Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving with Special Thanks to Blogville

Thanksgiving - two words combined to make one with a very special meaning. The very heart and soul of Thanksgiving begins with thanks and continues with giving.  That is what today is about.  Thanksgiving Day may come around once a year, but we all need to try to make every day a day of humble gratitude for all that we have been given by our Maker and by all those who make our lives worth living every day.  We also need to remember that gratitude does not only come in the form of what we say about our many blessings, but how we use them as well.  May each of us thank God not only on Thanksgiving but every day for the special moments in our lives when we are profoundly grateful for the gifts of faith, family, friends, life and love, as well as the privilege of being Americans.

Mom actually started this post this morning, but we have had such an incredible day of thanksgiving with family that we are just now finding time to get our post finished.  Mom ushered the gang out the door to the movies and is now sitting down to help us finish.  We didn't want to let today go by without shouting out our very special thanks to all our friends in Blogville.  We have lost count of how many years we have been blogging from way back when it was just Angel Dakota, Angel Phantom, and Angel Thunder. Then along came Angel Ciara, followed by Lightning, Misty, and Timber.  We have met countless wonderful friends.  We have had so much fun with all the Blogville events, learned a lot about training, and treats, and toys from others, and shared tears of joy and sadness with all of you.  So many memories to cherish, so much to look forward to - for all of this and more we are so thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all!!!

Gobble Gobble Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  1. That was a most wonderful post and we're so happy you are our friends. Happy Thanksgiving from all of us.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving my friends! We've been following you for years, and look forward to many more!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you all ... and we say thank you for being a friend... not only today butt efurry day...

  4. Hari Om
    Blessings to you all for this special day, but for every day that you are with us! hugs and wags YAM-aunty xxx

  5. What a beautiful post! We are so thankful to call you our friends♥

  6. Dear Wooful friends I am so very thankful for you 3 your angels and your Momster and Angel Madi and I were glad to be your friends thru all the years.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. We are thankful to have you all as friends too. It sounds like you had a great day with all your family.

  8. Do my eyes deceive me or is there no cone anymore? I hope there is no cone. Hope you had a good Thanksgiving and 'Black Friday'.

  9. What a sweet post and believe me I know that all of us who follow the happenings in Woo-ville are very thankful to know all of you too. Friends are always there for you - good and bad, happy and sad. Life is full of ALL of those things and so much more. We too are SO very thankful for all the blessings we have in our lives and friends are at the top of the list.

    Hugs to everyone!
    Love, Pam and Teddy too

  10. Such a beautiful and true sentiment. We are indeed blessed to count you as one of our Blogville fur-iends. Hope you had a wagnificent Thanksgiving.

  11. I agree that giving thanks and giving back are two things that need to be done all year. I know I do. I'm sure you do too. We are every so fortunate.

    Have a woof woof day you three cutie pies. My best to your peeps. ♥

  12. What a lovely post. We hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving! We're thankful for you!

  13. This was a wonderful and heartfelt post, we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  14. That was such a wonderful post. The best was that Lightning didn't have his cone on. Maybe it was just for the picture but sure made us smile. We are so thankful for all of you and all of our blogging friends. You all have a fantastic weekend.

  15. Such a beautiful post...we are so thankful to call you all furiends!
    Rosy, Jakey & Arty

  16. this is a wonderful post. We are so thankful for Blogville and wonderful friends like you
    Hazel & Mabel

  17. I love what you wrote about blessings. Yes, so very true - making the most of our blessings and always being grateful is so important!

    I am glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I am so grateful for your friendship all these years!

  18. Thank you for the beautiful post. We love all our friends here and we are thankful for him Wishing you a wonderful new year with no operations.

  19. I am so very thankful that I met you, and all of your Sibes, through Blogville. Happy Thanksgiving.

  20. Happy Thanksgiving.. We love all of you

  21. It's the day after Thanksgiving, and this post is perfect to end my day on. You've said all the things that need to be remembered all year, and reminded me of the importance of friendships, and the blogging friends that I'm grateful to have made, yours is of course included in my prayers of gratitude!

  22. HEY WOOS!!!! OMD, what a lovely THANKSGIVNG POSTIE!!! I hopes you and your family had a most FABulous Thanksgiving and had lots of turkey and stuffing and lots and lots of love!
    Ruby ♥

  23. Thank you for taking the time to write! I hope you had a wonderful day.

  24. Charlee: "Happy belated Thanksgiving to you, Woos!"
    Chaplin: "Thank you for being Dennis's friends for so many years, and thank you for being our friends now!"

  25. WE are very late sending our greetings, but what a lovely post to send to us! We hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving...all the best to you and yours!

    Kiki and Nala

  26. I'm thankful I inherited such amazing furiends when I came to Blogville! I'm sure thankful for YOU!


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