Friday, December 18, 2020

Festive Family Friday

And now all we need is some SNOW!!!

Thank you to everyone for your kind words about Angel Piper.  We know he is sending you all his thanks with a sweet song from the Rainbow Bridge.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  1. oooh that's the perfect sled... and with some snow you an start your own iditarod race ;O)

  2. Oh what a beautiful sled. So yes, you definitely need some snow. Us too. All we have here is rain, rain and more rain...

  3. Tis a lovely sled, an heirloom maybe? Tho you may need two more if the snow does fall (it does not look as tho it will hold "all" of you).

  4. What a lovely sled! I hope you get your snow.

  5. Bring your sled here, guys. I have plenty of the white stuffs for sledding!

  6. Great picture. I love your sleigh. I have a little decorative one like it.

  7. You pups look very festive there!

    So sad about Piper.

  8. I hope you get to have some snow fun gang!

  9. Oh look at that great sled. So who gets to go first if it should happen to snow?? Maybe Santa will bring some great snow. You all take care.

  10. Oh Kathie I'm so very sorry about Piper....what a sweet little song bird he was. I recall from the experiences Marlu and Greg had with their Quaker...birds have very sensitive little bodies. Fly free and with a song in your heart Piper.

    Dearest Woos...I'm excited for your snow...clapping happily and of course your photo. We were walking around our hood yesterday. We came upon a teen walking his puppy Sibies....little guy growled at us when I spoke. Silly Sibie I tried to tell him I new his kissin' cousins but he was not impressed. BOL
    With hugs and purrs

  11. We are SO sad and SORRY about Angel Piper - we missed reading your blog yesterday but just saw that he'd been failing a bit and has joined the Bird Choir at the Rainbow Bridge. He sure had a gorgeous voice. You all look ready for Christmas....I'm sure Santa has lots of goodies for all of you!!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  12. Woos, sleigh and no snow oh no! You pups look so darling, love those Woo faces.

  13. Aw, you three are most adorable. All ready for Christmas and I know you're helping mom with anything she needs.

    Have a woof woof day and weekend. My best to your mom. ♥

  14. You all look very festive....and you didn't even have to wear HATS!
    We sure hope you see snow for Christmas!!

  15. Yes, three pups and a sled cry for snow. Not too much for the sake of your parents, though. 🙂

  16. Hi Woo friends! Ojo here! A SLED! For SLED DOGS! Wooo-woooooo!!!

  17. We hope you get that snow. We finally got a few inches and it's been cold enough for it to stick around for a few days.

  18. We have a lot of it. Are you going to pull one another in the sled?

  19. You all look adorable, and we still get a real kick out of seeing all three of you together!


  20. I hear you! We all need a little snow!xx Speedy

  21. We hope you get snow!!!

    The Florida Furkids


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