Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Wordless Wednesday Decisions

Should I or should I not?  To go or to stay?

Woos - Misty

While I decide, let's hop on board the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.

Monday, January 13, 2025

Awww (Shucks) Monday


Shucks - I love my snow, but when will we get to have a nice, juicy grilled steak???

Hey Momster, isn't it about time to take down that Christmas header???

Woos - Misty

It's that time again - let's join the Awww Mondays Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Sunday Ussie

 You want us to do an Ussie???

Those cookies in your human paws definitely provide great motivation.

Woos - Misty and Timber

If you missed Timber's Silly Sibe Saturday post, click HERE.

And let's hop on board the Sunday Selfies Blog Hop sponsored by The Cat on My Head.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Silly Sibe Saturday

 I may be seven years old now, but I still go on high alert when I hear those Shriner Kids on the TV commercial.  Those high-pitched voices really bring out my Siberian song.

Woos - Timber

Note from Mom: Ever since he was a little puppy, Timber has reacted to the kiddos on the Shriner's commercials, especially Alec and Kaleb.  No matter where he is in the house, he comes running to do his little sing-along.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Wordless Wednesday


Siberian Slumber after Fun Snow Romping

Woos - Timber

Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop time brought to you by Comedy Plus.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Happy Tuesday

 Not a very good shot from our photographer but . . .

A Siberian doing what a Siberian loves!!!

Woos - Misty

This very happy pup wants to hop along with the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Awww SnowDay Monday


If you saw the national news the past two and a half days, then you probably know that the Kansas City area got hit with a blizzard!!!  That would be US!!!  Overland Park, Kansas, just outside of KC, MO, got 11.5 inches of glorious fluffy white crystallized SNOW!!!  The roads are still very bad and we even got an emergency alert for people to stay off the roads completely.

We had a very tough time Saturday night and early Sunday morning as our only route to our kingdom in the backyard is via the deck.  It was coated with the slickest of ice.  Timber more or less made it down the seven steps in two leaping bounds, but poor Misty slid/fell all the way down.  After that one event, she refused to go down again - until the snow fell.  She didn't get hurt, but it was really scary for Mom.  Mom and ice do not match up very well, so she doesn't go outside for fear of falling.  We don't want her to break any more bones.

But then . . . it snowed and it snowed and it snowed some more - all day and night Sunday.  Everything is shut down around here, banks, vets, doctors' offices, most stores.  And the grocery stores that ARE open are out of everything.  But we are perfectly happy - we have been in and out all day yesterday and today.  It is bitter cold, but we love it.  Here we are basking in the snow, yes, basking!!!  Mom said she will try to get more pics tomorrow, but they will all be shot from inside.  It is frigid out there, single digits and maybe negative ones tonight and for the next several days.  

Mom has managed to keep herself busy.  Look what she finished today.

She says this makes her think Spring and Sunshine and Warmth.  It is a jigsaw puzzle that almost looks 3-D.

OK, maybe we have had enough for now. Can we come in and have dinner?  Then let us back out again.

Woos - Misty and Timber

We hope you thought this was an Awww moment - it has been so long since we have had a real snowstorm.  Let's join the Awww Mondays Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.