Thursday, July 25, 2024

Thoughts on Thursday

So today we are reaching out to our friends for any thoughts or ideas or suggestions on what to do to help Timber.

To some, it may sound silly, but since the loss of Lightning, this poor boy has totally changed.  He has lost his zip, mojo, spirit, or something like that. He has become very anxious and unsure of things in general.  He used to love to be outside, especially at night just before dusk.  He would sit on the deck until he was made to come in.  He didn't care if he was out there alone or if Lightning or Misty joined him.  Now he doesn't want to be outside alone at all.  He begrudgingly goes out to take care of business, but then cries at the door to come right back inside.  

The loss of his buddy Lightning, the onset of our seasonal stormy weather, and then the fireworks all seem to have overwhelmed him.  When he is inside, he usually has himself sheltered somewhere, like here behind the sofa in a tight spot up against the wall, or under an end table with his head stuck under the sofa, or in the small back hallway tucked in a corner.  

The look on his face is so sad.  And then eventually he gets stressed enough that his stomach rebels and we have to deal with not eating and all the gastrointestinal distress that goes along with it.  We may have a decent day here or there, but not as often as one would expect from our once upon a time happy go lucky boy.

We have tried engaging him in more play time.  We have worked on teaching him new "tricks".  He gets to go for long walks every day.  But he just isn't himself.  He likes Misty, but she is not Lightning:(

Any thoughts?

With deepest thanks,

Timber's Concerned Mom

We give you all our thanks in advance for any ideas you may have, and so let's join Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.


  1. Oh my, that certainly is a tough one. Poor Timber. Lightning went out and never came back so maybe he's scared to go out and not coming back. Of course I'm sure you've made sure there isn't any medical reason. Maybe he needs a new puppy to raise and take care of. Timber, we love you dude.

  2. Oops, II forgot to say thanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  3. I feel so bad for him. Sorry I have no ideas because I don't know a lot about dog behavior. XO

  4. I don't have any ideas but what a heartbreaking situation. Poor little guy. I sure hope he's back to himself soon.

  5. We feel so badly for all - we saw this years ago when one of my mom's two Poms died - and the other passed away not long after of what we always called a broken heart - Winnie and Sparky had been inseparable from the time Winnie was brought in to the family -

    I know we've touched on it before - someone in jest - but maybe a puppy or at least another playmate for him -

    NAK might suggest a KHAT but that's another issue -

    Willow & Phyll

  6. Hari OM
    I admit I too thought that perhaps another dog, younger than Timber, might help him to take on the role that was left by Lightning... though appreciate this would be a lot more work for you again!

    Darling Timber - I'm so sorry that you are feeling sad and out of sorts. Am sending you some POTP to help take a way some of those blues... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  7. We're sorry to hear sweet Timber isn't doing well since Lightning's departure. It sounds like you are doing lots to help engage him to keep his mind busy. You might want to talk to the vet about anti-anxiety medication. It might be something he needs to help him get over feeling lost without his big brother. We know the GBGV's just did a post about having one of their dogs recently go on anxiety meds and it helped her. They do take a few weeks to ramp up enough in the body to see the full effect so it wouldn't be a quick fix. Our paws are crossed that you can find something to help Timber feel better soon.

  8. Oh dear, poor Timber. I also wondered about a new companion for him. Or could he take part in some new activity where he might meet other pups and engage his brain in a different way?
    Or maybe he just needs time, plus of course lots of love, from his existing family.

  9. I am so sorry he is grieving badly. I have no suggestions though. When Eric died Flynn also grieved which was to be expected as they were from the same litter. It took him about 6 months to get somewhere near normal.

  10. Poor Timber. Losing a beloved friend is not easy. Maybe a daily walk - just you and your mom? We hope that things get better for you soon♥

  11. I read all the comments, I have no clue, but unless you want another dog, I lean towards asking the vet about meds that might help. this made me cry, I feel so bad for him, and for you also. its heart breaking just reading and being there would be much worse. maybe ask the vet about the CBC oils. sorry I am no help..

  12. I am so sorry that Timber is grieving so hard. Something came to mind-- and another blogger said this is a slightly different way---but when my middle son went off to University, our cat Robin who was very very VERY imprinted on him though she loved the others of my boys too...was lost. The youngest son took up the reins so to speak, and smothered her with love, holdings, pettings smooching, talking sweetly to her, and repeat same, all the time he was home and awake and able to do it. My middle son sent voice tapes to her too, which Lightening of course can't do. Robin glued herself to the speaker when she heard her most favorite boy speaking to her. He even used to call occasionally and leave her messages in case she was in the living room to hear them. All this to say that a lot physical contact and lovings for weeks may be the answer. It soothed Robin greatly.

  13. And I will say seeing Timber like that brought tears up into my eyes. I am so sad that Timber is going through this. It does not matter if the loved one in our home is a dog or a cat. They, either one, are in our hearts, we love them deeply and we will do anything we are able to make their way happy. I hope lots of physical petting and loving will help Timber come back up out of this depression.

  14. Timber my sweet sensitive Woo...I am so sorry to read about how you miss your Patriach and Buddy Lightning . He was a true pack leader with such a gentle touch. I recall how he watched over you and Mistry at play. His loss along with the storms have been a lot for a guy to deal with. I wish I had some hints. Grieving is a different process for every being. I hope Momster and Misty can find a way to help you. Wonder if a visit from your human sister's pup would help?
    Hugs and purrs coming your way

  15. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! I was Very Sad when my Cobi died. I lay in the hallway and stared at the wall and didn't want to do anything for a long time. A long was about one month, and then I started to get better. This seems to be a Very Long Time for you, friend. You may have said this in a previous post, but I'm wondering if your people have had you checked out with Vet? Just in case something else is bothering you that is on the inside?

  16. Ruling out any medical, all I can say is time, love and patience. Lots of love and attention. Hang in there Timber. ♥ Sending lots of love your way.

  17. Probably, others have suggested this: a trip to the vet to rule out physical issues as the Source of his malaise.

  18. OMDs. eating raw onions as a child...that was quite a surprise.Hugs cecilia

  19. Lots of prayers for you, wonderful Timber. Sometimes meds for a few months help them get over the worst of it.

  20. Charlee: "Aww, poor Timber, we hate to see him hiding behind the sofa like that."
    Lulu: "Yeah, that is how I look when I am hiding under Dada's desk from the base booms."
    Chaplin: "I wish we could offer a good suggestion for helping him but when Dennis lost Tucker and Trixie he stayed an only dog until Charlee and I came along, and then we were all buddies for about 18 months before he left for the Bridge himself. But a kitty buddy is not the same as a dog buddy."
    Java Bean: "Ayyy, that's for sure!"


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