Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Wondering Wednesday


Is this the look of love???

Yes, I do love you, Mom, but I was wondering if you can please do something about the rather bland diet I am getting these days?  Something, anything, other than just Z/D would be helpful.  And maybe do something to turn my inner water faucet off??

Woos - Misty

From Mom:  Awww, Misty - I love you too very much.  Yesterday we started the tapering of the prednisone intake - will take six days - and are overlapping it with the addition of the new med budesonide.  Here's hoping that by the end of the weekend we will be celebrating a slowdown in the almost constant urination (along with a Super Bowl win for the Chiefs:).  And then some improvement in the inflammatory bowel disease too.

Time to hop along with the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.


  1. Hari OM
    Awwww 😘🥰😍 I hope for you all those pawsitiff things, too, Misty (and mum!) Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. You are such a sweetie, Misty. We have our paws crossed that the new medication makes you feel better and pee less.

  3. Prayers for Misty. Thank you for the update.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday and rest of the week. Scritches to the pups. 💞

  4. I hope the new meds work better for you, Misty.

  5. Still praying for you and mom. Hoping for positive results! Sending love.

  6. You are beautiful sweet Misty and I hope that plan comes together just right for you.

  7. Sending lots of POTP that with every day that passes, you feel better, Misty(and also that the Chiefs win the Super Bowl)!

  8. Misty, we are purraying that you will feel better soon (and that the constant peeing starts to stop). Its tough sometimes, but it helps us appreciate the good even more! Keep being awesome! Purrs Marvelous Marv

  9. Misty we are sending POTP, healing purrs and healing light. Mom says the constant peeing is something she can relate to she has some medication that helps and hopes your medication helps you.

  10. That is the look of love. Saying prayers for you good buddy.

  11. Lulu: "Your Mama for sure loves you, Misty, and we know you love her! IBD is just a nasty thing though!"
    Charlee: "We send lots of purrs for the new medicine to make you feel better and for there to be less peeing!"
    Java Bean: "And we dogs send lots of tail wags!"

  12. Pawrents should get real and understand that love is contingent on the regular provision of interesting foodables.
    PS Gail says - wishing Misty all the best, and hoping that the new meds help.

  13. Misty, we are crossing all paws that the change in meds will bring with it the desired reduction in output!


  14. that is sure the look of love... and we send more love your way and lots of potp

  15. We hope you feel better soon, Misty!

  16. Paws together for our dear Misty.

  17. Dear Misty, I am praying the new meds will be good for you and that the water will turn off and go back to what is normal for you and that the drug will kick this disease right out of your body.. Hugs and Kisses for yoou.. TONS OF POTP coming your way..

  18. Misty that is a gorgeous photo with sparks of love for Mom in your eyes.
    I too hope the weekend is a win win for you and the Chiefs.
    Hugs Cecilia

  19. For some reason I do not receive your blog post in my email. I am so so sorry I have been missing from your comments. I hope I can try to follow you again. Purrs for Misty. I have had irritable bowel disease for about nine years now. I am now seventeen years old. At first Mom treated me by putting me on a raw diet of chicken and that worked for about three years! I too have had to be put on pred, about three years now. I get it put on my ears and it made my ears go almost bald! *wipes away a tear*.

  20. Hope you're doing better Misty!

  21. Dearest Misty, We all hope the meds will make you completely better and that things will get back to normal. And We wish you and your fursibs a Happy Valentine's Day.

  22. We hope the new drug is helpful and makes you feel better Misty!
    And we are sure you and your family were very happy with your team's BIG win on Sunday!

  23. Yes, Misty, you do have the look of love and beauty! I hope your medication plan will help. Sending hugs.... xo

  24. WooFriends!! I came by to say Happy Birthday to your sweet Momster...I hope her day is going well
    Hugs Cecilia

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Hoping your health is continuing to improve, Misty, and that you can then enjoy at least some of the noms you like best.

  27. We can't remember why we removed our comment last week! We are just dropping by to see how you all are.

  28. Misty!! You look great my friend! I am sending hugs and kisses to you! Juno :)


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