Sunday, January 22, 2017

Sunday Selfies

Whoa!!!  What is THAT???

Oh, excuse me - here I am!!!  Still learning how to aim that flashy beast properly for my selfie:)

Sheesh - she has no shame whatsoever.
I can barely bring myself to look.

Happy Sunday to all!

Woos - Lightning and Misty


  1. Cute selfies from both of you. We almost didn't recognize you with your lampshade on Misty.

  2. Lightning, that is such a handsome and dignified selfie!

    Miss Misty, he is right. You have no shame! But you're still cute!


  3. that are super selfies! and the place of surgery looks good... and it heals up quickly and mighty fine :o)

  4. You look like you're comfy in that lampshade, Misty - for a little while longer, at least!

  5. Misty you do look comfy on your back there I have to admit!!!

    Hugs, Angel Sammy

  6. The headless husky....with a scare. BOL!

  7. MOLMOLMOL thank goodness mom was not drinking anything 'cause she cackled out loud. Misty looks like you have an itty bitty scar that will not show one bit when you put on your bikini! AND it looks like it is healing nicely!

    Oh Lightning Misty is quite the challenge to handle for a gentleman such as you. Yikes I predict she'll out grow this stage quickly
    Hugs madi your bfff

  8. We think that was very nice of you Misty to show us your nice incision. Nothing shy about you. Glad you enjoy life so much.

  9. Looks like your belly is healing well. It is hard to take a picture with a lampshade on your head!

  10. BOL BOL! I never look THAT comfortable in the cone thingy!

    Abby Lab

  11. Your tummy-tum is looking REALLY good, Misty! Hang in there!

  12. DARN Girrrrrl... they gave you a LONG "Zipper".

    Butt we ARE glad that you get to use the SOFT.. Cone of Shame... They are LOTS better than the Real Lampshade thingys...

  13. Nice job gurl! Your zipper looks FABulous BTW! I hopes you are keepin' the wrastlin' with Lightning to a bare minimum...hehehe
    Lightning, you are lookin' mighty dignified today!
    Ruby ♥

  14. As always, I love your fun photos!

    I have your blog "bookmarked" on my phone, so I was able to check in to see how it went with Misty while waiting in traffic - Glad the surgery went well, and hope that the recovery time flies faster than Misty wants too, our boy Max is hoping for the same thing!

  15. 2 weeks seems like forever, with no running, no jumping. Looks like you are taking it in stride, Misty!

    Wyatt and Tegan

  16. We think it was a great selfie for having that cone on and all!!
    Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  17. Great job, Misty! Your incision is looking good, and you even look good in a cone! Your brother looks handsome, if a tiny bit embarrassed too. ;)

  18. Misty! You look more comfortable than we have EVER seen a dog look in a cone!! Hope you are feeling better! Lightning looks adorable! :)

  19. BOL! It's hard to aim properly with that lampshade on!

  20. Awww, Misty is a nut with that cone of shame.

  21. Misty, you made us MOL! Thanks for the giggles!


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