Saturday, August 10, 2024

Caturday Art???


Today we have some very unusual Caturday Art for you, and we didn't create it, honest!!!

On our very early morning walk with Mom, we spotted this odd lawn decoration. It may be a stretch, but we are calling it Caturday Art.

Mom says it is called forking, a prank the teenagers play on others.  We found that name a bit confusing since we saw mostly spoons and knives and only a few forks.  Kids today sure are bizarre.  

And if that wasn't enough oddity for one day, look at what we found on our deck.

Mom's tomato plant looks a bit strange; it's all tilted to one side and drooping down way more than it was yesterday.  But that's not all!!!  We had a tomato thief strike!!!  There were at least 7 or 8 tomatoes there last night that Mom said were just about ready to pick, but she was going to wait until this morning.  Well, not such a good decision - only one remained this morning!!!

THIS time I, Timber, am going to for sure blame it on the squirrels - they came down overnight and ate them all.

I don't see any around now, but that's because they are very sneaky critters.

Don't worry, Timber.  I, Misty, am right here to help you out.  We can double team those pesky treerats.  It may be too late for those other tomatoes, but we can step up and protect those green ones.  Maybe we can even get Mom to let us stay out all night and surprise the evil thieves.

\Woos - Misty and Timber

Let's hop along with Athena on the Caturday Art Blog Hop.


  1. I have heard of flocking someone with flamingoes, but not this.

  2. That's some pretty wild yard art! Hey, I hope you keep those pesky squirrels in line sweeties!

  3. We've never heard of forking before and it sure it strange! What a bummer about your tomatoes. Stoopid squirrels!

  4. Such blatant acts of mischiefness!

    Our volunteer tomato plant continues to thrive and fruit -

    Now to get 'em to ripen!

    Great job of guarding the garden goods!


  5. We give kids video games. computers, and cell phones and they only want to play with forks

  6. Hari Om
    Well, those kids are not from the anti plastic environmentally aware group then, are they?!!! What a shame about the tomatoes... Hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  7. Those forks are a weird idea! It is a shame about the tomatoes. We have a bumper crop again this year and I use the biggest ones for making and freezing soup for the winter. The only problem we have is Mr. Blackbird comes in the greenhouse and pecks the bottom ones.

  8. Those lawn "decorations" are really weird!
    Good luck with the Tomato Protection Patrol.

  9. Hmmmm... Do squirrels eat tomatoes? That "art" is beyond bizarre!


  10. Until we read your description of that first picture we thought it was a bunch of mushrooms that had popped up in the grass. BOL! We can't believe those pesky squirrels stole your mom's tomatoes before she could harvest them. You two should be posted around the clock to guard them.

  11. Squirrels can be very naughty!

  12. Chaplin: "We used to have a tomato thief around here, too, but it turned to be Dennis."
    Charlee: "Not that we are saying there were any dogs involved in your tomato disappearance!"
    Lulu: "Our Dada says that forking prank reminds him of the Rat Puckers at the Renaissance Faire he and Mama used to go to in New York. The Rat Puckers would go around the Faire hitting—they called it 'pucking'—stuffed rats around the crowd. Dada says they would always shout, 'Get out of the pucking way!' before they would hit the rat, to make sure nobody got struck by a flying rat. One time one of them asked Dada if he 'pucked around' and offered him the use of one of the rat-pucking clubs. Apparently the humans found this all very amusing."
    Oona: "So would Oona! Oona would jump right into the air and grab one of those rats as it went by!"

  13. We have never heard of forking, but we think if it is the level of mischief teens are getting up to, it isn't a bad thing. Lee and Phod

  14. If the theft is at night, it’s more likely to be raccoons! (But squirrels do get up very early in the morning, so they might. E pulling of 5:00 AM tomato raids)

  15. Forking?! Well that is wild. Back when I was a whippernapper the thing was thowing TP up into the trees etc. It was so messy. Now to the tomato theif...wonder if the forkers came back with knives and plates for a late night tomato snack.
    Misty and Timer looking lovely as always
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. What a pain it would be to have to get all that from the lawn, as bad as toilet paper from the trees.

    As for your tomato thieves, if it was at night, squirrels are not to blame. They go to sleep as soon as it's dark. Possums, raccoons and skunks, however, are up all night eating.

  17. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! Was there any food with those forks??!? Also, squirrels are Bad. I don't like tomatoes very much, but still, they should not have stolen them. I will come chase them with you, if you like! (In my younger days I caught one once! I'm a super-squirrel-chaser!)

  18. Awk...those tree rats seem to be working overtime everywhere. They snatched the two beautifully formed large tomatoes at our house (but have left the cherry tomatoes along-go figure). Wilson has officially become a squirrel hater.
    P.S. I'm not receiving notifications of posts still. Looks like Blogger doesn't like me any better than WordPress. I'll have to remind myself to check more often. Hope you guys are staying well.


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