Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sizzling Sunday Ussie


Happy HOT HUMID Sunday!!!

Our Ussie is not sizzling, but outside is miserable.  It has hit 98 degrees F.  Way too hot for our furs.

Since Mom had tasty treats in her human paws, we decided to let her artify our Ussie using Lunapic.  Hope you like it.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Let's join in on the fun with the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop sponsored by The Cat on My Head.


  1. You huskies deserve extra special treats for posing in 98 degree weather, even if you were inside in the A/C!

  2. What a cute ussie! That hot weather is coming our way in the next couple of days. We're so thankful to have AC here too!

  3. We are watching The Phillies play your Royals...and they've commented on the temperature...luckily Mom is wearing a skort and a Kohl's Blue & White my A/C!

    The Phils will be glad to leave with two wins!


  4. Hi hi hi! Ojo here! That is Too Hot! I wish I had some snow to send you! Also, your ussie is very nice!

  5. Hari Om
    Looking cool, despite the temps! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Your ussie certainly looks different. I hardly recognise you!!

  7. You two sweeties look fabulous and so does your art!

  8. Ever since I first met you all I have had to comment on your beauty! And that includes those glorious eyes! One day Katie and I will introduce Jack on Katie's blog. He left for the Bridge when I was 17 I still remember and love him.

  9. Ick - 98 is just too hot but your artwork ussie is beautiful!

  10. Hi guys, we have had some nice breezes here and it hasn't been as hot so we have been enjoying our porch time with Mom.

  11. You two have gorgeous furs, but we can imagine they are very warm when the temperature is 98 degrees out. We have been super lucky that our temperatures and humidity have backed off a bit, but we know the hots will be back. Thanks for hopping, and we love the art. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh

  12. we hope fall is there soon, but it seems we get a heatwave furst... happy sunday to the woo's...

  13. we love you real, we love how feel, we love you ratified, we love you ummm can't rhyme it. ha ha. just trust me,, we love you both. I have seen and idiot woman walking a husky at 10 am in our 98 degrees feels like 107 that we have had since April. husky's do not belong in Florida and if some has one, they need to walk at daybreak when its 85 not 98

  14. Misty and Timber you are such talented posers and Momster does a fab job or creating lovely art selfies too
    Hugs Cecilia

  15. Lulu: "Too hot! We thought it was hot here when our A/C died and the temperature in Dada's office got up to 85, but that's even worse! Stay cool, fluffy friends!"

  16. Thank goodness for the AC, right??? We are lucky and are having a couple of cloudy days which has helped our temperatures stay a bit cooler.
    We hope Autumn visits you soon!
    Rosy & Sunny

  17. It's just too hot. We stay in as much as we can, too.

  18. So hot here too! Will this darned summer never end? We are dreaming about a cold Canadian air mass!

    Rosie and Redford


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!