it helped some. Didn't know us humans and dogs would take the same pills, how 'bout that!

  14. I am so glad your doctor could help you, Beau is having the same issues. You look wonderful on that new bed, it looks super comfy.. Love you Lightning!

  15. oh beautiful Lightning! that is Your Bed! Mom got it for You.
    but she will get them one too surely. I'm glad your vet is looking out for you.
    and your mom is wonderful! xo

  16. Hi Woo friend, Ojo here! I hope your legs keep feeling better! But maybe you can keep convincing your person they don't feel better so you can get more nice Beds. And Treats. Take care, friend!

  17. Lightning, my precious Sibe pal. I really hope your meds help you feel less discomfort. You are my hero!

  18. Well dear Lightning, a squirrel is a very tempting item to chase but maybe not for YOU to chase!! Sorry you overdid a bit but that new very comfy bed and your new meds will sure help a bunch. TAKE IT EASY DEAR FRIEND!

    Hugs, Teddy

  19. Lightning we hope your back legs are all better soon. Yeah those naughty squirrels get us into all sorts of trouble. BOL boy did our backyard squirrel get a shock when Yin and Yang came to live with us. Unlike me and Tuiren those two can climb trees and they followed the squirrel right up the tree, even though they are cats they can run pretty fast and they ran with me and Tui after the squirrel. ~Your pal, Fenris

  20. Zappa here: Know what you mean Lightning. My back legs don't work so great, and I have a rabbit I've been trying to catch! He's too quick for me, but I keep trying when I can. Hope you feel better soon!

  21. Doggone tree rats-they cause problems everywhere they go. Hope you feel better soon. Nice bed!

  22. Hope you're feeling better today Lightning.

  23. Lulu: "Aww, I'm sorry your legs were bothering you! I'm glad you're feeling better now. This is just another reason to rid all yards everywhere of squirrels!"

  24. Hi Lightning! That new bed looks so comfy, you chase those young pups off because that bed is YOURS! We hope that you are feeling better for sure!

    Rosie and Redford

  25. I am very glad that things are looking up. What a fabulous bed!!!! Get well, Lightning.

  26. Hey my Wooful friends.
    Just dropping by to see how Lightning is feeling
    Hugs to all

  27. Hi friend, Ojo here! Are you feeling any better?

  28. Lightening! We are glad that the new bed is working for you! We feel for you! One of the befores had arthritis in her back legs and had to take medications to be comfortable. We will add you to our purrayers! (We also hope that your siblings get their own beds).

  29. Just checking in on you all! Hope all is A-OK!

    Rosie and Redford

  30. Hello Lightning. That sure looks like a nice comfy bed. Mommy wanted to get me one of those but i prefer the floor, it 's cooler. Hope you feel better and rest well. We will keep sending good healing vibes your way.Cheers!

    Kai, Angel bro Maxx and Mommy


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