Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Happy Tuesday - The Name Game


It's Happy Tuesday, and we are all happy!!!

Do you notice anything different about us?

Well, that's a silly question, Mom - of course they can't see through our thick furs.

NOW you can see - we got new collars AND they are all matching.  Well, the color and pattern match, but each one has our name and Mom's cell phone embroidered on them.  We love the color and we love that they are all the same - after all, we ARE The Three Husketeers.

Here is a closer look. They really are nicer than they look here, but Mom blurred out some of the numbers for the photos here.  She doesn't want any prank calls or annoying robocalls.  But trust us, they are really beautiful and stylish.

We love our new collars, and now we hope Mom will get us matching leashes.  We all hope you find reasons to be happy today.  Let's hop along with the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop sponsored by Comedy Plus.

Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  1. You are all so very good looking and I love your new collars. Moms smart to have your names and her phone number on them too. I returned a pup that had that by just calling her and she was most happy to have her baby back.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  2. Those are lovely new collars. Yes, your mum definitely doesn't want any tricky calls if someone sees the number. I keep getting robocalls telling me I am being prosecuted for tax fraud and to press a number to see how I can avoid a criminal record. Yeah right, I wasn't born under a gooseberry bush!

  3. WOW gang, those collars sure are fancy and the phone number is a purrfect addition!

  4. You pups look really posh in your new collars! We hope you're having some good times with your family.

  5. Hari OM
    You three look sooooo gawjuss and smiley and truly happy... and well-dressed to boot...er paw.... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  6. Guys! You ALWAYS look terrific! You always have such gorgeous smiles and we would be sming too if we all had matching collars! We LOVE visiting you and LOVE your comments! We hope you have a marvellously happy day!

  7. Those are great looking collars. We could tell that you didn't have any collars on so we guessed it had something to do with them. Hopefully you will never have to let anyone read them and you always stay safe with your mom.

  8. Those are beautiful. They are very special and your name on them makes them even more special.

  9. OH MY WOOS!!!! Those are FABulous collars!!! You knows Ma (used to) make me wear two collars, cause I (was) a Houdini, and could break out of any collar or harness and make a break for it! (nows she says since I gots the arthitis in my shoulder, I am slower, and she could catch me if I gots away, so only one collar is needed nows...rude.) Anyhu, those are most beautifuls, and I thinks Ma needs to gets me one as FABulous as those!
    Ruby ♥

  10. They are SO beautiful. Your mom is the bestest!

  11. That's a great idea to keep you all safe. ❤️

  12. we love the new fashion collection.... and even pawsonalized ;O)

  13. Those are super collars, so smart and functional. Shall I let you into a secret? In my younger days I would occasionally run off into the woods when out on walk, and several times it was the phone number on my tag that people used to contact Gail and reunite us. But we know your Mom is far too responsible to allow such a situation ever to occur...
    Toodle pip!

  14. You guys are stylin' in your beautiful new collars!

  15. You look so sweet sitting so good with your new collars, I put a kiss on the tip of each nose and hugged your neck, from a far. what a super idea on the collars and they are beautiful and they make you safe if anything happened

  16. Those are really nice collars. Mom got me a new collar last year but I'm such a good escape artist that I can wiggle out of it. So I'm still wearing my old collar. Oh well.

  17. Those are some 'furbulous' collars! Love the color.

  18. Happy, Happy! Love you all ... A

    OH, polka dots. And they're white on blue! Can I have a collar just like that? Purr, please. Oh, what, you say I don't wear a collar ... but, but, they're so so pretty ... JUNE

  19. Gee those are really SWELL (and pretty) collars - great that your phone number is on there too for safety sake. You all look happy about the new collars but then you are ALWAYS smiling!!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  20. What pawsome new collars guys...we may have to ask Mama to get some for us!!
    Rosy and the Gang

  21. I love the collars and the color is perfect! There was a time when all our dogs had matching collars. Being OCD, I loved that they all matched. 😊

  22. Hi Woo friends! Ojo here! Those collars look great! The best part is that if your tags fall off (I scrape mine off in the bushes all the time), you can still find your people again! Hurray!

  23. Lulu: "Matching outfits! Like the X-Men!"

  24. Those are some super nice collars! Always good to have the phone # NOT on a tag that can get lost!


Thanks for wooing at us. We love your comments!