Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Happy Tuesday

So they say today is Happy Tuesday.  

We are really trying hard to find a reason to be happy.  But some Snow Thief came and stole ALL of our snow - not a flake to be found anywhere.

Let's just hang here and keep our eyes open for the culprit.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Don't worry, we really are happy pups, just missing our snow. Let's join the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.


  1. OMD! We can't believe someone came and stole all your snow. You are welcome to come here and play in ours. We love the way you two hang out together on your bed outside.

  2. Yep...same for our yard too..but we are prepared for some white tomorrow...and ice overnight. Mom already put Laptop on her Wednesday work list so she'll bring home to have IF too iced!


  3. I'm sorry that thief took your snow. I know you love snow very much. You two are so precious.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the pups and a hug to mom. ♥

  4. You sweeties do look happy even with no snow around!

  5. Hari Om
    That sneaky Spring-thing might be encroaching, d'ya think??? Bummer. Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx


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