Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Happy Tuesday

As. you may have noticed in recent weeks, we both have been very badly in need of a Spa Day.  Mom couldn't get at appointment for us until July 8th, and that was scheduled more than a month ago. Mom was so excited this morning when she got a call asking if she wanted to bring Misty today, as the groomer had a cancellation.  Mom rushed right there with Misty.  Right after she got home, the groomer called and said she could do Timber too if Mom could get him there within the half hour.  So off she went again with the T-Man.

Here we are, all pampered and brushed and with our coats so very well blown out.

You can tell from our smiles that we are happy.  Not happy to have had to be bathed and groomed, but happy to be home. We think Mom has a bigger smile than we do because now she won't have to vacuum three times a day:)

And now we are smiling because we got to have some treats when we got home.  Mom was so proud because our groomer always has so much praise for us. She only agrees now to groom us and one other husky because she says we are so sweet and so incredibly well-behaved.  The helper girl who brought us out to Mom told her she didn't want us to go home because she had so much fun with us and loves us a lot.  All of that makes Mom very happy and gives her a lot of pride.

Now it is time for us to go have a long nap after our big day.

Woos - Misty and Timber

When we wake up, we are going to check out all the other happy peeps and critters on the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh, I think there is a little bit of happy in you both for the spa treatment too... it must surely feel good to be lightened of all the load of loose stuff and to know that you are looking totally spiffy!!! Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  2. WOW!

    What a two-rrific Tuesday!

    Too bad it's so nasty HOT for you - ar least you won't need your furs!


  3. You two look fabulous after your grooming session. That was so sweet of the groomer and her helper girl to say how much they love you two, but we're not surprised at that.

  4. You are both tremendously good looking, and now especially so after a spa day. As for the two of you being so well behaved, I can only say, Of course! Enjoy your well deserved treats.

  5. You two look incredible and I'm glad you got some yummy treats!

  6. You both look amazing. I'm glad mom got you in early. It does make a difference.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the pups and a hug to mom. ♥

  7. The two of you look so beautiful/handsome with your freshly groomed furs and you look soooooooooo soft! Today has been a terrific Tuesday for the two of you and your mom!

  8. You look great, but then I always think you do. ❤️

  9. Lulu: "You are both the epitome of fluffiness!"

  10. Now you both will be the fluffiness for the 4th!

  11. wow you look super for the big birthday party tomorrow... our grooming salon is better with small dogs and after da phenny was there, they only accept small dogs... no sense of humor we think... phhh

  12. we are happy to see you all brushed and clean and fluffed and minus all that winter furs... Warms the cockles of my heart that they all love you... we love you toooooo

  13. You look so soft and fluffy! We don't like the spa either, but Mom is happy when we can get cleaned up and our furs done right.

  14. You look wonderful. I hope the new spa smell lasts

  15. What a couple of beauties you both are!
    Rosy & Sunny

  16. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Misty and Timber and Momster
    I can almost hear the smiles and gentle Woos after reading about they Happy Tuesday you had.
    Your furs are so lush and beautiful...I send virtual hugs and kisses


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