Saturday, July 27, 2024

Caturday Art and Timber Follow-up


Mom played around with Lunapic to create some jazzed up pics for today.  But who knows what she used?  She just keeps trying everything.

Timber had a vet visit this morning just to be sure there wasn't something physical going on with him. Everything seems to be fine.  Good heart rate, no issues with lungs, belly sounded good, no indication of pain anywhere.  Just to be on the safe side, Dr. B. ran a blood panel.  We will hear more on that next week. But he (and Mom) doubts it will show any issues.  He said that he believes Timber is still grieving and may need more time.  Most dogs don't take this long, especially when there is another dog in the house.  But he does have a very sensitive nature and may have been more bothered by the loss than most dogs might be. Of course, he suggested that another pup might help although in soe cases it can aggravate things if the timing is not right.  He also understands that is not really a good solution (1) because it could make things worse and (2) he knows Mom's reservations given her age - would it really be fair to bring in a pup who might outlive her and Dad?  Mom would love to bring in a new pup but is trying to use her head and not just her heart.  The vet also talked about medication, but like Mom, he is hesitant to go that route right now.  So for now, we will give it more time, keep him engaged, try to find him more fun times, and hope he gets better.  Thank you for all your suggestions and support.

Misty is doing her best to cheer up her brother.  She was close to Lightning too, but she has a disposition that is more independent than Timber and seems to have handled the loss better.  They both have the same parents, but they are about 11 months apart in age, with Misty being the older. In fact, talking about her age, tomorrow is a very special day. We hope you stop back to see why.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Today we are joining the Caturday Art Blog Hop sponsored by Athena Cat Goddess.  Won't you hop along with us?


  1. We all grieve differently and we hope you feel less sad soon, Timber. Beautiful artwork of you and Misty!

  2. Hari OM
    Aw, Timber... deep breaths and one day at a time... and I'll definitely be back to share in Misty's special day! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. Animals are like people and take different times to grieve, but hopefully he will soon improve. The art is lovely.

  4. We're glad to hear Timber did well with his vet appointment and that you did discuss the possibility of medication if needed. Our paws are crossed that he feels better soon.

  5. Well, at least you ruled out something medical. Poor guy, I hope his mood really improves super soon.

  6. So glad everything is okay medically. Poor little guy's heart is broken :(

  7. Small paw steps as the humans say...I could send all my stuffies for a mass defluffing! We are glad to see The Vet gave him a good report and we are sure the blood will test out to be good red fuel!

    Nice pictures too!

    I am currently resting after a full day of 'venture fun so I have asked Mom to paw this for me!


  8. I am going to tell you what I would do. Lay with him often, sleep with him , if need be. More pets and hugs and kisses than he can stand. I good nuzzle together all the time anytime.
    I agree, someone said he say his mentor leave and not come back in. That may have scared him a lot. Always go out with him to potty. Be his person to love. Also include Misty as well.

  9. What a delightful artwork! I'm glad the vet thinks he's physically okay and hope giving him more time helps. The fact is, grief doesn't go away, it just gets easier to live with.

  10. Poor Timber, sending loving and happy prayers to try and cheer you up

  11. The art came out great! Hope you feel better, Timber x

  12. Grieving is different for each of us. We hope you are back to yourself soon, Timber. Love the artwork! We commented last night. I wonder why blogger didn't post it?!

  13. Timber, sweet woofie, we hope you feel better. And a bit happier. You can come and play with Us in the Enchanted Forest if you like. Woofies are welcome as well as kitties.
    And both selfies are absolutely superb!

  14. Glad things checked out OK. XO

  15. Java Bean: "We are all here wagging our tails for you, Timber!"


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!