Sunday, June 23, 2024

A Sunday Ussie and A Lily Selfie

Happy Sunday to all - hope it isn't as hot where you are as it is here!!!


We are keeping cool inside where nice refreshing cold air comes blowing out of those vents.  Mom said to tell everyone her two surgeries went very well, and her eyes are doing well.  She can now see everything we are up to with perfect clarity:). We have to be very good now.

On our morning walks, we have spotted these amazing lilies and thought they might like to join us with a Selfie.

Mom wonders what kind of steroids they are taking - they are HUGE!!!

Woos - Misty and Timber

Don't forget to check out all the other Selfies on the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop sponsored by The Cat on My Head.


  1. It's 98.5. Typical summer weather here.

    You two are so cute.

    Have a woof woof day and week. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  2. We are so happy that both of your mom's surgeries went well and your ussie is wonderful, Misty and Timber, and those lilies are awesome!

  3. I'm so happy about your mom's eyes, and that you have air conditioning. ❤️

  4. Hello sweet Woos! It's been stupid hot here too!!! Those lilies sure are pretty.

  5. Nice selfie and beautiful lilies. XO

  6. Wonderful news about your mom's eyes! I know you're both taking extra good care of her.

  7. You two look great and so do those flower. We're glad to hear your mom's surgeries went well.

  8. So glad the eye surgeries went well. We have a friend who has lilies that tall and in al different colors! Stay cool!

  9. I hope you can get your walk in before it get too hot

  10. Those are beautiful selfies today. But I see there could be pros and cons to having a mom with 20/20 vision....

  11. I can but wonder on the size of everything else in that garden?! Hopefully you all get some cool weather to walk out in later this week.

  12. your theory about stereoids makes sense... we have giant plants too.. dmaybe they can even eat a whole pup?

  13. I am glad your mom's surgeries went well. It has warmed up here at last, but I hope it doesn't get hot like so much of the US is suffering from. Those lilies are beautiful. I would imagine they are highly scented in the mornings and evenings.

  14. Hari Om
    I join the chorus of cheer for mum's sightseeing... And delight at seeing you. The lilies are gilding to your post. Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  15. those are the tallest lilies I have ever seen, so beautiful but not quite as beautiful as the two of you in your ussie... hugs to all of you, we are also staying in the AC house.. it is even to hot to go for a ride

  16. Wonderful selfies, both of ou and the lilies! We're glad the surgery went well!


  17. Lulu: "We're glad to hear that your Mom's surgery went well! She will be seeing things so clearly now!"
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, it has been hot here by our standards, in the mid 80s, but not nearly as hot as it is out under the heat dome. But our UV is off the charts! Mama was at the park for a while and even though she stayed in the shade the whole time, she still got sunburned!"

  18. Glad the Khat Removals have gone so well! It was nice to meet Lily!


  19. Happy Happy news on Momster's surgeries and I am especially glad she didn't come home with an CATS.
    What a pretty display of flowers too
    Hugs Cecilia

  20. So great that your Mom's eyes are super focused now! Must be a big change but a good one, for sure! We hope you are staying cool, it's nutty outside now, way too hot!

    Rosie and Redford

  21. How in the world did I miss this wonderful selfie? I've been working too much.


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