Saturday, May 25, 2024

Sibling Saturday Caturday Art

Two siblings just hanging together on a quiet Saturday afternoon.

We really ARE siblings, born to the same sire and dam, just 11 months apart.

Mom tried to get fancy and used Lunapic to dress us up.

She doesn't remember what she used, but we think we like our natural furs best:)

Woos - Misty and Timber

We are joining the Caturday Art Blog Hop sponsored by Athena Caat Goddess.


  1. OH MY Wooful friends, I had forgotten that you were reallly siblings...loook your front paws are even in the same position. Lovely Caturady are too.
    Hugs to you 2 and Momster and Dad-ster
    Will the bipeds who are still local visit this wekend?

  2. Love your artwork! Happy Saturday!

  3. Beautiful art. You are both adorable. XO

  4. You two are cute no matter if you are in your natural fur colors or psychedelic colors!

  5. You two really look wonderful and you are both super artsy!

  6. Beautiful colors but, yes, your furs are the BEST.

  7. I'm glad you have one another, and that the weather isn't so noisy and scary!

  8. I did not know, or maybe did not remember that you are siblings. You look so happy together and I hope your hearts and your mama and daddy's hearts are healing more each day... i love what Lunapic did to the floor... your furs are beautiful any way we view them

  9. Hari Om
    You are definitely beautifurs in your natural colours, but I like that mum had fun too! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  10. It looks like LunaPic's Floating effect to Us. It's lovely - and so is the Original, which is beautifully and symmetrically posed. What gorgeous woofies you are!

  11. Darlings, you are too gorgeous to need dressing up. I would love to meet you two! Well, my mom would. Me as a kitty, maybe not. XX

  12. You are super pretty in all the colours. Lee and Phod

  13. Lulu: "I bet that wooden floor is nice and cool, too!"

  14. Natural fur colors are best, but the artwork is fun just for once in a while. Nicely done!

  15. Your natural furs are so gorgeous that anything else pales before them!


  16. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! We didn't know you are actual siblings! Also, we are very glad you survived the tornados!

  17. We love the very cool effects for your portrait---and we forgot you were siblings too!


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!