Saturday, October 6, 2018

Some Sympathy for Me Saturday

Lightning here, I am home and happy to be home. But I am NOT a happy camper.

I am confined to the laundry room since I am not a crate-able dog.  I don't do crates at all!!!  They really scare me.  AND I have to wear this dumb cone.  TWO WEEKS minimum - I don't know how I can stand it.  I am not supposed to be walking around except to go outside to go potty.  No stairs, no running, no jumping, no rambunctious roughhousing.  Mom says she will let me sit with her once I am comfortable with my confinement quarters. Since I have to be in here overnight and when no one is home except for me, Misty, and Timber, I need to accept my temporary living quarters.  It's not so bad in here.  I have a nice quilt and one of my beds - well, I DID have one of my beds, but somehow it got peed on right after I came in here.  It's in the wash now; luckily all our beds are totally washable and dryable.  Misty said I could have hers if I wanted it.   Timber said I could have his if I would let him sleep on my coolaroo cot.  

Mom did say she was going to let me have some stuffed kongs to keep me happy, and maybe a nice bone to chew on.  But that may be tough with this stupid lampshade.  How am I going to be able to find my front paws to hold them with?  I have a hard enough time drinking my water and eating my food.  Mom did hand feed me today.

When Mom came to pick me up this morning. she had to wait in line. Three other dogs were there for pickup after the same surgery.  Two of them were on their second knee surgery in less than two months:(  They all told Mom that they were very happy with the surgery performed by my doctor.

I will going back to the vet place for twice a week laser therapy to help heal my bone.  I can also have Mom do cold compresses for the next few days and then some heat compresses after that to make me feel more comfortable.  I have both Rimadryl and Tramadol for pain. Mom says she hopes they make me sleepy too.

I know Misty and Timber already thanked you, but I want to add my gratitude for all the POTP good thoughts and wishes for me.

Woos - Lightning


  1. I'm glad you're home and on the mend. Mom will take great care of you so not to worry. You'll be fine in no time. We'll all here to help you along.

    Thank your mom for the update.

    Have a woof woof day. Healing scritches to you and my very best to your mom. ♥

  2. Daisy Mae and I are glad things went well and your on your way home to mend. We know your MOM is worried because she love you lots.
    We just want to encourage your Mom and tell her not to worry or panic. We love cats and dogs. You'll be good as new sooner than you think.

  3. Gosh darn it Lightning. I am so very sorry about the cone....which I will now call...cone of courage!! You are such a trooper I know you'll find a way to work with it. Misty and Timber are very nice to offer you their beds and visit you. I've seen that laser treatment on some of the vet shows and they say it works miracles so fingers crossed for X miracles for you. I'm sending hugs and purrs for you you transition into this phase. Very good to hear the other pups who had the surgery were happy with their results
    Hugs Cecilia and I just had a tweet from Angel Madi she sends potent healing kitty slobbers and magical nose taps

  4. Well...the Tramadol should knock you out. Maybe the two weeks won't be so bad. That is a HUGE cone. Looks very uncomfortable, but we know your family will help you get through it. You have our POTP for quick healing and sympathy for the just-keep-him-quiet two weeks.

  5. Hari Om
    bummer... but despite the inconveniences darling Lightening, things can only get better from here! hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. I am so glad that you're home, Lightning. I know that your mom will do everything possible to make this easier for you. R had laser treatments after CUE surgery. The humans in the room all had to wear dark glasses for the treatments! I'm sure that your mom has considered getting you the slightly less scary foam cone or even the inflatable pillow for around your neck to keep you away from your surgery site. We used those less bad things for when we were supervising R after his surgery.

    Sending you pats and the dogs are sending you waves!

  7. Hang in there, Buddy. Time will go by fast. I'm sending you some sloppy wet DaWeenie kisses.

  8. We're so glad to hear you are home now Lightning. That cone sure looks huge. We like how Madi's mom called it the Cone of Courage. Our paws are crossed for you and your mom to help you get through your recovery time.

  9. I sure am glad you are home and I send you purrs for quick healing. I have a lampshade too but not nearly as big as yours. We all love you!

  10. We are sending you even more AireZen and healing vibes, Lightning. Hang in there, buddy♥

  11. Hi Lightning - we're so glad you're home and starting the recovery period. We just sent you 4 emails under the account - so in case it goes to spam - you s/b able to read our experience! Hope to hear from you soon!

  12. Hang in there Lightning. Hopefully your meds will help keep you relaxed. We have our paws crossed for you!!
    Hazel & Mabel

  13. It'll be rough for a while, but you've been such a champ so far we know you can do it Lightning!

    POTP for your recovery! We are rooting you on!!

  14. Oh my pal, that pic of you is so sad...butts I knows your Moms will take really good care of you, and the Meds should make it easier too. I hears the Tramadol will make you sleepy. The vettie gave Ma a RX for it, butts I never needed it, so I can't be sure. I am sendin' lots and lots of POTP and healin' vibes and AireZens!!!! Oh, and there is nothin' better than gettin' hand fed, amirite
    Ruby ♥

  15. HI Lighting :) So happy to hear you are home and on the road to recovery sending you much POTP for your continued improvement :) Milo, Jet & Arli

  16. Oh dear Lightening, poor old you. But it's all for the best, I guess. Try to be patient.
    Toodle pip!
    PS I don't do crates either!

  17. Oh dear Lightning I know you aren't a very happy boy right now but TRUST ME - this is necessary if you want to be able to run and play and roughhouse again. Your leg needs to properly heal and I know your Momster will do her best to keep you settled until that happens! What you have to do is COOPERATE...not easy but you CAN do it - you are LIGHTNING - the Big Brave Boy of the house - so show your younger brother and sister how the big guys behave. OK? OK!!! Sending healing hugs.........

    Love, Teddy

  18. As my ghostwriter always tells her orthopedic rehab patients, you WILL get better, I promise.

  19. Oh Lightning, so so sorry that you have to go through this, but we know you will make it. Those cones are not any fun at all. Some of the kitties here have had to wear them. We sure send you lots and lots of good thoughts and just know you will make it. You have such a good Mom who sure takes good care of you. Hang in there Big Boy.

  20. Sending oodles of poodles healing thoughts for your recovery. Enjoy being pampered for the next couple of weeks and work that soulful look sweet boy.

  21. huhgs and weim power to you... we are glad you are back at home, but we are so sorry that you are no happy camper... we wish we would live closer to visit you and to cheer you up a little with some weim-crime... potp to you dear lightning...

  22. hello lightning its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am verry glad yoo ar home but like yoo i do not like the cone of shaym!!! i shoor hope yoo rekover kwikly and it comes off soon and so i wil kontinyoo to send vizsla tail wags to mayk that happin!!! ok bye

  23. The cone of shame and the laundry room are not very fun, but you need to heal! (And maybe you can get some excellent treats to help pass the time?)

    Kiki and Nala

  24. Hang in there Lightning, we are sending lots of POTP and hope the next couple of weeks fly by!!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty


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