Saturday, June 8, 2024

Sibling Saturday

 We heard that today is National Best Friends Day.

That would be us for sure.

We thought it would be fun to try a bit of art on another photo Mom took today in the yard.  She used the metallic art effect from Lunapic. Not bad, but we really aren't as serious as we look.

We may try to do some Selfies tomorrow, but if you don't see us for a bit, it is only because on Monday Mom will be starting the two week plus process of having cataract surgery.  Cat???  Where??

Woos - Misty and Timber

Let's hop along and take a look at what others have done on their Caturday Art Blog Hop sponsored by Athena Cat Goddess.


  1. You two look great in both pictures. We have our paws crossed that your mom's surgery goes well.

  2. You two look amazingly wonderful! We send good thoughts to your Mom, it's not a bad process at all and she'll do great!

  3. You are cuties. Nice art. I am praying your mom's surgeries go well. XO

  4. You are definitely BFFs! My dad had cataract surgery on both eyes and said it was a piece of cake.

  5. The best of best of friends. You two are so cute. Love the art. Very cool. Praying for Mom's surgery to go well. Paws crossed!

  6. Best friends are, well, the best.
    We hope all proceeds smoothly with the cataract surgery
    Nobby (and Gail).

  7. Beautiful photo! Best wishes on the surgery, and hopefully your mom heals fast and the whole thing will be over soon. ❤️

  8. Hari OM
    BFFs are so very impawtant!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  9. It is great to have a best friend! The art is lovely too. Best wishes to your mom for her surgery. Ivor had his done, the one with barely any sight in September last year, then the other in February this year. He said it was so quick and easy he would recommend it to anyone thinking about it.

  10. your mom will be so shocked and happy when she sees how much better she sees. I entertained myself when the first eye was done, standing in front of the white kitchen cabinets, new eye/old eye new eye/old eye, holding my hand over each one. white/yellow white/yellow and the surgery was done in the blink of an eye and no pain...

  11. The two of you are so cute together and we pray your mom's surgery goes well for her!

  12. Lovely picture and art! All the best with the cataract surgery!


  13. We like that art. We don't think it makes you look serious. As a matter of fact, you look as if you are smiling!
    Good luck to your Mom with the CATaract surgery.

  14. What lovely best friends. We wish your mom a speedy recovery with her surgery. Lady's parents both had it and it was a game changer. Lee and Phod

  15. I love your sweet Sibling snap...adorable.
    LOTS AND LOTS of luck to mom as she gets the Cat(aracts) out of her eyes
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. Happy Best Friends Day! Great photo and art.

  17. Java Bean: "Sí, there is nothing better than having a bestie, am I right, bestie?"
    Lulu: "You're right, bestie!"

  18. Such lookers! WOW!

    Paws crossed for The Momster - CATS be gone!


  19. You are both so good looking! I'm glad you are good friends.

    Tell your mom I am praying for her surgery to go well.

  20. There's nothing like a best friend - two or four legged!!

    And tell your Mom, I had cataract surgery in late April - Only in one eye though, but what a difference it made, and an easy peasy surgery too. I will have to do it again, probably late this year and I look forward to having another week off work! Good vibes to your Mom that it goes well for her too!!

  21. The surgery is most wonderful and you'll be so surprised at how well you'll be able to see. The drops are a lot of work, but so necessary.

    You two are most precious.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Scritches to the pups and a hug to mom. ♥


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