Saturday, January 21, 2017

Wishful Thinking Saturday

YES, Mom, I know this is the first time you have spotted me in this special hiding place.  And YES, I know it was Angel Ciara's sanctuary.

So why do you think I am in here???

I am channeling Ciara's spirit to get this thing off my head!!!

Woos - Misty


  1. Don't worry Misty. The cone of shame will be off before you know it. We bet Angel Ciara is comforting you when you are laying in her special spot.

  2. It's okay sweet Misty, that thing will be gone before you know it!

  3. Now, we hope there isn't going to be any sibling squabbles over who gets Ciara's special den!

  4. MOLMOL Misty...I think you look rather regal in the Elizabethan Collar.
    I can say that since I'm not wearing it. I bet Angel Ciara is thinking 'well girlfriend suck it up I had to wear one too.'
    Hugs madi your bfff

  5. Good idea Misty.Maybe Angel Ciara will help you and I bet she won't mind that you found her special spot. Hope it isn't too much longer that you have to wear that collar.

  6. We hope the thing comes off soon. They are terrible things. We know Ciara would be happy to see you using her spot to it's full potential. A good spot should not be left empty.

  7. We hope you will get it off soon!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. That does indeed look like a special spot! We hope your lampshade doesn't have to hang around too much longer.

  9. Aw, sweet puppy! It won't be long now. You're being SO GOOD!!!

  10. We hope you lose that evil lampshade in a hurry, Misty!

  11. Don't worry. The cone of shame will soon be gone!

  12. Sweet Misty, it won't be long now and that lampshade will be a thingy of the past, you see Angel Ciara was some special girlie and I nose she'll be helping you heal up real fast
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  13. OMD that is a super Special Place... it will be soothing to you... while you suffer the Cone of Shame... Butt Fortunately it will gone SOON...

  14. We bet Angel Ciara is sending lots of soothing hugs your way, Misty!
    We are sending anti-licky vibes your way so that cone can come off!
    Doy, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  15. I hope that Angel Ciara is whispering in your ear explaining that it's not forever, Misty. I do love seeing you in her spot.

  16. That does look a tad uncomfortable (I know. I have had to wear one more than once), but it will soon be over. I promise!

    Your Pal Tommy

  17. What a wonderful hidey-hole! Ciara picked a good spot and we are sure she wanted you to find it too!


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