Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Happy (?) Tuesday

We are both a lot happier today than yesterday, so that sort of explains the ?.  The Momster tricked us into getting in the car, and THEN took us to the V.E.T.  Don't get us wrong, we do love our vet, but we got stabbed while we were there!!!  Yeah, yeah, yeah, Mom - all for our own good, but we didn't see you stepping up for a needle prick.

So Timber was there mainly to get his 6 month ProHeart injection for heartworm prevention.  But the vet also wanted to know how he is doing now that he is getting a special kibble for his tummy issues.  The good news is that since he started it in June, the frequency of vomiting and tummy pain has decreased substantially.  We also shared with him Timber's difficulty in dealing with the loss of Lightning.  Everything Mom shared with Dr. B. was very normal, per Dr. B., except that it lasted a lot longer than it does for most pets.  We are finally seeing a lot more of the real Timber and less of the sadness.  He still has his quirky behaviors but he is loved all the more because of them.

Misty was there for her annual exam.   She got her ProHeart injection too after her heartworm needle prick test, her rabies shot, and her DHHP vaccine.  She still needs a couple more vaccinations, but we usually spread hers out over a period of time because she has had bad reactions in the past if she gets too many at one time.  She will still need her Lepto, bordetella, and Canine Influenza vaccine which will be administered in December.

As for her inflammatory bowel disease (not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome), she will never be cured of this evil disease.  She has had every possible treatment available, and either they don't work or they make matters worse. Her case is referred to as "refractory" or unresponsive to treatment.   At least now with her special diet of Ultamino, she is having firm stools with no diarrhea, and she is maintaining her weight.  She has significant blood in her stools every day and that will never change.  She had a big flare-up a week or so ago which is what we posted about recently.  With time it settles back down to her normal bloody output.  Dr. B. said we could try her with some NSAIDs for her back leg issue, but her GI tract is so damaged from the IBD that any medication targeting pain is just going to cause more damage.  So for now, we just take it day by day, and as long as she is happy and not complaining about pain, that's the way it has to be.  We are going to try adding back in the Dasuquin chews for joint health that we took away when her IBD was being diagnosed. They may help with the legs, but if the IBD worsens, then we will have to stop again.  Poor girl has a tough life but she is a sweetheart and rarely complains.

OK, enough of all that medical jibber jabber, Mom.  How about some of those new hydrolyzed treats that Dr. B. said we could try?  

Thank you to everyone for your concern and good thoughts for Misty.  Even though we don't have good answers for her, they are very much appreciated.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Being happy is always a good thing.  So let's be happy and see who else is sharing their happiness on the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.


  1. Woo hoo for telling us all that good news! Mom was brave and did ger a shot the other week...and it turned her into a napper!


  2. I know the two of you were good because you always are, Beau has his annual with all those shots the 2nd week in Oct. I am so sorry Misty is having so much trouble with her bowels, and glad to hear the new food is helping some. Prayers and hugs, Bob and I got our flu shot a week ago, this week we will get the Covid shot.. I hope both of you stay happy and healthy and get lots of loving

  3. OH NO, VET!!!!!! Woo friend Misty, we are glad you are getting the best help possible for your tummy. That doesn't sound like fun at all. We are sending licks and wags to all of you!

  4. Gosh you two Woos are so well looked after by your Mom and your vet - they really are trying hard to give you the best possible life.

  5. Misty has gone through so much. She's such a good girl. I pray for your babies every single day. So precious the both of you. Going to the vet is very important. Your mom is a good mom.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the pups and a hug to mom. ♥

  6. Well at least that visit is over sweeties. Misty, we love you sweetie...you too Timber!

  7. Thinking of you both and mom too. Glad to hear you are both doing OK. Sending love ♥

  8. Hugs to all of you, it's not easy when you have to deal with medical issues.

  9. We hope you find an answer to give her some relief. Pocket suffered from it toio, but her messy poops were a lot smaller

  10. Hari Om
    My word, I think you both can be very happy indeed, for the Love of the capital variety is spread all over you like the warmest blanket! A lot can be endured with the Love abides. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  11. yes.. take it day by day and we hope for many good days for you.... lots of hugs and potp... we go friday for our exam, we had to wait a little longer this time... probably the vet needs an exorcist when we come?

  12. I am sorry Misty has such problems with her bowels, but you are managing as best as possible. Good to have all those injections out of the way too.

  13. We send both of you lots and lots of hugs♥ Losing someone is so hard, Timber, and hurting too much day after day is just not fair, Misty.

  14. Sending hugs and snuggles to you all!!
    Sunny & Rosy(and Mama too)

  15. I am very happy to read that you are both maintaing...your health issues to a level that Momster can manage them. I 100% understand how difficult it has been to adjust to the loss of the most amazing WOO and big brother Lightning. So very difficult for humans to understand but forWoo siblings who have always had Lightning as they pack leader it is for sure the hardest
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. It's never any fun going to the vet, but we're glad to hear you two are doing as well as can be. We're keeping our paws crossed that you two stay as healthy as possible.

  17. Chaplin: "We feel for you, Misty! Dennis had the IBD the last year or so, induced by his heart medication we think, and it was a rough time."
    Charlee: "We send a lot of purrs your way!"
    Lulu: "And we dogs send lots of tail wags! Now then, did you get those treats yet ... ?"


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!