Sunday, December 22, 2024

Sunday Ussie with Santa(s)

 It's almost time for Santa Paws to visit.  So we decided to share our Ussie today with some Santas we found in our living room.

We are hoping that at least some ONE of them will leave some gifts under our tree for us.  We plan to leave him some cookies and milk and some carrots for his reindeer.

Meet Santa with the Gingerbread House, Pere Noel, and Irish Santa.

And here are the other three.  We can tell Santa likes to bake gingerbread boys and houses while the other two seem to have their sacks full of goodies for all on the Nice List.

Only three more sleeps until the dawn of Christmas Day.  On that day we will all enjoy family and gifts and good food while we also remember the reason we have this day - the birth of Baby Jesus.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Let's join the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop sponsored by The Cat on My Head.


  1. Love your ussie with the Santas, Misty and Timber!

  2. Those are beautiful Santas and you two look so wonderful!!!

  3. What a cute ussie of you two. We love all your different Santa's.

  4. Hari OM
    What a great little collection of Santas and improved by your pose before them! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Santa's Crew is going to love stopping at your place!

    PeeEssWoo: I was more adequately compensated for the delayed tax payment - I had a nice 'pizza bone' Friday AND Saturday - I'm good!

  6. Those are lovely Santas, and a great Ussie from you.

  7. That's a great collection of Santas! We know you will be spoiled at Christmas, as you deserve to be!


  8. Wishing you ~ and all your beautiful family ~ the very best Christmas ever.

  9. Hey my woos and momster
    We are home after 4 days with M&G and the 3 furry feline bosses.
    Had a wonderful visit. M&G surprised us with a behind the scenes tour of the Pine Knoll Shores aquarium. So many photos to sort out
    Hugs and my very best wishes to you 2, Mom, Dad and the entire family

  10. Chaplin: "So many Santas! I wonder if they are all still mad at Dennis ..."

  11. What delightful Santas you have! They make your place look cheerful indeed.


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