Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tuesday's Surprise Treat

Yes, it's Tuesday again and that usually means we would be participating in
Sugar's Tasty Tuesday post. And we would love to do that, but we got a treat of a different kind when Mom opened the door this morning.


It isn't very much, but it sure felt good on our paws. AND it was Lightning's first "taste" of snow. He seemed to like it, but we can't wait for a bigger snowfall so he can really enjoy the joy of snow.

Meanwhile, Phantom wants everyone to know that he too is very much supportive of Pip's Occupy the Couch protest. He just likes to do it while the rest of us are outside doing zoomies.

Pawsonally, Phantom thinks this is a great way to spend a morning. The only thing missing was his sunpuddle.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning


  1. Hurray for Lightning's first taste of snow!

    And good for Phantom for sticking with the serious business of occupying the couch!


  2. Yay for snow! I love snow - lots of snow to zoom around in! Can't wait to hear how Lightning likes it when there's lots of snow :)

  3. Yes, we had a teeny bit of snow this morning, too. It sure was fun to lie down in it and feel the cold.
    Morgan, Tsar and the Porties

  4. Oh Woos I have never experienced snow between my toes...but you all make it look like it is most enjoyable. Phantom is king of all he surveys from his cushy couch...WTG big guy,
    Hugs from Madi your BFFF

  5. I'd rather be with Phantom! Brrr! Hey you have a pawsome header!!


  6. You did remind him.. ONLY LICK THE WHITE snow didn't you?

    WOOOOO WHOOOOOOOO his FURST SNOW. I suppose he was in Sibe Heaven. Since he Liked it.. PLEASE feel free to KEEP ALL OF MINE fur HIM too!!!

    I am with Phantom.. Stay IN where it is WARM and DRY and... we can support our dear furend PIP!!!!!

  7. Way to go Phantom, making the sacrifice to stay in and occupy the couch while the others play. What dedication.

  8. Phantom's got the right idea, that's for sure! And look at that snow! All we have is cold.

  9. What? Snow!! We want snow here too, but after Riley gets off of crate rest--in only EIGHT more days--hooray!! Boy, if you guys get any heavier snow, Lightning will just disappear in it! Good thing he has a black nose and that one brown eye to stand out against the white backdrop.

    We fully support the Couch Occupation protest as well! :) Go Phantom!

    Elyse and Riley

    P.S.--Momster, we hope you are feeling much better by now and are getting some use out of that arm. You and Riley have both been through the ringer together!

  10. The town where I live got some snow on Sunday but the town where I go to school and work has no snow at all. They barely got a light dusting.

    Glad you're all enjoying the snow there.

  11. Hi there, I'm always seeing you around blogland and since we live in neighboring states thought I'd stop in and say hello. You are lucky if that is all the snow you've had because here in Colorado we've had almost 22". Today is so cold outside, wish I had your fur coat to stay warm with. Have a great afternoon protecting the house and coach.
    Noreen & Reggie-dog

  12. How pawsome you got some snow!!! We would love a few sunpuddles too - it has rained here non stop for 3 days now !

  13. All we got is puny snow like you guys did. Not even deep enough to stick your snooter in it! Pretty pathetic snows, I say. I suppose it will stay this way until you want to go someplace for Christmas and then come pounding down by the bucketful, kind of like what KB gets! Ah well, gotta take what we get!

    Hope Mom OP is doing better every day! Cheers and hugs,

    Stella, Jo and Ziva Zophia

  14. Yay snow!! Wasn't it pawsome?! You pups got a sprinkling more than me, but no complaints as I still got enough to get my paws wet! So furry happy Lightening is getting a taste of the wonders to come from the fluffy white stuff. I bet once he really experiences snow you won't be able to get him in the house!

    Phantom, you are silly! Didn't you want to be outside doing zoomies in the snow? You do look very comfy, though. :->


  15. Bet you guys are thrilled to see that snow
    Benny & Lily

  16. You guys are so lucky to have snow! We are so jealous!

    Love ya lots
    Maggie and Mitch

  17. We've got the wet here -

    UnFURtunately, it is 60+ degrees -

    Hard to be white with THAT!


  18. Phantom! You chose the couch over snow for me!! Wow, you are a special friend. Between you and me, I will take the couch any day.

    Your pal, Pip

  19. We support Pip too. Hope he has his couch before Christmas.

    Looks like it be snowtime again...everywhere butt here. Oh well, me likes da 80-degree stuff better....me is just too little to like snow.

    Love your new header!

  20. Phantom looks pretty comfy on the couch. You are so lucky to get snow and you look very good out in it. We only got fog and cold and frost.
    You are lucky. Have fun.

  21. I'm with Phantom, snow's not for me!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  22. Congrats on trying your first taste of snow! I still haven't had mine...

    But I do get plenty of couch action... though I'd rather jump all over it than just occupy it hahaha!


  23. since we just have cold, windy weather here, we're continuing our sit-in, or lie-in with Mr. Phantom. Woo look furry comfy up there, sir!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  24. We just had a few flurries blowing through the air here. I'm glad you guys got it, though, since you can really enjoy it! Lightning will be able to disappear outside when the snow really hits at your house!


  25. Oh we love snow! But we couldn't have any. Lucky you!!!!

  26. Seeing as you all like that white stuff, you just hog it all and keep it all ofur by you, k?

  27. That's really awesome!
    I'm dreaming of a white Christmas...lalala!


  28. Phantom, my kitty sisfurs would like to hang out with you but I would love to go out and play in the snow! I wonder if I can fit in Mommy's carry on when she goes to KS tomorrow! If she had more time, she would certainly love to visit all of you!

  29. Whoohoo, first snow! And now we've seen it, we'd like to cuddle with Phantom.

  30. You got snow??? Lucky dogs!! We are just sitting here waiting for ours!!!

  31. Wow snow! I've never seen snow in real life. Have fun!
    Kisses and Tail Wags,
    Dachshund Nola

  32. I'm so surprised to see the new look of your blog! and you're all handsome on your shots!

    It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

  33. Go Phantom. When yoru ready to go out in the snow, and not before.


  34. we just know lighting is going to love the white fluff we are so jelly !!!

    pibble sugars
    the pittie pack

  35. Yay for Lightning's first taste of snow!! Woo hoo!

    I'm trying to beam a sun puddle onto Phantom, the sweetest big brother ever.

  36. Hi ya! Great to see all of your bright faces :) I'm so looking forward to some snowtime soon!
    Thanks for stopping by!

    Big hugs,
    Sierra Rose

  37. Yay for Lightning!!! Phantom has the right idea...take the couch over when everybody else is outside!! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

  38. We support the Occupy the Couch movement too...WooHoo to Phantom for his canine civic disobedience.


  39. We don't think we have ever seen snow. Socks may have cause it snowed once long, long ago before Arty, Scylla & Fenris were born for sure. Mommy's memory is fuzzy so she can't remember if Socks was born or not. She just remembers Whiskers being around.

  40. We never have snow in Florida... Enjoy that stuff.. HH says we live here to avoid it. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a little now and then.

    Have a great day.

    pawhugs, Max

  41. Woof! Woof! OH SNOW!!! Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  42. Someone has to hold down the fort - er, couch!!

  43. I agree with woo Phantom. Pawsome way to spend the morning even without sunpuddles.
    woo look deep in thought.

  44. We're supposed to get snow tonight!

  45. I haven't ever seen any of that white stuff everyone keeps talking about. I wonder if I ever will....

    Boondocks & The Love Shack Pack

  46. We got our snow today and the dogs are happy, especially Speedbump.
    Awww,,,yep, a sunpuddle would be nice.

  47. We were also surprised with a fresh layer of snow on Tuesday. Funny how light snow flurries overnight suddenly turns into a couple of inches! My dogs loved seeing the snow and raced around having a grand time in our first tracking snow.

    It looks like Phantom has settled in for a proper occupy the couch movement! lol

  48. um brrrrrr

    Stop on by for a visit

  49. Oh you got the white stuff..brillo paws!

    Phantom looks very comfy even without the sunpuddle.

    Big Nose Pokes
    The Thugletsx

  50. You guys have snow? Have fun! I bet he will love his first great amount of snow this year. :)


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