Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Tuesday Trickery

 Mom is playing tricks on us today.  We usually get locked gated in the kitchen when there are guests/workers in the house.  But today she made us stay in the family room!!!  What's up with that, Mom???

Well, said the Momster, we had to have a serviceman here today to clean out the dryer vent from all YOUR furs.  And if you could get to him, he would not have been able to accomplish his work.

Well, said Timber and Misty, we are sure he would have appreciated our help in cheering him on.  AND we want to be sure he took good care of our furs.

Well, said the serviceman, I am finished with my work, and you two were so good that I just have to come over and say hello.

Sorry no photos of the greeting, but Mr. Ryan did give us some good pets and thought we were very good puppies

Now, Mom, please open the gate so we can check out the finished job.

Marv and family tell us that the International Day of Friendship was proclaimed in 2011 by the UN General Assembly with the idea that friendship between peoples, countries, cultures and individuals can inspire peace efforts and build bridges between communities.  We certainly have made many friends across the world and are so grateful for all of you.  Happy International Day of Friendship.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Today is Happy Tuesday and since Mom is HAPPY to have her dryer back in good working order, let's join the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.


  1. A job well done and you guys got pets from the serviceman! We are so happy to be friends with both of you and your mom♥

  2. Hari OM
    Furiends are very special people - and finding new ones along the way adds to that specialness! I am sure Mr Ryan did a top job! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  3. So gorgeous - def man's best friend! #HappyTuesday

  4. The service man was friendly, that's a good thing, especially today. Tell your mom good job with getting the cleaning out done, I know someone who lost two homes to dryer fires and such maintenance just isn't done often enough.

  5. OH I would have been straight there to pet all of you too, had I only been there! What gorgeous woofies you are!

  6. I'm sure you two would have been terrific helpers! We're sure glad to have you as our friends!

  7. You should've at least been allowed to snoopervise since he was dealing with your furs!

  8. Mom has to do what she needs to do to get all that fur taken care of. It's a good thing. You two are so precious.

    Yes it's International Friendship Day. I'm glad we're all friends.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the pups and a hug to mom. ♥

  9. We're glad you got to meet Mr. Ryan and he, of course, thought you two were such nice pups. It's great to have so many friends from Blogville that we've met over the years including you two and your mom!

  10. I am sure you would have helped. XO

  11. It was a gamble to let a worker into the house and not let you supervise their work.

  12. Of course the serviceman would have appreciate your help. What was Monster thinking?
    At least it all ended well.

  13. yes you have to look if the worker was good... we dogs are the best quality inspectors...

  14. I am glad Mr. Ryan came to talk to you when he had finished his important work. You could have helped him but may have been a bit too enthusiastic. I am glad to call you all my International friends.

  15. Beau and I are happy to call you friends and so was angel Big Boy... Furs do get in the machinery, I am always shocked at how much fur is in the dryer filter when I pull it out. just from pillow cases, blankets and sheets

  16. We bet you would have done a great job helping him. We are glad he came over to say hello when he was finished!
    Rosy & Sunny

  17. Misty and Timber what a good view you had to snoopervise Mr. Ryan...and you got extra pets for good snoopervision too
    Hugs Cecilia

  18. It's always nice when we are appreciated...after all, being cute is hard work!


  19. Lulu: "After all the hard work you guys did to stuff up the vents with your furs, they just cleaned it all out?! Ruuuuude! But at least you got pets, so that must have been nice!"

  20. Glad that duct got cleaned out so that the AC can keep you cool more efficiently!
    Sorry we haven't bee around hardly these past weeks...
    So we missed Misty's sprcial day
    Happy Belated Birthday to YOU, Misty!

    And Timber we sure do hope and pawray that soon you'll be ready to be the real Timber once again. Maybe come and visit here, as we have a dude cutting down/trimming some trees in our backwoods and we hear him calling your name...Timber!

  21. Loved your comment on my blog and love visiting your blog again. Love the pups so much. They are beauties.

  22. We bet that that dryer vent was chock full of furs, right? That must have been some work for him! But nice of him to say hello to you both, as he will have to come back and clean your furs again!

    Rosie and Redford


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